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What are you panic buying?

In Harlow, there are long queues of cars outside petrol stations, with many customers apparently panic buying, my colleague Luke Harding reports.

The city centre is badly clogged with traffic.

And there are no taxis available from Harlow railway station because – I was told by Metro, the resident cab firm – of the worsening “fuel crisis”.
I was driving home when Grant Shapps came on the radio telling us not to panic buy fuel, I looked at my half full tank, stopped at the next petrol station and filled up! :( :) well you can't be too careful can you!
Was it Shops who I heard on the radio earlier and said Brexit was helping because the rules regarding HGV testing had been relaxed and there was now more testing. He also said DO NOT panic buy, it is not necessary.
Are we headed for a winter of discontent?
In Harlow, there are long queues of cars outside petrol stations, with many customers apparently panic buying, my colleague Luke Harding reports.

The city centre is badly clogged with traffic.

And there are no taxis available from Harlow railway station because – I was told by Metro, the resident cab firm – of the worsening “fuel crisis”.
Send help to Harlow.
This isn't a repeat of The Great Bog Roll Famine of 2020. If most people do ride around with only a modest amount in their tanks then once everyone has filled there will be a breather which will give what few tanker drivers there are left chance to restock the garages. It's a lot harder to horde petrol and diesel than bogroll once your tanks full that's about it.
I'm waiting for this to happen here again:

In what magistrates described as an "act of gross stupidity", he stored the petrol in three containers at a house he was renovating in Porter Road in the city.

But fuel melted the bottom of a plastic dustbin and leaked into the house last September, causing dozens of homes to be evacuated for fear of an explosion.
:facepalm: :facepalm: :rolleyes:
that was even the thing during the first lockdown

you know you are in real trouble when the corner shops start running out of stuff

most of the Hordes of panic buyers focus on the superstores

even during the great toilet paper panic of april 2020 i could find rolls of crap paper in bottle shops

but keep it quiet

my land lord has a 2000 reg 106 sitting outside the house it starting to rot a little and is a bit bashed up

thinking of buy it for 150 and parking it near a petrol station with a sign for 1000 pounds and a timbleful of petrol can take you to work

might get luckly whilst people are waiting trying to get into a service station
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