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What new foods have you tried recently?

Bought a 10-pack of the Beyond Burger at Costco.

While myself and the missus quite liked it - I can't imagine the amount of R&D involved in making the charred bits on the BBQ taste like that - the little one found something repulsive to him in it. Bit of a downer, as I was thinking of making it the dedicated pre-made hamburger in the house (I'm still going to make my own out of mince). The coconut oil leaves a bit of a taste in the mouth after, but so long as you're drinking something with it, it shouldn't be an issue.
A friend of mine once had mock duck while the rest of us had a roast dinner. Must admit the fake feather pimples (or would they be duck, as opposed to goose, bumps?) put me off. :D
I never understood why it had bumps :( .
Never eaten duck. ( light bulb/penny dropping emoji here). I'm off to the 'things you should've known thread'. :D
Seriously though...I keep threatening to buy a tin of spam as I see it used in e.g.fried rice recipes and I think to myself "I like spam - I should try that" but I never seem to actually do it.
I bought a tin years ago for exactly that reason - it eventually went in the bin years later. :oops:
Now is probably the time to declare that I like spam. And probably luncheon meat. Although I can't remember the last time I ate either of them.

I used to adore the spam fritters they made for school dinners. I was in a minority even then. And it was the 70s.

Spam is still awesome


When I visit my brother in Folkestone, we often take a camp stove and a tin of spam to the beach and have fried spam buns for tea - until this custom started i hadnt eaten spam since i was a kid - probably because of its rep for being rank - but actually its delicious.
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