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What are you panic buying?

I always buy 15. It’s usually 15 assorted sizes vs 12 large/medium/small. I can never decide which size is best value, and the 15 is normally cheaper per egg anyway because they don’t have to sort them.
Been gradually stocking up over the past few months.

We now have a reasonable stockpile of most things, just in case we can't get either our normal deliveries or to the shops ourselves.
Weather is also a factor, given how relatively isolated / high up / far north where we are living.
Currently on deliveries until a) after we've all been jabbed twice plus four weeks ; and b) our local case rate drops back to well below the national average.
There was an egg shortage in our local Coop, in desperation went around to the farm shop, got a tray of 2 dozen for only a few pence more than would have been in Coop. Excellent result in that many of the farm eggs have been double-yoked.
PM me your address. I'll try and package them to prevent breakages. :D



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