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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Everything about this is madness. Trump's ignorance, the interviewer's exasperation, even the way it's been filmed to (almost) look like one of those 'cringe' scenes on the Office, and David Brent is about to appear with his guitar.

It does give an insight to how blinkered DT is: you give information, he immediately scews it to fit his world view, and there is no way you can change or argue it - you're wrong, he's right.

That was such a carcrash, I didn't know whether to cringe or laugh

Everything about this is madness. Trump's ignorance, the interviewer's exasperation, even the way it's been filmed to (almost) look like one of those 'cringe' scenes on the Office, and David Brent is about to appear with his guitar.

It does give an insight to how blinkered DT is: you give information, he immediately scews it to fit his world view, and there is no way you can change or argue it - you're wrong, he's right.

see, this is fucking weird. people siding with massive tech companies and brutal repressive regimes because Trump is doing something against them.
Since when is pointing out trumps bad business ideas siding with tech companies or china.
Blackmail is tax when the government does it.
There would also have been no takeover absent his intervention. I get your point and fuck everyone involved but this is something else and he certainly won't be doing same to corporations where theres no nationalist narrative to whip up as distraction.
why is it a 'bad business idea' to tax the fuck out of a corporate takeover? it's only bad for the business being taxed - so calling it bad is siding with them.
It's arbitrary, though. Like executing one shoplifter. More to the point, it's never ever going to happen. Anything's a bad idea if it's just a stupid top-of-the-head belch.
There would also have been no takeover absent his intervention. I get your point and fuck everyone involved but this is something else and he certainly won't be doing same to corporations where theres no nationalist narrative to whip up as distraction.
I think there's two parts to this takeover story.

The reason it's hit the headlines is Trump announcing, once takeover negotiations had started, that Microsoft would have to pay a substantial cut to the Treasury for Trump making it happen. Microsoft thought they were getting this deal given to them. They and other businesses are now all Wait! What? We have to give money to the government? After we went to all that trouble avoiding paying taxes? killer b is absolutely right that this is a good thing and should happen more. I suspect the idea wasn't some distraction/burying bad news strategy, just Trump having his swashbuckler capitalist hat on, thinking Where's my cut? and announcing it to everyone's surprise.

The second part is the ongoing trade war between the US and China, where the US has taken to forcing Chinese tech companies to sell out to US companies. This isn't the first time it's happened. Grindr's Chinese owners were recently forced to sell the dating site to a US acquisition group, again on national security grounds. The question is: how much is this driven by genuine concerns about Chinese state access to US citizens' data and how much is it about ensuring US ownership of data mining tech giants? A bit of both, but leaning to the latter I'd guess.
Its not a tax though is it , its more like blackmail.

(((Bill Gates and Uncle Xi))

Given that most of those convinced that Gates is going to inject microchips into everyone under the pretence of protecting us from C19 are Trump supporters, I'm surprised that he is so I overtly giving Gates control of even more of people's personal data.
Having (rightly in my opinion) signed Executive orders addressing America's sinister medical industrial complex about a week ago, he tweets (again) that he expects to be alive and in power to at least the age of 102

Having (rightly in my opinion) signed Executive orders addressing America's sinister medical industrial complex about a week ago, he tweets (again) that he expects to be alive and in power to at least the age of 102

The animation at the top left corner keeps the numbers flipping upwards to TRUMP 10,000, followed by TRUMP4EVA - it's some very low-quality trolling, especially since he's posted it at least three times before.
Trump weighs in on the Beirut explosion by claiming it was an attack.

“I would advise against listening to Donald Trump at the best of times, let alone the worst,” Tom Fletcher, a former British ambassador to Lebanon, said.

“You can’t show up unprepared for the Middle East. Careless messaging from the White House has consequences, even when no one takes the tweeter seriously. I hope future American presidents will try to help put out fires in the region, not fan them.”

As for 45? Not counting the various conflicts around the globe that the US is involved in, he's presided over 150 thousand domestic deaths and counting.

and what cost his toxification of public discourse with his whipping up of the far right, his blatant racism and casual misogyny ? who the fuck knows what grim consequences that may have in time?
see, this is fucking weird. people siding with massive tech companies and brutal repressive regimes because Trump is doing something against them.
absolutely nothing wrong with screwing over the big tech companies and taxing the fuck out of them. ditto, the horrific regime that is the PRC.
It's just that the way Trump is trying to do it is 100% fantasyland politics. He can't actually do anything that he's pretending to try to do against them. It's axctually impossible., legally, to do so, so it's another con trick, so all it ends up with is another Big Tech bunch - microsoft - taking their stuff. It's a complete snow job.
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