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what bird burns your spring?

i've yet to beat our blackbird :)
My happy blackbird couple have been forced to build their nest in a neighbour's garden since I cut all my ivy down.:(

She's well at it now though and a lot of the interior decoration is going to be consist of those bits of sellophane she's been carrying in all afternoon...
The Swifts are finally back. They're late this year. I associate their peeps with spring.
Crows. They gather nesting material, scavenge and generally thump about on the workshop roof.
My first spring in the UK for a long time and great to hear avifaunal voices piping up. Song thrush giving it some welly this morning.
I love the way woodpigeons coo. If I was on a desert island I would really miss British birdsong, it's just so beautiful and just now they are all getting excited about spring.
There are pigeons on the workshop roof too. They behave very differently from the crows... The crows will fly in, landing quite heavily, scrabble about, then fly off again. They'll also sometimes bang things repeatedly on it, presumably trying to break them open. The pigeons just potter about, rather awkwardly, occasionally pecking at things.
Starting to get our "regular" dawn chorus in the last few days - mainly blackbirds, thrushes, chaffinches and a multitude of tits, sparrows, robins and a noisy wren or two all contributing; with added woodpecker drum duet - with one soloist using the soffit board just above my bedroom.
Waiting for the various Ospreys to re-appear, that will mark the change of season for me. Summer is really under way when the swallows arrive ...
Fucking Canada geese, nesting by the canal and attacking stoners, boaters and themselves (in mirror glass). They actually pluck out their own feathers because, when they're that close to the glass, they can't see what's going on so I guess think that the other bird is pulling out their feathers so they've got to double up.

They do also attack police sniffer dogs which is always amusing.
Was in the park today and saw a pair of pigeons sitting side by side up on a branch... surprisingly not a sight I've seen before ... It looked like true love ;)

Btw I don't understand the thread title but never mind
Rooks in the giant Ash- trees at the bottom of our road.I pass close to them on my way to work cos they forage in the field at first-light and their funny faces take my mind off work.Make a huge racket every evening when its getting dark and they are jockeying for position in the trees . Hurrah-they say- here we are and there's hundreds of us-or something like that.
Normally I'd have woodpigeons nesting in the ash tree this time of year, but the council came and cut it back last week and I think they may have abandoned their nest-building in a panic. :(
I love our blackbirds. The male has been named Ringo by our neighbours because he has a white ring round one of his eyes.
He'll get really close when you're weeding, close enough to touch even.
I must admit to talking to him on occasion and he cocks his head like he understands every word.
Counted 13 blackbirds in the garden yesterday at one point, they spent the day picking up old leaves from around the edge and chucking them all over the lawn.
Was it nippy? They tend to tolerate each other and ignore territories when its really cold... or when they're a migrating flock - we don't get nearly as many wintering blackbirds as we do other thrushes, like redwings or fieldfares, but a few do come in from the fozen east.

At most other times they can be real postcode nutters
Kittiwakes when they start nesting on the quayside around the Tyne Bridge

Finally discovered that the bird call in my back garden is from a blue tit :cool: I've been hearing it for a month or so but haven't seen the birdy culprit. Was out for a walk earlier and heard exactly the same call, looked up, and it was a blue tit :)

I'm loving hearing birds at the mo. Was something I never had living right in the centre of Brixton, apart from once a year after Brixton Splash when the gulls came up from the coast cos of all the litter :eek:
Up the Pentland hills on my bike today and there was a skylark above me yelling spring joy all over the sky.
Yeah, Skylark is a big one for me although usually later in spring when I start going out a bit more. A while back I heard the first chaffinch and greenfinches I'd heard since last year and that really washed a springy feeling over me :thumbs:
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