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Can we help this dude get a taxi? Do we do gofund me's here?

I did that for someone in Morrisons, for about £18. She insisted on taking my address and about a week later I got a thank you card with a £20 note and a £20 M&S voucher.
I have always bitterly regretted not stepping forward and putting extra money on the electricity card of the guy with two small children in the newsagent a few Christmases ago. He was desperately trying to put something like £4.68 on it :(
I don't even know if we do this kind of thing here. And I will remove if this is opening the floodgates to anything.
I got approached by this dude on Instagram, he said he had prayed to Allah to help him and had been directed to me. Now I can't argue with that kind of endorsement, and this is really not going to hurt to try. I took the time to listen to him, write with him, had some video chats with him and this request is legit.
Ebrahim lives in the Gambia, he is the oldest of his family and he is responsible for his mother and sisters. His father died not so long ago. He needs money to afford a taxi so that he can work as that and have an income from transporting rich tourists around. This is a very good business plan. He studied hard before his father died, and he has excellent english. He had a friend teach him how to drive a taxi. He needs about 3 and half grand to afford the car for his taxi business. Yes it is a mercedes, but we know that rich tourists are more likely to get into a safe mercedes than a banger.
I have set up a go-fund me.
Currently he works making bricks and other laboring tasks. But he doesn't earn much and sometimes the family go hungry.
I have set up a go fund me account to help with this.
If this is against the rules I apologise and will remove.
I’ve got a bridge for sale if you’re interested.
Sometimes it's people you do know. Guy I know has had a fake account in his name set up twice now, and the faker has then gone around adding all this guy's friends to it, me included.

Realised something was up when this guy who I vaguely knew from ten years back messaged me asking how I was doing. Real people don't do that. Never got as far as working out what the actual scam was.
Yes good point. I've had the "i've got a new account" scam before.
Except for all those Eastern European 20 year old lingerie models who think I'm handsome and want to be my friend, right?
So you're the other guy they're calling I did wonder who he was

I (sadly) realised a while ago that on both sides of the family, I'm actually the rich uncle who ends up being tapped for cash when there's an emergency.
But returning to the OP let's assume for the sake of argument that it is not a scam and totally genuine. Would I give money? the answer is still no. I'm fairly generous with the charity largesse towards complete strangers getting on for a 3 figure sum some months but my funds are not limitless. I have to make decisions on which causes are the most deserving to me and I believe that my generosity is best aimed at people in communities near to me rather than 1000's of miles away. I am an atheist so I'm not donating to store up treasure in heaven but to enable myself to feel good about me and what I'm doing/done. My mate who is heavily involved in the local foodbank saying "Cheers for this Mick" counts for a lot more than any warm feeling I might have towards some stranger in Africa.

As for Instagram never use it myself but Middle Q used to post photos there quite a lot once and she deleted her account due to a endless stream of complete strangers asking her to either post naked pics or marry them and often both. It does seem a bit of a sewer.
Sometimes it's people you do know.
I don't think you intended it this way but imo in all things treacherous its mostly the people you do know that are the risk, definitely had a few issues that way with money and loans and relationships going weird because of it; the people you don't know are fine, easy with strangers to choose whether to get involved or not helping them out and much less at stake either way.
Ach. There are some established charities I give to every month then there are the randoms.

Who i give money to despite knowing it's v likely a scam because I like to think it's not always a scam and even if it is, it's money I can afford to lose.
Have noticed on FB, a lot when a woman comments on a story/topic there will inevitably be a guy asking her to be FB friends. And he will ask every woman on the thread. It's creepy af for sure, but is it some kind of scam?
Have noticed on FB, a lot when a woman comments on a story/topic there will inevitably be a guy asking her to be FB friends. And he will ask every woman on the thread. It's creepy af for sure, but is it some kind of scam?

Wonder why they don’t just send friend requests directly like with the weird ones I get from young women who I don’t think really exist and have no common friends with me.
Have noticed on FB, a lot when a woman comments on a story/topic there will inevitably be a guy asking her to be FB friends. And he will ask every woman on the thread. It's creepy af for sure, but is it some kind of scam?
Yeah i see those a lot on fb news story comments as well. They are scam posts done by bots. If anyone is suckered into talking to them then eventually they will ask for money for some crises like a sick relative etc.

I also see a lot of bot posts about crypto on fb threads as well.
Have noticed on FB, a lot when a woman comments on a story/topic there will inevitably be a guy asking her to be FB friends. And he will ask every woman on the thread. It's creepy af for sure, but is it some kind of scam?
I saw this once, I google searched his photo and it was connected to scams, I alerted Facebook to it and they just shrugged and said there was no evidence that it was dodgy. 🤦
I don't think you intended it this way but imo in all things treacherous its mostly the people you do know that are the risk, definitely had a few issues that way with money and loans and relationships going weird because of it; the people you don't know are fine, easy with strangers to choose whether to get involved or not helping them out and much less at stake either way.
I get from young women who I don’t think really exist and have no common friends with me.

What, no Sabina, Delores and all the others are real! They obviously see how kind and loving I am and recognise I’m the kind of person who would pay for the rest of their clothes…
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