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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

michael cohen's book is out and it is going to be another really bad day in the whitehouse. thread of highlights:
Americas worship of the military is OTT but not attending a memorial because it's raining was pathetic as is trumps rants.
Their not from a principled stand against the constant wars the waste etc. He wasn't against the War in Vietnam he just didn't want to go.
The generation of the "elite" who dodged the war should have been shamed out of public life. Nothing of value would have been lost.
The war was moronic and Evil sending the poor was the just extra evil.
At least in ww1 the young of the elite lead the charge fat lot of good that it did them😢 2nd Lts life expectancy was 6 weeks.
Americas worship of the military is OTT but not attending a memorial because it's raining was pathetic as is trumps rants.
Their not from a principled stand against the constant wars the waste etc. He wasn't against the War in Vietnam he just didn't want to go.
The generation of the "elite" who dodged the war should have been shamed out of public life. Nothing of value would have been lost.
The war was moronic and Evil sending the poor was the just extra evil.
At least in ww1 the young of the elite lead the charge fat lot of good that it did them😢 2nd Lts life expectancy was 6 weeks.
Quite incredibly for a nation which so fetishises all thing military, rhe last president to see significant military service was...GH Bush Snr (no, dubya, the National Air Guard does NOT count!).

Quite incredibly for a nation which so fetishises all thing military, rhe last president to see significant military service was...GH Bush Snr (no, dubya, the National Air Guard does NOT count!).

Yep - veterans were defeated by non-veterans in five elections in a row from 1992 to 2008, suggesting reverence for military service only goes that far.
I'm going with Trump not knowing anything about art.....

Trump Took Art From Ambassador’s Home in Paris, But Pieces Were Fakes and Replicas

President Donald Trump’s November 2018 trip to France is again in the news because of his canceled trip to a cemetery for fallen Marines and allegations that he disparaged veterans. But Bloomberg reports on another aspect of the trip that raised more than a few eyebrows. After Trump’s cemetery trip was canceled, the president suddenly had a few hours to kill inside the U.S. ambassador’s historic residence in Paris and it seems that during that time he took a particular liking to a few pieces of art. The next day, he ordered a Benjamin Franklin bust, a Franklin portrait and a set of figurines of Greek mythical characters be loaded on Air Force One to go back to Washington with him, reports Bloomberg.
The art was reportedly worth some $750,000 and the White House may have called them “historical” but the truth is that they were fakes and replicas. The figurines that now sit in the Oval Office are from the early 20th century by an artist who was trying to claim they were from the 16th or 17 centuries.
To be fair a 16th or 17th century bust of Benjamin Franklin might be difficult to identify as him.
I read the whole article for that reason only. It's obviously only the figurines that are fake 16/17th century given Franklin wasn't born till the 18th. The full article says ' The Franklin bust and portrait were also copies of the originals. ' and it turns out they had the original of the portrait at least in the National Portrait Gallery and put this in the White House instead. Al least the figurines are pretty, the painting was a copy of something he had the original of.
I read the whole article for that reason only. It's obviously only the figurines that are fake 16/17th century given Franklin wasn't born till the 18th. The full article says ' The Franklin bust and portrait were also copies of the originals. ' and it turns out they had the original of the portrait at least in the National Portrait Gallery and put this in the White House instead. Al least the figurines are pretty, the painting was a copy of something he had the original of.

Its pretty common in the museum world to loan works of art out to other museums. I'm pretty sure most museums would be happy to loan some of their work to the White House if it was requested. These loans are usually governed by contracts that state the conditions the art is to be kept under and how long the loan is for. I've been disappointed a couple of times in going to a museum only to find the one work that I wanted to see was out on loan.
Its pretty common in the museum world to loan works of art out to other museums. I'm pretty sure most museums would be happy to loan some of their work to the White House if it was requested. These loans are usually governed by contracts that state the conditions the art is to be kept under and how long the loan is for. I've been disappointed a couple of times in going to a museum only to find the one work that I wanted to see was out on loan.

Remember this one?

The Guggenheim Museum has reportedly turned down a White House request to borrow a Van Gogh painting, and has instead offered the Trump administration the use of a golden toilet.

The White House had asked the Guggenheim, based in New York, to borrow Landscape With Snow, Van Gogh’s 1888 work depicting a man and a dog walking through a field.


On the throne: what it's like to use the Guggenheim's solid gold toilet

But the Guggenheim’s chief curator, Nancy Spector, turned down the request, the Washington Post reported on Thursday. Instead she said the White House could loan an 18-carat toilet – an installation by artist Maurizio Cattelan.

The fully functioning toilet, titled America, was installed in the Guggenheim in September 2016. It was available for public use, and tens of thousands of people obliged. But with the exhibition over, Spector saw that the toilet could now potentially serve the president.
Remember this one?

Had Trump taken up the offer of the golden jakes and had the odd stupid shit in it, the Guggenheim wouldn't have lent it to Blenheim Palace from whence it was stolen and presumably sincebeen melted down. Blenheim Palace was also the birthplace of Winston Churchill, the removal of whose bust has in the past provoked controversy in the Oval Office.

Churchill bust in Oval Office again as Donald Trump settles in
I definitely wasn't expecting Trump to launch a scathing attack on the military-industrial complex, not that it means a lot coming from a president who has massively increased the Pentagon's budget.

I'm not saying the military's in love with me -- the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy," Trump told reporters at a White House news conference.

I definitely wasn't expecting Trump to launch a scathing attack on the military-industrial complex, not that it means a lot coming from a president who has massively increased the Pentagon's budget.

Also, he might be wrong about the soldiers loving him, esp in light of his alleged "losers" comments ...
Also, he might be wrong about the soldiers loving him, esp in light of his alleged "losers" comments ...

Even before the "losers" stuff, polls showed him behind Biden among troops - they apparently tend to lean more Republican, but they weren't impressed by his handling of reports that Russia paid bounties for Afghan fighters to kill troops, or by his suggestion that they be deployed to crush unrest in American cities.

I definitely wasn't expecting Trump to launch a scathing attack on the military-industrial complex, not that it means a lot coming from a president who has massively increased the Pentagon's budget.

Yeah, but as we all know, it's a bullshit smokescreen. That's not how the MIC as described by Eisenhower works...
Yeah, but as we all know, it's a bullshit smokescreen. That's not how the MIC as described by Eisenhower works...

Yes, he seems to have no understanding that funding for such things starts in the House, but its not the first time that Republicans haven't seemed to understand that article of the Constitution or that the military is under the command of the civilian government. It seems to be another veiled jab at the military, in this case the generals, who overwhelmingly disapprove of him as Yossarian's post above notes.
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He's in executive order signing mode today and has gone all Green today extending and expanding the moratorium on offshore oil-drilling in Florida and now Georgia.

Obviously this sounds like sensible shit, and an amazing flip-flop given his normal rhetoric.
He's in executive order signing mode today and has gone all Green today extending and expanding the moratorium on offshore oil-drilling in Florida and now Georgia.

Obviously this sounds like sensible shit, and an amazing flip-flop given his normal rhetoric.

Not really amazing; Florida's big earner is tourism (much more than energy resources), and offshore drilling can hurt those revenues (and has in the past). The more those industries, and the people working in them take a hit, the more Trump's vote seeps away.
it's 100% about his re-election bid.
e2a: he really has to win Florida, or it's bye-bye donald
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