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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

between the Twitter spat and the hydroxychloroquine side effects

how long before he has a major meltdown
between the Twitter spat and the hydroxychloroquine side effects

how long before he has a major meltdown
I think he's already having a fairly public one but no matter how much crazy he throws out he seems to have an inexhaustible supply
between the Twitter spat and the hydroxychloroquine side effects

how long before he has a major meltdown

He seems to have a couple of them a week, although Twitter enforcing its rules definitely seems to have touched a nerve.

Or maybe the whole "president" thing is part of his elaborate plan to build a conservative social media empire and he's been sitting there for years wondering "What do I have to do to get these jokers to ban me?"
He can actually do very little to restrict what Twitter does but that won't a) stop him from trying and b) blowing a gasket and ranting (on Twitter) about it.
Let's hear it for the First Amendment !!
Good grief, the tangerine person has really thrown his toys out of the pram.

Much as he would like to, he doesn't run twatter, nor yet facepest.
And he's making a fairly shite job of running 'murica ...

Maybe that platform should give him a ban as a cooling off period, or put him on moderation ...
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Only a matter of time before other shiny things start to distract him.

Trump's bored with COVID-19 and the death toll, has left his task force to languish

The deaths of more than 100,000 Americans from coronavirus this week has not been marked officially by the White House. The White House coronavirus task force headed up by Vice President Mike Pence hasn't even issued a statement, much less conducted a briefing. But more disturbing, it has had just one meeting in a week, CNN reports. Because it's all about reopening now and apparently having the task force continue to operate publicly would undercut the big orange blob of rage's declaration of victory over the virus. He's moved on to other things, and the task force is now just meeting once a week.

It has " essentially been sidelined by Trump, said senior administration officials and others close to the group, who described a greatly reduced role for the panel created to guide the administration's response to the pandemic." Meanwhile, Trump is creating diversions, including his war with Twitter which he ramped up Friday with a violently racist statement about the situation in Minneapolis following the murder by cops of George Floyd. Forget the mounting, outrageous, unacceptable death toll for which Trump is personally responsible, and look over there at the other fire he's started.
Looking forwards to him leaving twitter and heading for 4chan (or whatever chan is the current internet cesspit from hell)
He just can't help himself, he seems to think it's all just a game.

Meanwhile the President Donald Trump gloated rioters were damaging the Atlantia headquarters of CNN - the news channel he despises.

“In an ironic twist of fate, CNN HQ is being attacked by the very riots they promoted as noble and just. Oops,” he tweeted.

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