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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Not a real tweet, unless it's from the "deleted by a White House aide who grabbed the phone out of his hands" list.

Trump's tweets haven't seemed particularly unhinged lately, and the spelling and grammar has been much improved. A lot of his tweets were already written by White House social media director Dan Scavino, I think he might have completely taken over the account, or at least persuaded Trump to agree to a "cooling off" period for the 3am tweets.
one difference between left and right is that posters from the left see it as a fake it (hopefully) stops there, but when right wing posters see something like that about (eg) Biden they'll pass it on anyway.
Wait til they get a load of the latest Bad Lip Reading Axios spoof...

Can't link to it by phone, but probably belongs on the ridicule thread, anyway.
one difference between left and right is that posters from the left see it as a fake it (hopefully) stops there, but when right wing posters see something like that about (eg) Biden they'll pass it on anyway.
When you subscribe to a political ideology that thrives on simple messaging and even simpler solutions, critical thinking does not rank highly in the rhetorical arsenal of weapons at your disposal....
Dodgy goings-on in plain sight:

Good news, if true:

All to the same end, hoping to convince as many people as possible to not bother voting. He knows that's his & the republican party's best chance. It is terrifying that he can openly say without dissembling that he would quite like the national postal service to collapse within the coming weeks, because that might help him. And on it goes and i still get shocked.
I know what you mean - I feel the same way. I can't even imagine the UK reaching that point
one difference between left and right is that posters from the left see it as a fake it (hopefully) stops there, but when right wing posters see something like that about (eg) Biden they'll pass it on anyway.

Plenty of false shite gets passed on by opponents too, the ‘upside down bible’ thing has been repeated on this site in the last couple of days, plus some dishonesty around the USPS stuff (plans to remove some postal machines pre-date Trump putting a crony in charge, more to do with fewer letters these days as people communicate by other means, not that it isn’t something he aims to capitalise on).
that's nothing, both washington's parents were british subjects. and he wasn't born in the united states.

and he wasn't alone. john tyler was the first president born in the usa.

but you don't see the fucking birthers pointing that out

Washington was also born a British subject, and in fact he was an officer commissioned into...the British Army.

Are you... Pickman'splaining..? :hmm:
Plenty of false shite gets passed on by opponents too, the ‘upside down bible’ thing has been repeated on this site in the last couple of days, plus some dishonesty around the USPS stuff (plans to remove some postal machines pre-date Trump putting a crony in charge, more to do with fewer letters these days as people communicate by other means, not that it isn’t something he aims to capitalise on).
But pressing ahead with the removal of postal machines when the pandemic is going to result in a huge surge in postal voting is very much a thing. As is refusing to provide the funds to enable the service to cope with the demand. And trump openly stated that he is doing it to deter "fraudulent" postal voting. Its mugabe level shithousery.
But pressing ahead with the removal of postal machines when the pandemic is going to result in a huge surge in postal voting is very much a thing. As is refusing to provide the funds to enable the service to cope with the demand. And trump openly stated that he is doing it to deter "fraudulent" postal voting. Its mugabe level shithousery.
Yep. He’s being very open about his intention to render that this election as chaotic and unaccountable as possible.

Mind you, I don't think the good ol' US of A has anything like the "Electoral Reform Society" that 'moderates' postal elections in the UK.

Several UK trade unions and building societies as well as the National Trust conduct elections and AGM votes by post ...
Mind you, I don't think the good ol' US of A has anything like the "Electoral Reform Society" that 'moderates' postal elections in the UK.

Several UK trade unions and building societies as well as the National Trust conduct elections and AGM votes by post ...
Yes, they have a commercial services wing that provides election management services, makes enough to pay - several times over - for the PR campaigning wing. In fact, a one-time poster on thsi site, articul8, used to work for them
Mind you, I don't think the good ol' US of A has anything like the "Electoral Reform Society" that 'moderates' postal elections in the UK.

Several UK trade unions and building societies as well as the National Trust conduct elections and AGM votes by post ...
More relevantly, what we also have that they don't have, is 100% impartial, ringfenced-off-from-the-politicians, public sector organisations to draw up electoral boundaries (like our boundary Commission) or to supervise and manage elections (like our electoral commission). In the States, they're both open season for the p;oliticians, with completely prerdictable consequences.
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More relevantly, what we also have that they don't have, is 100% impartial, ringfenced-off-from-the-politicians, public sector organisations to draw up electoral boundaries (like our boundary Commission) or to supervise and manage elections (like our electoral commission). In the States, they're both open season for the p;oliticians, with completely prerdictable consequences.

Although, there have been situations where various boundary changes - and other policies / activities at a more local level - in the UK appear to have disadvantaged the less right wing parties (my late father told me about some in the Leeds area, many decades ago, from his late teenage/early twenties years).
The process has been termed "Gerrymandering" ...
Gerrymandering - Wikipedia - contains a worldwide list of examples.
Although, there have been situations where various boundary changes - and other policies / activities at a more local level - in the UK appear to have disadvantaged the less right wing parties (my late father told me about some in the Leeds area, many decades ago, from his late teenage/early twenties years).
The process has been termed "Gerrymandering" ...
Gerrymandering - Wikipedia - contains a worldwide list of examples.
Westminster council was a particularly egregious example, which ended up with the Leader of the Council, one Shirley Porter, whisky-drinking buddy of a certain Margaret Thatcher, doing a runner to Israel and, er, "divesting" herself of her wealth to avoid paying the legally-upheld surcharges imposed on her for her attempts to gerrymander the vote.

So the kind of corrupt shit we're seeing at the moment isn't unprecedented, even if it is a bit more blatant than usual. And, as ever, the moneyed right have both the most to gain by fucking over the average citizen, and the ability - and hubris - to at least try to get away with it, with varying degrees of blatantness.
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