Even elite troops can lose their nerve, it can happen to the very best.
Anyone who feels that war is never the only option is a clown. Their wreath of white poppies would soon have been red, as the Nazi tanks crushed the bearer.
As for his whining that the MOD obtained an injunction to prevent him from breaking the law, he can consider himself lucky that he wasn't jailed for breach of the Official Secrets Act, which he signed. Signing a document such as the OSA is in effect giving your word, and a man who does not stand by his word isn't much of a man.
If someone feels that they can no longer serve, there is a mechanism whereby they may leave.
The engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan were of dubious legality and morality. If one's conscience dictates that they can no longer serve, then there is a mechanism to do so. Of course, if you are intent on generating the maximum publicity, then you 'refuse to soldier'. Self publicists 'refuse to soldier', everyone else quietly makes their case and leaves.
I sense a thwarted 'Andy McNab' here.