This is America
His ratings will be in the toilet when the unemployment rate hits 20%.For fuck's sake. Bumbling drivel. And yet his popularity ratings on dealing with this are apparently up, as are Johnson's. Wtf?
Bang on.
And, let's face it, it's all about the ratings.Rachel Maddow
If she reported that grass was green I’d have reservations - she’s an activist hack who’s ratings have collapsed since the Mueller report was published.
Play the ball, not the woman eh? Regardless of her politcal persuasion of which I know nothing, she addresses a number of issues which are vitally important right now. Primarily Trump's repeated lying which under the present circumstances is going to result in otherwise preventable deaths.Rachel Maddow
If she reported that grass was green I’d have reservations - she’s an activist hack who’s ratings have collapsed since the Mueller report was published.
His ratings will be in the toilet when the unemployment rate hits 20%.
Trump will postpone / cancel the election.
The only question is when / how that announcement is made.
And, let's face it, it's all about the ratings.
No he won'tTrump will postpone / cancel the election.
The only question is when / how that announcement is made.
And drawing attention to Maddow's credibility is so much more important that pointing out the serial lies of Trump. Yes, of course it is.
You are merely using it as a convenient distraction.
rather than a credible source like MSNBC ?But hey, go ahead and get your 'information' from Fox News or whatever.
Rachel Maddow
If she reported that grass was green I’d have reservations - she’s an activist hack who’s ratings have collapsed since the Mueller report was published.
Shut up, a fair bit of the horrible shit against Obama originated from Trump.Bullshit, if Obama had got even half of the media shit Trump receives you’d be pissing yourself and calling out the chief protagonists.
Obama. Bought and paid for by Wall St. To be fair to him he did some good things but he is very much a product of the system. If bullshit was made out of rubber you'd bounce to the moon and back.Bullshit, if Obama had got even half of the media shit Trump receives you’d be pissing yourself and calling out the chief protagonists.
Really? I just simply though she distilled down some points well worth making in a very direct fashion, whilst calling out Trump for the liar that he is and making points that might save lives. Meanwhile here's a bias report on MSNBC. Whilst it says they've got some things wrong, overall compared to Fox....rather than a credible source like MSNBC ?
Trump would love to fire Dr. Fauci, how much longer will he last I wonder?
Do you only call people you don't agree with 'activists' ?