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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Yes, few more examples on Twitter. Will share next time I see one.
No, I mean legally. I’ve told coppers to fuck off before and they’ve done nowt, but I’m white and middle-class. I don’t think I’d get away with it in the states, even with my privilege. It seems that the general public seem to be more deferential towards authority in the US, and I don’t think it’s only because they have guns. People are ridiculously deferential to politicians too. There’s a lot more sirring to elders and teachers and other authority figures too going by the tv and films I have absorbed. Maybe this situation will make fewer Americans inclined that way.
No, I mean legally. I’ve told coppers to fuck off before and they’ve done nowt, but I’m white and middle-class. I don’t think I’d get away with it in the states, even with my privilege. It seems that the general public seem to be more deferential towards authority in the US, and I don’t think it’s only because they have guns. People are ridiculously deferential to politicians too. There’s a lot more sirring to elders and teachers and other authority figures too going by the tv and films I have absorbed. Maybe this situation will make fewer Americans inclined that way.

Ime people fear authority in the US, police authority at least. Racism, high levels of incarceration, hyper aggressive policing, heavily promoted hellscape image of the penal system, abundance of fire arms etc. Gives everyone an added sense of terror, without even counting being a target for the colour of your skin. As to the general deference, never really noticed it in my trips there tbh. Middle America has an army/flag hard on but that's mostly symbolic, no better or worse than most in personal interactions.

As to legally, no idea. Would imagine first amendment is protection except for 'threatening behaviour' which means whatever the cop wants it to. And police here will nick you for talking too, for sure.
I see Trudeau chickened out of criticising him - shouldn't the rest of the world be chucking sanctions about and strongly condemning Trump as they would with a non-Western despot? No one likes him, he's destabiling the whole world's security and future, so why the reluctance?

Is that a genuine question?

Ok... for a lot of reasons. The US is the heart of the Western establishment, most countries are financially tied to it to some degree for one thing. Greed is a major driver, Trump may win yet and even if he doesn't the US state and it's commercial subsidiaries wouldn't forgive or forget any intervention, no matter how remote.

Pretty much all of the Western 'democracies' also have problems with racism and, ultimately, most of them would deal with serious unrest the same way as he is, although they might be more savvy about hiding it. France is a prime example of that, UK too. To condemn Trump would open them up to criticism as well, bring up skeletons (and fresh corpses) that they'd rather avoid mentioning. Plus a large chunk of our ruling classes probably agree with his actions any way, they've no more interest in opening up the structures of power or acceeding to popular criticism than he has. And as a basic rule not backing law enforcement/military is something a country like the UK will never do, sets a bad example. Unless it's for profitable regime change, as above, of course.

None of those apply when you're dealing with a dictator elsewhere, because most of the time you can outbomb them, don't have an economic reliance on them and can generally profit from any actions you take against them.
Trudeau is normally lightning fast with the answers, Unlike Boris he can think on his feet not to mention Trump who doesn't seem to think at all.
The expression on his face after about 10 seconds was gold you could almost hear him thinking "Well how the fuck do I answer this then?"
He knows what Trump is like though and Trump is quite capable of kicking over the apple cart purely out of spite, taking decisions that will hurt Canada and even the US purely because someone has said bad things about him.
He now claims he just popped into the bunker for an inspection, the big shithouse :D
In a telling Freudian slip he used the word tiny. Is he trying to tell us something? Something the whole world knows anyway and is laughing at him. Maybe that explains his planet-sized narcissism and sociopathy.
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