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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Punch the fucker and keep on punching .....

now that reminds me of the old days of urban

Still there but doesn't work for me.

One of the few upsides to Biden being such a shit candidate would be how funny it would be to watch Trump lose to him. Here's hoping.

As November creeps closer, we can probably expect to see Trump become even more paranoid and erratic as the thought of going down in history for being loser-fied by Joe Biden starts to haunt his every waking moment. Maybe Eric Trump will have the bright idea of breaking into Democratic National Committee headquarters to search for damaging material.
The latest bit of Trump fuckery: threatening federal funding to states that are registering voters for postal/absentee ballots.

His tweets are quoted from 2:46 onwards if you want to skip the preamble and scene-setting.

The TL/DR version: He's going after Michigan and Nevada for pressing ahead with postal/absentee voter registration... Claims it's illegal (except, of course, where it benefits him). Makes it clear by implied threat that he will go after other states who do the same.
"I tested very positively in another sense, so, this morning, yeah. I tested positively toward negative, right? So, no. I tested perfectly this morning, meaning I tested negative. But that's a way of saying it. Positively toward the negative"

He wants to be Donald Rumsfeld now.

Just watched this more than once and i have a question.
Do you think he needed someone to explain to him that a negative result was a good thing and so he was attempting to try to explain that to the viewers as well ? Otherwise.. wtf else could explain whats going on in the place where his brain should be.
Or he's so used to claiming the best - best per capita (whatever that is) test rates and best deaths and best economy. So he can't say anything negative about himself because negative is bad. like all those negative comments the Fake Media keep making about him, so it has to be a really positive negative.
Or he's so used to claiming the best - best per capita (whatever that is) test rates and best deaths and best economy. So he can't say anything negative about himself because negative is bad. like all those negative comments the Fake Media keep making about him, so it has to be a really positive negative.
With a bit of luck he'll short circuit. :D
the Donald has just ordered that churches, synagogues and mosques (albeit with a noticeable delay before saying mosques) are "essential" and must reopen across the US by the weekend
"President Donald Trump on Friday demanded that governors reopen churches, synagogues and mosques “right now,” and threatened to override state leaders’ restrictions if they do not do so by the weekend. "

I think demand and order are two different things.
Posted at 19:00 [BBC]
BREAKINGTrump calls on churches to 'open right now'
At a White House press briefing, US President Donald Trump called on places of worship to "open right now" and said he had deemed them "essential".
"In America we need more prayer not less," he said, criticising state governors who have allowed liquor stores and abortion clinics to remain open.
It comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issue guidelines for how churches should reopen.
The CDC's 60-page guidelines for businesses, schools mass transit systems and other institutions to reopen - released earlier this month - made no mention of houses of worship.
According to the Washington Post, the initial lack of guidance was due to social conservatives close to Vice-President Mike Pence, who objected to the propriety of the government telling religious leaders what to do.

That's an interesting slant on the constitution - which requires complete separation of church and state.

and certainly to be more fatal fuckwittery, as such congregations have been proved to be (super)spreading events. As at least one pastor found (cv-19 killed him) to his cost.
At a White House press briefing, US President Donald Trump called on places of worship to "open right now" and said he had deemed them "essential".
"In America we need more prayer not less,"
I'm surprised he didn't demand the reopening of think tanks at the same time. What good is one without the other.
And when church going people die at higher rates they’ll not blame him he must be betting and is probably quite right. Looks stupid as hell but probably very calculated to keep that significant segment of his base on board.
And when church going people die at higher rates they’ll not blame him he must be betting and is probably quite right. Looks stupid as hell but probably very calculated to keep that significant segment of his base on board.

Interesting didn't cite 1st Amendment.
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