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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

it could just be a really badly translated version of the Gospel of Mathew to blame: "21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and made it a den of thieves. "
And Jesus never once funded vital health services for women when a wave of the hand would do.
Well now. This is a pretty stupid admission.

President Donald Trump admitted he knew weeks before the first confirmed US coronavirus death that the virus was dangerous, airborne, highly contagious and "more deadly than even your strenuous flus," and that he repeatedly played it down publicly, according to legendary journalist Bob Woodward in his new book "Rage."

"This is deadly stuff," Trump told Woodward on February 7.

In a series of interviews with Woodward, Trump revealed that he had a surprising level of detail about the threat of the virus earlier than previously known. "Pretty amazing," Trump told Woodward, adding that the coronavirus was maybe five times "more deadly" than the flu.

Trump's admissions are in stark contrast to his frequent public comments at the time insisting that the virus was "going to disappear" and "all work out fine."

The book, using Trump's own words, depicts a President who has betrayed the public trust and the most fundamental responsibilities of his office. In "Rage," Trump says the job of a president is "to keep our country safe." But in early February, Trump told Woodward he knew how deadly the virus was, and in March, admitted he kept that knowledge hidden from the public.

"I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19, even as he had declared a national emergency over the virus days earlier. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."

If instead of playing down what he knew, Trump had acted decisively in early February with a strict shutdown and a consistent message to wear masks, social distance and wash hands, experts believe that thousands of American lives could have been saved....
He says in the interview "this is five percent [fatality rate] as opposed to one percent and less than one percent [for flu]" - he'll just say it didn't turn out so bad and anyway China were hiding case data. A non-story.
For what its worth, Michael Cohen suggested that he do just that and let Pence pardon him.

What could Pence pardon him for? He couldn't be tried and convicted before the mandate expires in January; and I wouldn't imagine that Pence would lift a finger to help Trump once he became President.

As to the idea that he could just refuse to leave the Whitehouse; in a sensible world they'd just leave him and any loyalists pooing and pissing in the bunker. In reality, they'd probably take the Waco/Ruby Ridge solution and bomb and burn him out. Just like we did in 1812.
What could Pence pardon him for? He couldn't be tried and convicted before the mandate expires in January; and I wouldn't imagine that Pence would lift a finger to help Trump once he became President.

As to the idea that he could just refuse to leave the Whitehouse; in a sensible world they'd just leave him and any loyalists pooing and pissing in the bunker. In reality, they'd probably take the Waco/Ruby Ridge solution and bomb and burn him out. Just like we did in 1812.
Ford pardoned nixon
And sadly in 1812 the president wasn't burned in the white house
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Ford pardoned nixon
And sadly in 1812 the president wasn't burned in the white house
So he did. Odd that you can be pardoned without being convicted.

If he does hunker down in the bunker, we could send in Kim Darroch, a man who knows the building and bears a grudge. I'm sure Porton Down and the AWRE could fit him up with a vest which could cause total but localised annihilation
Ford pardoned nixon
And sadly in 1812 the president wasn't burned in the white house

He wasn't burned, but he was forced to flee the capital, insulted and humiliated, which is almost as good.

Madison, with no guards and only a small entourage, fled into Virginia. He wandered the dark roads. Refugees from Washington clogged the taverns and many of the private homes ....The citizenry by now had turned against the Madisons. The president and his wife were targets of insults as they roamed the Virginia byways.

Madison went to a tavern the night of the 25th, but there were rumors that the British were coming to capture him, and he was evacuated to what has been called a “hovel in the woods,” possibly a shack belonging to a ferryman just above Great Falls.

Well now. This is a pretty stupid admission.

wtf? he admitted that to Bob Woodward???:eek::facepalm:
Well now. This is a pretty stupid admission.

Apologies if this sounds like whataboutery on behalf of Trump, but what Woodward has done there is absolutely disgraceful. Warning at the time that Trump knew this was much worse than he was saying might well have improved the lamentable response and saved many lives.

edit: also apologies for repeating what many people have said on Twitter already
What could Pence pardon him for? He couldn't be tried and convicted before the mandate expires in January; and I wouldn't imagine that Pence would lift a finger to help Trump once he became President.

  • Obstruction of justice (multiple counts)
  • Bribery (Ukraine)
  • Violation of the Emoluments Clause
  • Conflict of interest
  • Revealing state secrets
  • Campaign finance violations
  • RICO violations
  • Abuse of power

I'm sure if I thought about it a while I could come up with a few more. Trump has pardoned more than one person who hadn't been convicted yet. I assume Pence could do the same.

As to the idea that he could just refuse to leave the Whitehouse; in a sensible world they'd just leave him and any loyalists pooing and pissing in the bunker. In reality, they'd probably take the Waco/Ruby Ridge solution and bomb and burn him out. Just like we did in 1812.

More likely what he's going to do is to muddle up the election results so much that there'll be chaos on the streets and it will all go to the Supreme Court. Its possible that he's had enough nominees to have it packed in his favor. Remember that when Florida did a recount, they found that Al Gore had won the election, but the Supreme Court installed his opponent.
Well now. This is a pretty stupid admission.

I've just read that CNN piece in full. Fucking fucking hell:eek:
If there is some way of getting that through the letter box and on the dining table of every uncommitted voter in the swing states, the Dems should do it.
If that article is even a reasonably representative, faithful reeflection of the contents of W"oodward's book, then that is quite simply the most damning verdict of any elected head of government that I think I have ever come across.
He says in the interview "this is five percent [fatality rate] as opposed to one percent and less than one percent [for flu]" - he'll just say it didn't turn out so bad and anyway China were hiding case data. A non-story.
FTR: Bob Woodward has written 19 books, as well as being (arguably) America's most famous journalist.
Not a single one of those books has ever been a 'non-story'.
He was also once a registered Republican.

Having said that, the fanatical trumpists will ignore it - but they're too far gone anyway.
wtf? he admitted that to Bob Woodward???:eek::facepalm:

Woodward has documented a lot of President's, after his first book on President Trump "Fear" Trump complained that he hadn't been able to talk to him directly, and said Kelly Ann Conway hadn't passed on the request. Hence the access on this one.
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