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What is going on in Copenhagen?

It's interesting to see how each country handles the policing of these meeting.

We've seen London (brutal for protesters), Copenhagen (different approach).

I wonder which country will be up for scrutinizing next?????
Well, the fundamental basis of the Danish police tactics seems to be the same, create strong disincentives against protest.

UK police use kettling, Danish police use pre-emptive arrest but the result is the same insofar as anyone who is foolish enough to dare to demonstrate is deprived of their liberty and made as uncomfortable as the cops think they can get away with for as long as the cops think they can get away with by way of discouraging them from protesting.

Yes the G20 cops also administered some savage (and in one case fatal) beatings to people they didn't like the look of, but the fundamental basis of both forces' tactics is creating a strong disincentive to protest.
The police here are quite happy to arrest people pre-emptively anyway, quite apart from the usual short-term detention without arrest at protests.

It seems the danes have been learning plenty of lessons from our ever-delightful police force. Could be worse I suppose, they could have taken their lead from the 'if it moves, beat the shit out of it' approach favoured by German filth in this sort of situation.

I don't know what upsets me more, this pre-emptive detention bullshit or the fact that the protestors are putting up with it.
Some numbers from indymedia if people want to make the Danish stae aware that they are under observation:

Try calling these numbers and hassle the cops about arresting your friends - it helps to have a name to ask for.

Main Copenhagen police station - 0045 33 14 88 88

Valby police station - 0045 35 21 51 45 (nearest police station to detention centre)

Justice Ministry - 0045 72 26 84 00 (responsible for police)
What is going on in Copenhagen?

The poor countries are walking out en masse..

Later they walked back in again ..

negotiatons continue.
It is disgusting and not a little sinister, the way they have been
literally put in line, but why oh why don't they just get up and
fucking rush the police? Not sure what is more frightening to be
honest, the actions of the police or the submissiveness of the demonstrators.

I guess people can be worryingly submissive when authority looms over them. The exent to which this type of authortarian political policing goes unchallanged worries me to an even greater extent.
Back for a period because I want to talk about what is occuring here.
It is an absolute fucking disgrace.
In order to protect World leaders and unelected coorporations who are attending the talks for their own self serving needs, any protest not supported by the state (you have to ask permission to protest and if they agree with your point they will let you go ahead - one of their nice little changes to the laws here to support this farce) the police are "premptively" arresting anyone involved in these protests before anything has occured. The arrest and detainment of 968 people on Saturday is an indication of this. Of these 3 people were charged with disorder.


Yet the state and the police try to pass this off as necessary actions in order to avoid disorder. They corralled the back of the larger demonstration into Christmas Møllers platz and charged them, this was a group that included mothers and young children on a peaceful march to the Bella Centre. They then used zip wire on their hands and forced them to sit on the pavement for over 4 hours in 1.5C temperature. They were not informed of anything and were denied access to toilets forcing many to urinate on themselves. Many were then taken to a holding centre in Valby overnight which was basically a massive warehouse with no heating for "processing". All except the 3 released without charge. A friend who lives in Christiania and was by the Medical Centre that has been setup there said many of the people who had been held by police were in an absolute state of shock.

Defending this action because a couple of people threw some rocks at the Danish foreign ministry as the walk passed Christianshavn is offensive. Those that threw rocks and let off fireworks (some news agencies reported that guns were being fired, Absolute fucking bollocks, I was there) were told by the main group to go away. And they did so without further violence.

Sunday evening after arresting everyone (again "premptively") involved in a walk onto the harbour to protest against global trade in Østerbro - 300 people. no charges. The police then raided Christiania that evening, using tear gas and water Cannons on protesters camped there. Arresting hundreds more. With a few people charged with throwing petrol bombs - well there's only so much shit you can take.
Today is the major demonstration at Bella Centre and police have started using pepper spray and baton charges on activists who wish to create a peoples conference within the conference centre as they feel they are been ignored by those inside. This includes many NGO's, friends of the earth, greenpeace and the author Naomi Klein. The group has committed itself to non violent civil disobedience. Last night undercover police arrested the spokesman of Climate Justice Action, the moniker for this collective, again a "preemptive" arrest.

Guests arriving today for the conference include Robert Mugabe and Omar Al-Bashir. Both receiving lavish welcomes from the state and heightened security cordons.

I am deeply saddened to see Denmark slide further down into the authoritarian mire. One of the reasons I left the UK was due to the way the state control in that country was going. Soon there will not be anywhere else left to run. We have moved into an authoritarian nightmare where any dissenting voices are crushed by the state and corporate machine.

The people who care are angry.
Watching this on the news, the protesters invariably outnumber the police. I don't understand why they don't, as other have said, just charge the bastards.
I don't understand why they don't, as other have said, just charge the bastards.

Doing that you may win the battle, for 5 minutes or so, but you lose the war.
Mainstream public sees the footage and writes the protestors off as "the usual troublemakers".

I think they did the right thing. Held their ground, peacefully, for as long as was physically possible.
Doing that you may win the battle, for 5 minutes or so, but you lose the war.
Mainstream public sees the footage and writes the protestors off as "the usual troublemakers".

I think they did the right thing. Held their ground, peacefully, for as long as was physically possible.

Sometimes there's more to worry about than what the people watching it all on the telly will think. Even if you don't lift a finger the meeja will probably manage to edit something together than shows it all as some sort of fair fight.

Still, whether or not it's the best tactic I have enormous admiration for all those people who just stayed put and tried to protect their mates. Just watching that video gives me the fucking red mist tbh, if I was there I would be sorely tempted to relieve one of those cowardly fuckers of his helmet and his stick and then kick his teeth down his throat.
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