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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

The thing is, he's already fucked his injunction attempt by claiming the book is one long tissue of lies - at the same time as his legal team are basing their case on claiming it releases classified information.

It can't do both, you complete cock jockey!
Reminds me of when the authors of The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail tried to sue Dan Brown for lifting the entire premise of the book and using it in The Da Vinci Code. They failed as they'd published their pseudohistorical bollocks as non-fiction
Don't know if even a smidgeon of this is true but it's off the wall in high octane goss and believable.

so if he really is dyslexic it would legitimately explain his avoidance of reading.
it' hard to believe the diaper business but the rest of it sounds perfectly right, after having to see the guy in the local papers for the last 35 years.
The thing is, he's already fucked his injunction attempt by claiming the book is one long tissue of lies - at the same time as his legal team are basing their case on claiming it releases classified information.

It can't do both, you complete cock jockey!

Can't it? Stating, for example, that he's an illegal immigrant and that he wears a wig within the book would do that.
AG‘s department releases a statement to say District Attorney for the Southern District of New York is resigning. They also announced his replacement would be someone closely involved with Jeffrey Epstein and who had formerly represented Deutschebank.

Berman, DA for SDNY, issues a statement saying, ”I’m not fucking resigning and you can’t fire me, cunts” or words to that effect.

btw, he's got info about the aliens, but he won't tell you what it is.

Let's have a guess, aliens are either terrific and they say great things about him, or they're bad hombres and going to pay for space force etc...
This woman was probably there to test out what the President meant when he tweeted yesterday that any protesters would be treated 'differently' if they dared come to where his rally is but she has proved her point. Says she bought a ticket , was just there wearing the obviously wrong clothes and they arrested her on the street. Charged with trespassing ?
but wait

nothing to do with him

So Barr fraudulently claimed so ?

what a shitshow

I've just booked a week off from work , for the first week of Nov around the US elections ....its just going to be bigley drama
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things aren't going acc. to plan

there's one hitch to the anti-trumpism: the campaign manager obviously never expected 800.000 people to show up. the tickets were sold to take in money, and provide a souvenir to trumpers, as parscale himself says. but the emptiness of the hall and the capitulation to the realities of the coronavirus - we'll see how the campaign spins that.
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