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What are you panic buying?

I have never seen an actual goose casually on a shelf in an actual supermarket tbf - I've always had it down as something you need to do on the special orders section of supermarket click and collect or delivery (during recent internet shopping times) for the Xmas period, or order from your local butcher. They seem to be quite expensive, but as I am the only one here who eats meat I have never really tested whether it is worth the price! (I have a duck this year, that will happily do me my Xmas dinner and leftovers without being overwhelming).
I have never seen an actual goose casually on a shelf in an actual supermarket tbf - I've always had it down as something you need to do on the special orders section of supermarket click and collect or delivery (during recent internet shopping times) for the Xmas period, or order from your local butcher. They seem to be quite expensive, but as I am the only one here who eats meat I have never really tested whether it is worth the price! (I have a duck this year, that will happily do me my Xmas dinner and leftovers without being overwhelming).
Pretty sure I've seen them for sale in big supermarkets. Have had it before but can't remember what it was like.
This system of limiting how many of whatever it is one person can buy how is that supposed to work, I'm fine with one small milk because its just me and the cat but what if you have 5 kids and live with your inlaws do you just have to go to the shop constantly.
My cousin has six kids now, plus her partner and sometimes one of her brothers staying there. She was shopping every day or two even before the pandemic, just to keep them in milk. Not enough fridge space to stock up much when you get through 6+ pints a day.
Pretty sure I've seen them for sale in big supermarkets. Have had it before but can't remember what it was like.

I have had goose but I was quite young - it's too big a bird to get for Crimbo dinner for a household with only 1 carnivore (Ok 3 carnivores including the cats but they eat a tablespoon of meat each and they are done!)
Big Sainsbury’s near me was pretty much empty at 8:30 last night. Some bare looking shelves (bread in particular) but that’s pretty normal for Sainsbury’s these days. Plenty of iceberg. I did that thing of feeling overwhelmed by choice while not being exactly sure what I’d come in for so wandered around in a bewildered state for about an hour occasionally remembering something I needed and then weaving around trying to find it. We’re pretty much stocked up at home, only do the Sainsbury’s every few weeks for the bits we can’t get in Aldi.
I have never seen an actual goose casually on a shelf in an actual supermarket tbf - I've always had it down as something you need to do on the special orders section of supermarket click and collect or delivery (during recent internet shopping times) for the Xmas period, or order from your local butcher. They seem to be quite expensive, but as I am the only one here who eats meat I have never really tested whether it is worth the price! (I have a duck this year, that will happily do me my Xmas dinner and leftovers without being overwhelming).
If you get one make sure it's a Brixton goose Adventure 7: “The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle” | The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Lit2Go ETC
My local Tesco never takes the tags/stickers off the boxes of wine. The alarm always goes off, the security guys eyes widen, I roll my eyes and wave at the checkout staff who wave back. Me and the security guard laugh and he ushers me out the store with a smile.

I had a Decathlon top which would set every alarm off, no matter the store. My sons would die of embarrassment as I got pulled over each time, I wasn't 100% certain why I was triggering every alarm (ASDA/Sainsburys/Waitrose to name just 3) & secretly enjoyed the attention of it all & then I returned for a 3rd consecutive Saturday to the same Tescos & a very kind security guard cut the tag out of the jacket for me & checked that it no longer set the alarm off. I think he realised that I would be coming in every week & it was more bother for him to check me every week than to deal with the cause of the problem.
I got pulled aside once in my local Iceland between the checkout and the doors - it was a new security guard - I could see the checkout staff trying to wave and signal to him him I wasn't a thief and I had just paid for everything (I'd been shopping there every couple of days for nearly 20 years). I know full well it was because I was on my way home from work and looked scruffy - I showed the security guard my shopping bags and receipt and he said he wanted to see what was in my rucksack and I was by this point furious and tipped all my work overalls and gloves and PPE and tools from my rucksack out on the supermarket floor ranting about how working class people were discriminated against and I'd never been stopped when I was dressed smartly - I was absolutely fucking furious.
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I got pulled aside once in my local Iceland between the checkout and the doors - it was a new security guard - I could see the checkout staff trying to wave and signal to him him I wasn't a thief and I had just paid for everything (I'd been shopping there every couple of days for nearly 20 years). I know full well it was because I was on my way home from work and looked scruffy - I showed the security guard my shopping bags and receipt and he said he wanted to see what was in my rucksack and I was by this point furious and tipped all my work overalls and gloves and PPE and tools from my rucksack out on the supermarket floor ranting about how working class people were discriminated against and I'd never been stopped when I was dressed smartly - I was absolutely fucking furious.
I hope he blushed and apologised
Big Sainsbury’s near me was pretty much empty at 8:30 last night. Some bare looking shelves (bread in particular) but that’s pretty normal for Sainsbury’s these days. Plenty of iceberg. I did that thing of feeling overwhelmed by choice while not being exactly sure what I’d come in for so wandered around in a bewildered state for about an hour occasionally remembering something I needed and then weaving around trying to find it. We’re pretty much stocked up at home, only do the Sainsbury’s every few weeks for the bits we can’t get in Aldi.
Sounds like the ultimate free shopper.
Aldi and Lidl are looking very sparse in the fruit and veg department. Noticeably there are standard UK crops like carrots, spuds, seasonal apples etc but much less of imported stuff like aubergines and oranges.
Milk. Co-op delivery had ran out of my item (4 pint semi skimmed) and apparently couldn't replace it (despite replacing parts of my order with bizarre things last time). I was like surely they could have sent a pint of organic whole milk or 6 pints of cravendale skimmed, or even some soya - surely they realise people need some in their tea! Girlfriend said she'd pop into Aldi on way here and just sent this.

In Sainsburys Whitechapel last week all of the dairy sections looked like they'd been pillaged exactly like that. Today they were pretty much back to normal (or what passes for it at the moment). I suspect there are currently local and company-specific supply chain issues for a variety of reasons. Certainly couldn't find any trade press articles about anything more concerning.
I've noticed big holes in produce again, mostly dairy but some fruit and veg. When I picked up milk today it was from the bottom shelf of one of those metal roll in cages, cos the others were empty, and that was late morning.
Milk. Co-op delivery had ran out of my item (4 pint semi skimmed) and apparently couldn't replace it (despite replacing parts of my order with bizarre things last time). I was like surely they could have sent a pint of organic whole milk or 6 pints of cravendale skimmed, or even some soya - surely they realise people need some in their tea! Girlfriend said she'd pop into Aldi on way here and just sent this.

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Mrs Tag has looked for eggs on her last few visits to the Coop and said there weren't any
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