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What is going on within the UK? Can someone explain please!


Active Member
What is going on within the UK?

Supressing protests.
Voter I. D’s.
Nurses 1% pay rise.
Plus, all the other head scratching things that has been going on.
I am assuming, the Tory government are going for broke and are trying to create a more authoritarian regime. You know because everything is going to shit, and they want to stay in power and cannot compete with China. Yada yada yada.
Some of the answers are obvious like the Nurses. They obviously want a private NHS. But I feel like I am missing something altogether.

Be polite in your replies you wonderful bastards.
Yesterday I watched a documentary about the rise to power of Franco. The more I watched the more I saw Johnson and his manipulation of people. I hear it in the comments from friends and family, the alienation of people, the increasing racism.

Johnson seems determined to create a single party, totalitarian state. And the people are letting him, and supporting him.

I loved my country for what it was, but not for what it is becoming.
Yesterday I watched a documentary about the rise to power of Franco. The more I watched the more I saw Johnson and his manipulation of people. I hear it in the comments from friends and family, the alienation of people, the increasing racism.

Johnson seems determined to create a single party, totalitarian state. And the people are letting him, and supporting him.

I loved my country for what it was, but not for what it is becoming.
But it isn't a Part.y What exactly is the link between its membership and decisions taken?. Card carrying tories are just clique enablers
Boris doesn't have some grand plan he just lurches from crisis to crisis usually making things worse and takes ideas from the daily hate.
hence voter ID appeals to idiots same with the "plan" to house asylum seekers on ascension island or Napier barracks ill-thought-out bollocks. The Fact he made it to pm doesn't prove he's playing 4th-dimensional chess.
Just proves our political system is broken and the media are drunk
Boris doesn't have some grand plan he just lurches from crisis to crisis usually making things worse and takes ideas from the daily hate.
hence voter ID appeals to idiots same with the "plan" to house asylum seekers on ascension island or Napier barracks ill-thought-out bollocks. The Fact he made it to pm doesn't prove he's playing 4th-dimensional chess.
Just proves our political system is broken and the media are drunk
That the neoliberal hegemony has convinced people that there's no 'grand plan' is one reason for its success.
Doesn’t neoliberalism promote a grand narrative (the growth of individual ‘freedom’) but there is no alternative.

civilisation states such as China and Russia however do claim to reject grand narratives.
It is increasingly obvious that sections (not all, but sections) of the ruling class in the UK are settled upon the “Jakarta option” whilst others, no less vicious but with perhaps more optimism and less bloodlust are fixed on a “Singapore option” for the future of the UK.

Recent events, in the eyes of many of the ruling class, have basically wrecked the economic basis of sticking-plaster “welfare” capitalism and the looming threat of destructive climate change gives both the threat of further destruction and the bogeyman of waves of climate refugees. Couple this with the military origin psyops now being deployed to create a hardcore of fascistic supporters for crisis-neo-National-populism (with hardened ideological positions and conspiraloon
“answers” to dismiss any questions that opponents might raise - in other words the creation of a bulwark of scabs, racists and street squads) and you have most of the Ingredients (technical, economic and cultural) for an authoritarian dictatorship.

This process is already far advanced in Hungary, Poland and Italy, with France limbering up in their wake. We may think that we live in a country that is only nominally democratic, with powerful oligarchs, but look to Russia or Turkey for where much of Europe and quite possibly the UK are headed.

It is long past time people woke up to the threat and began to organise for the conflicts about to begin in earnest. As ever, offence is the best defence and the people resisting deportations, fighting exploitative bosses in precarious sectors and organising/preparing for physical, legal and propaganda warfare are showing the way. As Joe Hill said - don’t mourn, organise!
It is increasingly obvious that sections (not all, but sections) of the ruling class in the UK are settled upon the “Jakarta option” whilst others, no less vicious but with perhaps more optimism and less bloodlust are fixed on a “Singapore option” for the future of the UK.

Recent events, in the eyes of many of the ruling class, have basically wrecked the economic basis of sticking-plaster “welfare” capitalism and the looming threat of destructive climate change gives both the threat of further destruction and the bogeyman of waves of climate refugees. Couple this with the military origin psyops now being deployed to create a hardcore of fascistic supporters for crisis-neo-National-populism (with hardened ideological positions and conspiraloon
“answers” to dismiss any questions that opponents might raise - in other words the creation of a bulwark of scabs, racists and street squads) and you have most of the Ingredients (technical, economic and cultural) for an authoritarian dictatorship.

This process is already far advanced in Hungary, Poland and Italy, with France limbering up in their wake. We may think that we live in a country that is only nominally democratic, with powerful oligarchs, but look to Russia or Turkey for where much of Europe and quite possibly the UK are headed.

It is long past time people woke up to the threat and began to organise for the conflicts about to begin in earnest. As ever, offence is the best defence and the people resisting deportations, fighting exploitative bosses in precarious sectors and organising/preparing for physical, legal and propaganda warfare are showing the way. As Joe Hill said - don’t mourn, organise!
Fuck me, lighten up. Things certainly aren't perfect but neither are they as dark as you paint them.
I do wonder where we'll be buying the boots from, seeing as the home of the industrial revolution couldn't organise the emergency production of three-ply paper rectangles with bits of string attached.
It wouldn't be like this were the good old Duke of Wellington were still Prime Minister. He had boots and the militia. A Peterloo or two would keep the rabble in their place.

It doesn’t really matter what the right do. The left are more interested in fighting the far left or the blairite right / centrists.

Until the left can join forces to fight the real enemy this country will continue to be fecked by the tories.
It doesn’t really matter what the right do. The left are more interested in fighting the far left or the blairite right / centrists.

Until the left can join forces to fight the real enemy this country will continue to be fecked by the tories.
I heartily agree with this, left-leaning people in general aim for consensus on all things when we really should accept consensus on the important things and crack on.
I do wonder where we'll be buying the boots from, seeing as the home of the industrial revolution couldn't organise the emergency production of three-ply paper rectangles with bits of string attached.
Bits of string? Sounds v posh.
Doesn’t neoliberalism promote a grand narrative (the growth of individual ‘freedom’) but there is no alternative.

civilisation states such as China and Russia however do claim to reject grand narratives.

yeah because authortartian corrupt regimes are hardly an alternative
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