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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Are... are you suggesting butchers is a russian troll? That's some deep cover shit.

No, just a twat.

On topic...

Rudy Giuliani had lunch with two bent twats that were giving money to a bent orange twat, then they seem to have miraculously found out about a sealed indictment and tried to skip the country.
That in mind, did Giuliani tip them off and, if so, who passed the info to him?
No, just a twat.

On topic...

Rudy Giuliani had lunch with two bent twats that were giving money to a bent orange twat, then they seem to have miraculously found out about a sealed indictment and tried to skip the country.
That in mind, did Giuliani tip them off and, if so, who passed the info to him?

There doesn't need to be a conspiracy for the two bent Russians to have decided that it was time to leave.

Trump is in deep trouble - whether it's fatal is another matter, and irrelevant - Guilliani has got the dogs sniffing around him, and if the impeachment starts to roll (which by definition will mean that Republicans in the senate are abandoning him - and the Syria thing looks like it might be the catalyst for that) then it will be open season on anyone Guilliani has walked passed in the street, let alone dealt with.

You wouldn't need a degree in Cunning from Cambridge University to make the decision that it might be a good time to not be around.

That doesn't mean there can't have been a helpful leak, rather that there doesn't have to have been a leak.
To wild tin foil hat games with more stretches of the imaginations than enough.
There have been several stories about Trump and NATO, the tin foil hat version being (perhaps correctly) that Russia is puppeting trump into damaging the alliance, and maybe even go as far as a US pullout.
Now, back to Turkey, a NATO country, and lots of making life easy for them, then threatening action if they take the path Trump made easy for them. The EU are also having a pop at Erdogan, that also making a NATO on NATO war of words even more likely, maybe even sanctions.
Sun Tzu made clear the best way to go about destroying a strong alliance, and that's what Trump is doing (or being told what to do).

Yer, I know, it's wild unevidenced speculation. I wonder ...
Trump is in deep trouble - whether it's fatal is another matter,

One hopes it is. A number of republicans are opening speaking out against Trump now and opinion polls are showing the US electorate is getting fed up of the clown, so I see him going in the not too distant future.
It's very possible my hope is coloured by my political bent and dislike of Trump and his right wing nutters, but I'm trying to stay focused.
There doesn't need to be a conspiracy for the two bent Russians to have decided that it was time to leave.

True, and I suppose the FBI will check to see what time they booked their tickets. If it was at about lunchtime, I hope Giuliani looks good in orange.
I've just realised - The bent pair, Fruman and Parnas, gave a chunk of cash to Pete Sessions, the right wing twat that wanted the US ambassador to Ukraine dumped.
Charges, please.
There doesn't need to be a conspiracy for the two bent Russians to have decided that it was time to leave.

Trump is in deep trouble - whether it's fatal is another matter, and irrelevant - Guilliani has got the dogs sniffing around him, and if the impeachment starts to roll (which by definition will mean that Republicans in the senate are abandoning him - and the Syria thing looks like it might be the catalyst for that) then it will be open season on anyone Guilliani has walked passed in the street, let alone dealt with.

You wouldn't need a degree in Cunning from Cambridge University to make the decision that it might be a good time to not be around.

That doesn't mean there can't have been a helpful leak, rather that there doesn't have to have been a leak.

Impeachment can be well rolling without the Senate being involved. They only get to convict or exonerate.
However, the court voted on party lines so, much as I like the ruling, it shows the courts are political entities rather than impartial deliverers of justice. The same, assuming Trump appeals, will probably be true of SCOTUS.
Hi, Trump, Is Rudy Giuliani your lawyer or have you dumped him because he's close to being arrested and you're trying to squirm out by saying you don't know him.
Yes, there are photos, but I'm Trump and I get photographed with everyone.

I knew Trump was deliberately trying to obstruct the impeachment hearings, but I hadn't realise he'd ordered Yovanovitch not to testify, but she did anyway.

Ex-envoy to Ukraine defies Trump, testifies he pushed to oust her

Testifying in defiance of President Donald Trump's ban, former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch told House impeachment investigators on Friday that Trump himself had pressured the State Department to oust her from her post and get her out of the country.

Yovanovitch, who was abruptly recalled as the US envoy to Ukraine in May, appeared for a closed-door deposition on Friday, despite Trump's position that his administration would not cooperate with the investigation.

The Democratic chairmen of the three House committees leading the probe discovered that the State Department on Thursday had directed Yovanovitch not to testify, they said in a statement.

They then issued a subpoena for the former ambassador's scheduled testimony and she complied.
Hi, Trump, Is Rudy Giuliani your lawyer or have you dumped him because he's close to being arrested and you're trying to squirm out by saying you don't know him.
Yes, there are photos, but I'm Trump and I get photographed with everyone.

The fact his poll numbers with his base hardly ever move regardless of what he says or does I find frustrating.
When all else fails, sue them!!!

President Donald Trump threatened on Saturday night to sue top congressional Democrats Rep. Adam Schiff and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi amid the House impeachment inquiry into the President.

Trump, who has a long track record of calling for lawsuits against his critics and not following through, said, "We're going to take a look at it. We're going after these people. These are bad, bad people."
The President was speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC.

Trump said he spoke to his lawyers about Schiff and told them, "Sue him anyway, even if we lose, the American public will understand."
Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence committee, is spearheading the impeachment inquiry.

"And sue Nancy Pelosi," Trump continued. "Or maybe we should just impeach them, because they're lying and what they're doing is a terrible thing for our country."
Members of Congress cannot be impeached, according to the US Constitution.

Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi - CNNPolitics
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