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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

450 million is nothing compared to the trillion they tick off to keep the working class immiserated and the wealthy tax free.

We're not discussing internal budgets here. We're discussing the amounts contributed to the WHO. Percentage wise, it's definitely skewed.

Edited: It's still a fucking stupid thing to do
Does anyone apart from Trump - and those like you who are so desperately trying to distract from the appalling content of those press briefings - really give a fuck?

(E2A: the rant below is about Marty, who was referred to in the post above, not the ever excellent existentialist)

Seriously, but SERIOUSLY, are there no grounds whatsoever for banning this tedious cunt? He's actually a very adept troll: keeps himself well within the bounds of the FAQ with nary a foot wrong and here we are, day on day having to engage with the shite he consistently spouts. It's stinking up the threads, no fucker wants to hear it, but the Teflon fucktrumpet sails on blithely. I've got it on ignore but I can glean enough from people's responses to work out roughly what consistency on the Bristol Stool Scale is being spouted this week. Can't we just make up a new rule that gets him to fuck off for good?
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Seriously, but SERIOUSLY, are there no grounds whatsoever for banning this tedious cunt? He's actually a very adept troll: keeps himself well within the bounds of the FAQ with nary a foot wrong and here we are, day on day having to engage with the shite he consistently spouts. It's stinking up the threads, no fucker wants to hear it, but the Teflon fucktrumpet sails on blithely. I've got it on ignore but I can glean enough from people's responses to work out roughly what consistency on the Bristol Stool Scale is being spouted this week. Can't we just make up a new rule that gets him to fuck off for good?

... and you are who, again?
They are now.

They weren’t then - I guess that’s what Trump was playing at the WH, to prove a point.

Anyway, no wonder CNN isn’t happy, imagine being a CNN journalist at WH presser and having to watch your own hypocritical cable news reporting off earlier in the year.


Have you listened to the ceaseless stream of misinformation and propaganda coming from the PotUS?
(E2A: the rant below is about Marty, who was referred to in the post above, not the ever excellent existentialist)

Seriously, but SERIOUSLY, are there no grounds whatsoever for banning this tedious cunt? He's actually a very adept troll: keeps himself well within the bounds of the FAQ with nary a foot wrong and here we are, day on day having to engage with the shite he consistently spouts. It's stinking up the threads, no fucker wants to hear it, but the Teflon fucktrumpet sails on blithely. I've got it on ignore but I can glean enough from people's responses to work out roughly what consistency on the Bristol Stool Scale is being spouted this week. Can't we just make up a new rule that gets him to fuck off for good?
I find it interesting (sort of) having a real life specimen of the genus trumper here. Just observing what seems to have happened to his brain and what he needs to ignore in order to not have to change his view etc. Won’t weep when he’s gone or anything but yeah, it’s sort of fascinating.
Trump's canny enough to give his bullshit at least a germ of veracity, which gives his followers something at least vaguely reasonable to latch onto. Although like a tiny sequin nestled atop a festering dung heap, the sheer mass of crap that Trump shovels along with it does more than negate any semblance of good reason, once you consider the output as a whole rather than just selectively highlighting the best parts.

The WHO is not perfect and I'm sure there are worthwhile criticisms to be made of their reaction to this pandemic, however any such criticism has the stench of hypocrisy about it coming from a man who was earlier downplaying the dangers of this virus while the WHO itself was raising the alarm.
Playing devil's advocate here a bit. But does Trump have a small point?

The US puts 450m into the WHO. China puts in 40m. That does seem a bit skewed. And the WHO hasn't exactly played a blinder here so far either. It's not helpful to suspend funding obviously.

Hmmm, that interesting.

I wonder why the US were paying such a high figure. According to your info - more than 11x what China were throwing into the pot.
No better time than the middle of a fucking pandemic to start kvetching about funding a global disease-fighting organisation. That is, as long as you're a tunnel-visioned psychopath who only cares about the bottom line rather than loads of people fucking dying.
Jingoism and blaming foreigners for making america ungreat is kind of what he's best at and feels most confident doing so its not very surprising he's returning to that proven repertoire in time of need (whilst everythings gone to shit for him with the economy the deathtoll etc I mean).
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Except he's not, he's just trying to get reactions and people keep playing into it.

He doesn't believe a word he says.

Just ignore ffs, there's no good faith in the arguments, so all posters are doing is derailing the thread in exactly the manner he wants.
What makes you think that Marty is just on a wind up? I’m not convinced.
Except he's not, he's just trying to get reactions and people keep playing into it.

He doesn't believe a word he says.

Just ignore ffs, there's no good faith in the arguments, so all posters are doing is derailing the thread in exactly the manner he wants.
Yeah, in the absence of the banhammer this is the best course of action, IMO
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