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What are you panic buying?

Dumb question, why wasn't there a 'pingdemic' before?
The app didn't work?
A lot more people are infected the it seems?
The fweeddom day means a lot more people are using 'common sense' to be dicks
something else, or a combination of the above.

People were not going places that required them to install the app and check in before.
Well, what with the second wave and impending Brexit, I've started panic buying essentials* again.

* more Polaroid film

Always Polaroid film. They're selling a new batch of yellow Duochrome at the moment.

no I have not shot all of the film I already have, what a silly question
you'll never guess

ok so they did recently put out some blue Duochrome film, I obviously had to get some

panic buying is something of a self fulfilling prophecy, If someone says don't panic buy because it will cause shortages, anyone hearing it is likely to assume that people are panic buying already and think they have to get in on the act before there are indeed shortages
panic buying is something of self fulfilling prophecy, If someone says don't panic buy because it will cause shortages, anyone hearing it is likely to assume that people are panic buying already and think they have to get in on the act before there are indeed shortages
no one expects there to be shortages of 'the guardian'

I panic bought a Casio digital watch today, £15.00 money well spent, it tells exactly the same time as my damaged Swatch Irony at a fraction of the price.
Bishops tipple, bishops finger.
I went to Eye earlier and couldn't buy anything if I wanted to. What there was was closed. Back to life and reality tomorrow though.
I bought two hats yesterday, they both fitted my big head so I thought I’ll have these. Perhaps the next person who goes into that H&M looking for large hats of that type will see the empty shelf I created send pics to the Daily Mail, sparking a nationwide panic of hat buying.
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