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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

weird thing but if you look at the signature

and them imagine trump born the late 70/80's in NYC

How many arrest for graffiti would he have

how long has he presonally spent trying to make it a trademark even whilst in office
Oh dear his nights in watching the tele alone with his platter of big macs and diet coke are now even more miserable. Can't be long before InfoWars will be his go-to news site. The thing is that will probably happen, un fucking believable.

Are we all in some demented, dystopian nightmare?

Sinclair Broadcasting seemed to be the next big Trump flag waving network. But it's not looking too good for them at the moment.
Sinclair Broadcasting will pay $48 million civil penalty to FCC
I see he's now claiming the number of cases in the US is a badge of honour.

Global report: Brazil's deadliest day as Trump calls US cases a 'badge of honour'

he declared the huge number of US cases of coronavirus was “a badge of honour”.

"After a cabinet meeting on Tuesday at the White House, Trump said: “I don’t want people coming over here and infecting our people. I don’t want people over there sick either,” in relation to Brazil.

When asked if about the possibility of a travel ban, the president said he was considering it and went on to say he saw the large number of US cases as a “badge of honour”. “You know when you say that we lead in cases, that’s because we have more testing than anybody else,” he said. “It’s a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done.” "
One of the points graphology makes about angular handwriting is that it tends to denote an aggressive and energetic personality.

Public health officials have warned that the coronavirus is unlikely to go away and large gatherings, like the G-7, may not be safe until a vaccine is widely available. It's unclear whether officials in other G-7 member countries would agree to travel to the United States for an in-person meeting given the pandemic has not subsided.

The G-7 was scheduled to be take place from June 10-12 at the Camp David retreat in Maryland. The event, which typically attracts hundreds of international officials, staff and journalists, was called off in March as the coronavirus spread around the world.

Since then, the number of cases and deaths from the virus globally and in the U.S. have surged. More than 1.5 million people in the U.S. have contracted the virus, and roughly 92,000 have died. Both are the highest reported numbers of any country in the world.

I thought it was the g6. Didn't russia get kicked out?

I thought it was the g6. Didn't russia get kicked out?

"Transition to Greatness" just sounds like the bit during a wank when you're about to cum.

(Edit: according to a friend, obvs...)
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One of the points about graphology is that it is pseudo-scientific bollocks

a fondness for pseudo-scientific bollocks is something else Himmler and Trump have in common

look out for Rush Limbaugh sending his Presidential Medal of Freedom back in a chamberpot next
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I think trump is making a joke of the USA. America was great in spite of its politicians. This man is a salesman. He's unworthy of public office. It's not the 'Illuminati', the liberals, the left or whoever you want to pick that is fatally dividing America and which is damaging and diminishing it. It's the greed of the already rich and the cynical manipulation of political office to hand money to the wealthiest and turn a democratic republic into an authoritarian shit hole. Trump is just a salesman. A vain TV personality doing all he can to entrench privilege and undermine any last vestiges of decency by selling the people bullshit nonsense while picking their pockets over and over again. The bottom line is that he impoverishes the majority and serves the already rich, which he and his clan are. He's an elitist. A charlatan. I pray to God he doesn't win a second term.
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