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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Amongst his many other failings Trump seems to be a coward to boot, he is in virtually no danger in the Whitehouse but an angry mob outside demanding he goes will probably put the shits up him big time.
Send in the 101st Airborne Division.

Jesus wept. Just think about that for a minute.

And this idiot is a candidate for the US Senate.

Edited to add: There's always a Tweet...

Send in the 101st Airborne Division.

Jesus wept. Just think about that for a minute.

And this idiot is a candidate for the US Senate.

Sadly not - don't let the fact he looks like a five year old pipe cleaner fool you, he is an actual Senator and has been for a while.

Perhaps though we should be grateful that he hasn't called for several days of air and naval bombardment (à la Iraq in the late 90s) to solve this crisis, which he once called for in response to Obama signing his deal with Iran.

It was, arguably, the Trumpiest evening ever.

As the president made Rose Garden remarks rattling sabers about law and order, his minions had just been attacking peacefully assembled protesters in nearby Lafayette Park with tear gas.

For all his truculence, Trump didn’t actually do anything in his speech. He told governors how to do their jobs — stressing that they needed to dominate protesters — and threatened to invoke the Insurrection Act and send in U.S. military forces if necessary. But it was all empty, macho posturing.

He really doesn't get the whole idea of why the people are protesting.
I wish he would take a moment and listen to what his people are so upset about.

Embracing the language of confrontation and war, U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday declared himself the "president of law and order" and signalled he would stake his reelection on persuading voters his forceful approach, including deploying U.S. troops to U.S. cities, was warranted in a time of national tumult and racial unrest.

Trump made his Rose Garden declaration to the sound of tear gas and rubber bullets clearing peaceful protesters from the park in front of the White House. It created a split screen for the ages, with his critics saying the president was deepening divisions at a time when leadership was crucial to help unify a fractured country.

The president's forceful turn to a partisan posture was reminiscent of the us-vs.-them rhetoric he has often used when under pressure, including in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. He has responded to the violence with a string of polarizing tweets, one starkly laying out the political stakes by underscoring the approach of Election Day.

Trump vowed to deploy the U.S. military to America's own cities to quell a rise of violent protests, including ransacking stores and burning police cars. He offered little recognition of the anger coursing through the country as he demanded a harsher crackdown on the mayhem that has erupted following the death of George Floyd.
Probably not the time for little personal stuff here but i am a bit reeling from this chat i had last night - I have 2 cousins (they are my only cousins) both live in the US and one of them I found out yesterday (from his brother who is lovely) is an unrepentant Trump supporter, he only admitted it to his own brother this last week. At this point in time i don't know how you fix a relationship after knowing that, i mean to see all that he's done since winning the presidency and to still not have any regrets about your vote is just - i mean how do you deal with that or understand it in a way that doesn't just totally trash your relationship idk. He is not poor at all by the way but is not well educated, says that he likes trump because you can understand what he's saying cos he doesn't talk all fancy etc.
Of course there's a tweet for everything.

So even the police are fucked off with the situation.

That is quite something.
Bit more here. Police commanded to pull out because they don't think teargassing people so that the president can pose in the street holding a bible is a good thing.
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It's notable but also largely symbolic. If the protestors are emboldened by this and gather in even larger numbers around the WH and the DC cops insist to Arlington there is a credible threat then they will come running back very quickly. But still, an unusual gesture which indicates just how badly trump has alienated the establishments that protect him and enforce his will
Is it wrong to think that if the protesters had turned up with armalite rifles things wouldn't have escalated the way they have
In his church photo op, he's holding the bible upside down.

I bet if he had a cross in his hands, it would be upside down also.
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