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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

things aren't going acc. to plan

there's one hitch to the anti-trumpism: the campaign manager obviously never expected 800.000 people to show up. the tickets were sold to take in money, and provide a souvenir to trumpers, as parscale himself says. but the emptiness of the hall and the capitulation to the realities of the coronavirus - we'll see how the campaign spins that.

correction, take in contact onfo, not money, the tix were free.

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posted by Jack Anderson on Facebook.

There was one good news story yesterday, it's a little bit complicated but, I assure you, you will enjoy it:
Donald Trump decided to hold a rally for his presidential campaign last night at a 19,000 seat stadium in Tulsa. Before the rally the Trump campaign had been bragging that a million people had reserved (but not paid for) tickets. They made people sign waivers absolving the Trump campaign of any responsibility if they got sick as a result of the rally, and they effectively banned people from wearing masks. They thought that the event would be so vast that they would need an outdoor overflow event, so booked a speaker to come and entertain the second crowd, the ones who would be unable to take their place inside the massive building.
So far, so bad.
But there was something going on behind the scenes which the Trump campaign had not accounted for: **** K-Pop fans again. Also TikTok teens.
The K-Pop fans and TikTok teens had reserved enormous, unholy amounts of tickets. In the end it looks like less than 9,000 Trump fans arrived to his rally, their hoarse cheers echoing around the empty stands as he burbled demented, racist nonsense.
And the cherry on top? The chef's kiss to compliment this train wreck? There was a prominent figure booked to speak to the crowd outdoors, a crowd that did not exist. His luck had been down lately, he had lost his job and had nothing to do, so had been flown thousands of miles to stand around an empty car park and despondently ponder his past glories.
That sad, pitiful figure's name?
Nigel Farage.
Good afternoon.
Despite his appearance (Stereotype . . . yeah! I know) - give him a listen

Howdy Beau, its the internet people.

One thing I've noticed with people from rural areas (myself included). When having a discussion with someone not from the sticks, the accent gets emphasized for effect. When talking to each other, the ruralisms aren't slathered on anywhere near so thick.
Howdy Beau, its the internet people.

One thing I've noticed with people from rural areas (myself included). When having a discussion with someone not from the sticks, the accent gets emphasized for effect. When talking to each other, the ruralisms aren't slathered on anywhere near so thick.

It actually comes across as a friendly sort of accent (as long as the content doesn't belie that :))
Doh !
Ever heard of watermarking ?
you know, like on official documents or currency ?

If the ballot isn't on the official, watermarked / impressed and numbered form, it ain't valid.
simples !

keep a record of numbers issued for checking purposes ...
Do they have some stupid rule over there that prevents republicans using postal ballots? :facepalm:

no, and in fact utah, one of the most Republican states in the country, home to mitt Romney, uses mail in voting mostly.

the mail-in bullshit trump is airing above was tried in a month or so ago and was swatted aside even by rightwing outlets.

my point in posting that tweet was to say that after the fuckupsa in tulsa, trump feels he is reduced to outright vote-rigging to win again, as Raheem indicated just above.
I was totally wrong the other day: The President has doubled down and made clear he was entirely serious when he said he would like less Covid testing, so as to reduce the number of cases.
If you can get your head round the spectacular stupidity and selfishness of it (he doesn’t understand what testing is for, he can only see the high number of cases as a thing that hurts Donald Trump) I think this is a perfect prism through which to understand how totally not normal this person is, he’s not even a normal sort of villain it’s something else entirely that got elected there.
Earlier today, he tweeted a video of a black man beating up a white man and some shit about black-on-white racism. I don't think he's ever tweeted footage of white people meting out violence to black people. He thrives on sowing division, fear and hate.
I was totally wrong the other day: The President has doubled down and made clear he was entirely serious when he said he would like less Covid testing, so as to reduce the number of cases.
If you can get your head round the spectacular stupidity and selfishness of it (he doesn’t understand what testing is for, he can only see the high number of cases as a thing that hurts Donald Trump) I think this is a perfect prism through which to understand how totally not normal this person is, he’s not even a normal sort of villain it’s something else entirely that got elected there.
He was well past that when he visited CDC in Atlanta a few months back and flat out stated that Americans on a quarantined cruise ship should be left on board, so that " his" infected numbers wouldn't increase if they were evacuated landside for isolation and treatment......

Not one of the CDC heads standing there said a word... Redfield was even grinning
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