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    Lazy Llama

What new foods have you tried recently?

Taramasalata - it's fucking lush
Fish eggs in pink goo was not an attractive proposition but I had to be polite. Turns out is delicious.
Will have to try some caviar next.
356 years ago today, a man tried a brand new drink for the first time and wrote about it. The first record of it being drunk in England....

Samuel Pepys writes:

"Tuesday 25 September 1660
To the office, where Sir W. Batten, Colonel Slingsby, and I sat awhile, and Sir R. Ford coming to us about some business, we talked together of the interest of this kingdom to have a peace with Spain and a war with France and Holland; where Sir R. Ford talked like a man of great reason and experience. And afterwards I did send for a cup of tee (a China drink) of which I never had drank before, and went away."
Taramasalata - it's fucking lush
Fish eggs in pink goo was not an attractive proposition but I had to be polite. Turns out is delicious.
Will have to try some caviar next.

have often wondered about that stuff

I love caviar and prawn roe and massago
Metthappen raw pork on bread with slices of red onion

Didn't really taste if much bar the onion, slightly odd texture. If I get worms I'm blaming the Germans!
I have been introducing my Pa to the sort of food I consume ie not 100% meat, potato, 2 veg then something with custard served at exactly 1300. His descriptions are interesting:
Sushi - Blurgh uggh raw hot fish shit whats this cabbage what is the slime who eats this
Chilli - Bastarding cowboy garbage
Macaroons - Nancy food
Samosas - Samoans eat these and THAT is why they are all fat and do that sumo whatnot
Stilton - Its off - is it from the nazi supermarket
There are more offensive ones than that but I will spare you.
I have been introducing my Pa to the sort of food I consume ie not 100% meat, potato, 2 veg then something with custard served at exactly 1300. His descriptions are interesting:
Sushi - Blurgh uggh raw hot fish shit whats this cabbage what is the slime who eats this
Chilli - Bastarding cowboy garbage
Macaroons - Nancy food
Samosas - Samoans eat these and THAT is why they are all fat and do that sumo whatnot
Stilton - Its off - is it from the nazi supermarket
There are more offensive ones than that but I will spare you.
Charmingly oldskool..... :)
Sushi - Blurgh uggh raw hot fish shit whats this cabbage what is the slime who eats this
Chilli - Bastarding cowboy garbage
Macaroons - Nancy food
Samosas - Samoans eat these and THAT is why they are all fat and do that sumo whatnot
Stilton - Its off - is it from the nazi supermarket

There are more offensive ones than that but I will spare you.

No, don't. More!!!
I could video him next time I make him: 'poncey coffee, when did they bring that in then? beans? beans? Mummy always made it from a jar - ohhhh you are just trying to be continental' which is generally followed by him trying to wear his cardigan in what he considers an 'Italian style' and if there is a bag in his reach he will try to cavort (he calls it mincing???) across the kitchen. Rarely works well as he is 90 and walks with a stick.
In his mind it is elegantly draped around his shoulders. In reality he has one arm out of the sleeve and half of it over his head. When he first came to live with me I did attempt diversity training but have given up. I frequently stand behind him mouthing the words 'I'm so sorry' when he tells my friend that he does not really mind her being gay but in his opinion she would be much better off with a 'man about the house' and other such offences. He is 90 so I just have a general NSFW warning on him.
Taramasalata - it's fucking lush
Fish eggs in pink goo was not an attractive proposition but I had to be polite. Turns out is delicious.
Will have to try some caviar next.
went and bought some taramasalata from Sainsbury's and it's vile. Will have to make my own.
Homemade taramasalata is tastier and better for you, but is usually a shade of pasty grey rather than baby pink 'cos the commercial roes are dyed. Makes no difference to the taste except the psychological one.
I've no idea, never seen an untouched roe (woooerrr) - in fact the whole idea makes me a bit queasy, which is weird considering how much I like tarama.

An almond, wrapped in a date, covered in chocolate. Friend at work went to the Hajj and came back with some for me as he knows I love dates. Tres nommy

An almond, wrapped in a date, covered in chocolate. Friend at work went to the Hajj and came back with some for me as he knows I love dates. Tres nommy

Oooh, I had those a few years back after a friend also went to Saudi. They're so good - thanks for reminding me :cool: I'm going to try to find some but I reckon they'd be easy enough to make.
For lunch I made a vegan chilli using TVP. To go with it I made a charred pineapple salsa.

I'm a meat eater by choice, but this was very good. I'll repeat it, especially the salsa.
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