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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

How do the people stood behind him not react. My face would scrunched like an old rag.

I love the footage of the bleech moment where the woman sat nearest him starts squirming and her feet start to turn inwards with cringe.
The gibbering loon now appears to be threatening to replace National Guard troops in DC with regular Army troops, but I guess by saying "a different group of men and women" he's left himself enough wiggle room to later claim that he was talking about the Boy Scouts or something.

Putting those words into George Floyd’s mouth could be the crassest, most insensitive thing he’s ever said. I couldn’t watch that ‘conference’. Even the worst bits in the following thread are hard to sit through:

Apart from everything else, he did just say that they had 2 million vaccines ready to go, didn't he?

(That clip is short and only about the vaccines).
Apart from everything else, he did just say that they had 2 million vaccines ready to go, didn't he?

(That clip is short and only about the vaccines).

He's playing fast and loose with the votes of tin foil hat demographic. Bill Gates has probably snuck one of his mind-control implants into Trump's barnet.
The gibbering loon now appears to be threatening to replace National Guard troops in DC with regular Army troops, but I guess by saying "a different group of men and women" he's left himself enough wiggle room to later claim that he was talking about the Boy Scouts or something.

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Can’t believe we’ve got to the point where everyone’s so used to him that this, the President threatening to invade an American city , is not even making much news
Can’t believe we’ve got to the point where everyone’s so used to him that this, the President threatening to invade an American city , is not even making much news

The District of Columbia has an African American majority population but because of its historical peculiarities it is a place where black votes don't matter. The Mayor who is the highest elected authority (Washington has no governor or senator and elects a non-voting observer to the House of Representatives) can make token gestures such as changing the names of streets, but she has no control over military deployment on those streets, if Trump wants to send in the National Guard or the regular army he can.
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The church photo op, amongst other things, seems to have backfired on Trump.

President Donald Trump’s favorability ratings have recently dipped among two religious groups that make up a core part of his religious base: white Catholics and white evangelicals.

Only 37% of white Catholics held a favorable view of Trump in May, down from a peak of 60% in March, according to a Public Religion Research Institute survey published Friday.

The president’s approval rating among white evangelical Protestants, a key constituency, also dropped, from March’s peak of 77% to 62% in May. This is about the same as his average favorability among this group throughout 2019, which was 64%.

The PRRI survey was conducted via telephone from May 26 through May 31 as the country reacted to the May 25 police killing of George Floyd, a Black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. PRRI recorded a shift in opinion among all white Christians within the time that the survey was conducted. During the first half of the survey period, Trump’s favorability was 57% among white Christians. By the second half, as Trump pushed a militaristic response to protests, it had slipped down to 46%.

The District of Columbia has an African American majority population but because of its historical peculiarities it is a place where black votes don't matter. The Mayor who is the highest elected authority (Washington has no governor or senator and elects a non-voting observer to the House of Representatives) can make token gestures such as changing the names of streets, but she has no control over military deployment on those streets, if Trump wants to send in the National Guard or the regular army he can.
I thought yesterday she ordered the soldiers out of all the hotels they were staying in
Screenshot 2020-06-06 at 07.32.56.png

but you're right looks like all she can do is request that they leave. "I’m requesting that you withdraw all extraordinary federal law enforcement and military presence from Washington DC,” the mayor told Trump.'
Washington DC mayor calls on Trump to pull troops and federal forces out of city

Looks like they are still arriving anyway.

it is very confusing.
The animal cunning of Trump is something awful to behold. As this op-ed says "malice for all, charity for none".

And it’s why Twitter is his preferred medium of communication. It is speech designed for provocations and put-downs; for making supporters feel smug; for making opponents seethe; for reducing national discourse to the level of grunts and counter-grunts.
That’s a level that suits Trump because it’s the level at which he excels. Anyone who studies Trump’s tweets carefully must come away impressed by the way he has mastered the demagogic arts. He doesn’t lead his base, as most politicians do. He personifies it. He speaks to his followers as if he were them. He cultivates their resentments, demonizes their opponents, validates their hatreds. He glorifies himself so they may bask in the reflection.

I'm almost certainly wrong but a tiny ever hopeful part of me wonders if the possible deployment of the Army might have unforeseen consequences. I'm not talking about the weekend National Guard but the real thing. It's what? 70% white, and also I think about 40% women. That's rather different from some police forces. It certainly has high profile PoC officers. OTOH it recruits its white majority from the old Confederacy so there is that.

Would it be a more or less disciplined presence than what there is on the street now? Would it obey rules of engagement scrupulously and less racistly ? And importantly would its command structure refuse illegal orders from its increasingly bonkers CiC?

I can dream
Depressingly, like Michael Moore who predicted the Trump win way back when, this Trump 'guru' and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist says don't write him off for re-election.

Teflon Don will go on and on: How could Trump survive November's election when he's engulfed in riots, Covid meltdown and high unemployment? One Pulitzer-winning reporter says he's set to win

America has the world's worst tally of coronavirus deaths, at well over 100,000
Twelve cities have enforced curfews since protests over George Floyd's death
More than 11,000 people have been arrested since the demonstrations began
But David Kay Johnston thinks Donald Trump could win the November election


President Donald Trump traveled to Maine Friday to tour a facility that makes medical swabs used for coronavirus testing, but the swabs manufactured in the background during his visit will ultimately be thrown in the trash, the company said.

Puritan Medical Products said it will have to discard the swabs, a company spokeswoman told USA TODAY in response to questions about the visit.

It is not clear why the swabs will be scrapped, or how many. The company described its manufacturing plans for Friday as "limited" – but the disruption comes as public health officials in Maine and other states have complained that a shortage of swabs has hampered their ability to massively scale up coronavirus testing.

Workers in white lab coats, hair nets and plastic booties worked at machines making swabs while the president walked through the room. Trump, who did not wear a mask for the visit, stopped at one point to talk with some of the workers.
Ivanka Trump has hit out at “cancel culture and viewpoint discrimination” after plans for her to give a virtual commencement speech to students in Kansas were canceled amid criticism of Donald Trump’s response to anti-police brutality protests in the wake of the killing of George Floyd.

:D :facepalm: :rolleyes:
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