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What is this bush/tree/plant?

A new mustardy plant has appeared next door - I suspect it's oilseed rape - perhaps it's deliberately used in birdseed, it could very easily end up as a contaminant either in the field or at the seed merchant.

this is one of the large lumpy trees in the park - horse chestnut?

in the first branching there's a blossoming shrub growing - any guesses?

You would have thought someone might have reported something like that.
The tree looks more birchy from here ....

Is philadelphus in flower yet ?

With my leaky brain, such knowledge relies on me cycling past things - which I'm not doing at the moment ...
defo not a birch, they don't get that big round here.
horse chestnuts should have big sticky buds on them this time of year...
maple of some kind ?

Apparently philadelphus flower in June/July.

I may have to brave the park tomorrow to get my brain in gear....

Instinctively, prolific spring flowers = cherry ...
I'm intrigued that a plant could actually establish itself in the crook of a healthy-looking tree and flower so prolifically - and it's going to be shaded later ....
can't edit to remove thumb, but another angle full res...

When I can't identify a tree I usually guess that its a hornbeam-but today I'm guessing acacia.Shall be interested when someone comes along who actually knows what this is.
Edit: having said that now I'm not sure what's host and what's shrub after another look so I'm going to bed and I'll take a look when I'm not going blind.
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so frustrating - my eyesight (and monitor) is shit. The shrub looks like pyracantha or cotoneaster...both of which will establish in a teeny amount of soil. I can only see vague, whitish clumps of flower though, so an unreliable guess.At this time of year, we are still waiting for the ash family to extend their leaves and (some) of the maple family are still just budding out. Acacia isn't a bad guess either, looking at the architecture.
I'm saying field maple for the tree - unless that's a second "parasitic" plant !
EDIT:- or sycamore ...

... or the plant is a freakishly early lavatera ...

the shrub has single blossomy flowers and simple leaves (but more flowers than leaves) and defo no root system extending down the main trunk.
the shrub has single blossomy flowers and simple leaves (but more flowers than leaves) and defo no root system extending down the main trunk.
so that's a bonus sycamore :)

Got to be some sort of prunus - doubtless planted by a corvid :)

We used to get them stowing berries inside satellite TV horns at work ...
Any ideas? It has a distinctly basil look about it but there's no scent to the leaves and they're too pointy to be basil. AFAIK. No blooms yet but whatever it is is growing well next to my rhody which is one of the other things in the garden that is doing spectacularly well. I've left it in but I'm all ready to be told it's a weed, and not of the good kind.


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