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What are you panic buying?

Not quite "panic buying", but bought 5kg of basmati from Noor recently, 5kg of white bread flour from an eastern European cash & carry in Nth London (via my lovely Slovakian neighbour) yesterday, and a case of bottles of Guinness XX/Original, plus a case of various German beers and a bottle of Slivovica from "Beers of Europe".
A quick update from rural Wales.

My nearest town (2 miles away) has one supermarket, a Co-op, though it's a stretch to call it a supermarket really. But for argument's sake etc. From tomorrow they've announced they'll only be accommodating 'essential' shopping only. They haven't defined essential. The shop will only be opening, fwiw, from 10am to 7pm. What's more, though you'd struggle to get most essentials in there at the best of times, they just haven't recovered from the panic buying of 2 weeks ago and it's been empty shelves ever since. This is the only supermarket in an 8 mile radius of that town. And that town is an old town, full of old people, many without transport.

Delivery slots at Tesco (8 and 12 miles away from the town) are still unavailable, even 3 weeks in advance. Many old people are going to suffer from this.
Apart from 501s, everything I'm wearing at the moment is from there. I usually get stuff from the outlet shop rather than the main branch as it can be a fair bit cheaper. I assume hash tag favours topman or similar shops popular with the younger crowd - mutton dressed as lamb. :D
Up until lock down I had bought no new clothes for about 16 months, apart from an emergency pair of shorts, though Mrs T bought me a new pair of trainers a while back. It will be at least 18 months before
I will be able to get out to buy anything again I expect. When I do get to source new clothes it will probably be trawls through TKMAXX, though I cant see myself needing any, not for another 6 months at least :)
Up until lock down I had bought no new clothes for about 16 months, apart from an emergency pair of shorts, though Mrs T bought me a new pair of trainers a while back. It will be at least 18 months before
I will be able to get out to buy anything again I expect. When I do get to source new clothes it will probably be trawls through TKMAXX, though I cant see myself needing any, not for another 6 months at least :)
I love TKMAXX too.

On me now, socks, jocks and shorts are from M&S and t-shirt from da MAXX.
I'm a tight fist...I get others to bring me back tee's from their Hol's unless they are overseas visitors in which case, Tee's from home
Since our big shop on Saturday was abandoned due to massive queues, we went today to buy All The Things.

Not a lot of choice in terms of fresh meat, I was hoping for something different to my usual chicken but ended up with a chicken LOL. I did get a load of sausages with a use-by of tomorrow, 32 sausages for £2 and I am just going to portion them up and freeze them. Got a load of falafels from the reduced to clear shelf as well, also freezable, so we are both happy. Some white fish, veg (asparagus and cauli), washing up liquid, loo rolls, some tortellini, burger buns, mayonnaise, a couple of large bottles of squash that were on special offer, tinned tomatoes, and some cheap booze. Did quite well in terms of bargains, although a lot of items do NOT have prices shown on the shelves at the moment - not ideal when you're on a tight budget.

They had plenty of loo roll, washing up liquid was reduced choice with all the popular brands gone. There were only 2 bags of strong flour and 3 bags of self-raising, which I didn't get I have some - but no plain flour, which is what I am running short of.
Bread flour ... it's getting ridiculous now - neither Aldi or Tesco - and I can't see myself making a cycle trip just for flour.

I have a very minimalist lifestyle and it's the only thing I can't find - and there's queuing from opening time now - and I feel obliged to wear a mask - which is probably useless for MY protection because my glasses were misting up ...
Bread flour ... it's getting ridiculous now - neither Aldi or Tesco - and I can't see myself making a cycle trip just for flour.

I have a very minimalist lifestyle and it's the only thing I can't find - and there's queuing from opening time now - and I feel obliged to wear a mask - which is probably useless for MY protection because my glasses were misting up ...
You could just put the mask on when you get to the supermarket?

Like you, I'm struggling to find flour, particularly wholemeal bread flour. Although I'm not looking THAT hard...
I braved Tesco for a second day - not least because I'd forgotten salad and hummus - to no avail ... thence to the local deli and bought the rationed kilo and a half of loose wholemeal - so ideally that should last me 15 breakfasts - though in practice, rather fewer... by the time I need to use it ...
Yeast will be the next issue - they probably had that, but I managed to forget to look ... EDIT - I have 60g - so sufficient for 6 weeks.. :)

One downside is I came out with digestive biscuits and came close to buying a vegan ginger cake ...
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News in from Tesco.

Tesco has said that “significant panic-buying” in recent weeks cleared its supply chain of certain items as sales jumped by 30%.

The supermarket giant said supply has now stabilised across the group as it reported its latest annual figures.

Bosses at the retailer said surging demand resulted in the sale of six million tins of baked beans, 3.3 million tins of tomatoes and 3.6 million packs of toilet roll each week as stockpiling increased.

It said 10% of shoppers bought 30% of products while it also reported stockpiling was most prevalent in the south-east of England.

The suggestion being from the data that stockpiling was largely the preserve of economically better off people. Well blow me down.
The suggestion being from the data that stockpiling was largely the preserve of economically better off people. Well blow me down.

Indeed. But also London is so far ahead in terms of cases and deaths than the rest of the country its no wonder people were more panicked.
Indeed. But also London is so far ahead in terms of cases and deaths than the rest of the country its no wonder people were more panicked.

!) They say South East.. They usually say London and the South East when they want to include London
2) For a while Hampshire had more cases than any other health authority
3) Stocks pretty much fine now, but it was properly mental
You could just put the mask on when you get to the supermarket?

Like you, I'm struggling to find flour, particularly wholemeal bread flour. Although I'm not looking THAT hard...
So far, the place to get large bags of staples has absolutely proved to be decent corner shops, usually signified by having veg outside. Bought a 2kg bag of basmati this afternoon and they had numerous different types of flour in all sorts of sizes, including massive sacks if you were so inclined. Supermarkets are useless for this stuff.
I'm heading to Wing Yip tomorrow, big Chinese supermarket place in Manchester. Going to stock up on lots of stuff and a vague hope they may have things like gloves and face masks.

In the last few years I have bought one 10kg bag of rice a year from an Asian catering kind of shop that is round the corner from my house. It's mainly for restaurants but they let the ordinary public in. It's nothing like Wing Yip - God, I love going in there. whenever I am in Manchester. Excellent place. Where Wing Yip is about the size of a regional airport, this place near me is more like your old school back street garage. I bet the people who own my nice shop go to Wing Yip to stock up. Anyway, just before all of this started I went in there for my annual bag of rice and bought a few catering sized bags of things - dried chillies, black pepper, mustard seeds, fenugreek and a gallon of soy sauce. Glad I did that now, timely.
So far, the place to get large bags of staples has absolutely proved to be decent corner shops, usually signified by having veg outside. Bought a 2kg bag of basmati this afternoon and they had numerous different types of flour in all sorts of sizes, including massive sacks if you were so inclined. Supermarkets are useless for this stuff.
I know my corner shop has none, boo. I could try going up to St Clears, I suppose, and see what the Spar has.
The thing with the massive sacks of flour right now is that a lot of mills that produced for wholesale/restaurant industry currently have a load of massive sacks of flour and nowhere buying it, a lot aren't equipped with the machinery to put it into small bags for retail.
In the last few years I have bought one 10kg bag of rice a year from an Asian catering kind of shop that is round the corner from my house. It's mainly for restaurants but they let the ordinary public in. It's nothing like Wing Yip - God, I love going in there. whenever I am in Manchester. Excellent place. Where Wing Yip is about the size of a regional airport, this place near me is more like your old school back street garage. I bet the people who own my nice shop go to Wing Yip to stock up. Anyway, just before all of this started I went in there for my annual bag of rice and bought a few catering sized bags of things - dried chillies, black pepper, mustard seeds, fenugreek and a gallon of soy sauce. Glad I did that now, timely.

10kg doesn't last anywhere near a year. :oops: Tbf she's gluten intolerant and just my style of cooking means we eat a lot of rice.

First Chinese supermarket I went was a you described and it was amazing. Wing Yip blew me away. Just got 3.5L of soy sauce, not counting the Golden Mountain, not quite sure why it isn't soy sauce as its made from soy, but its also awesome.
I've been trying different shops for the weekly shop. This week it was Iceland and initially I very pleased to see just a small queue outside and thought I'd scored. It was only when I realised that they had the store had no real handle on who was coming in and going out and it was way to busy inside. Just to compound matters there was a lot of pensioners in there as Iceland is an affordable shop on a state pension. Not good.
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