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What animals/wildlife have you seen today?

I saw a really beautiful bird at lunch today. It had a red head and a yellow body. Not bright yellow, kind of iridescent. I don’t know what it was. I couldn’t get a photo.
I was going to say humans. But then I wondered if humans are wild or domesticated. And if domesticated are we self domesticated? And have any other animals domesticated themselves? Or indeed others? And what actually constitutes “the wild” in this Anthropocene world? Is there anything that is truly unaffected by human actions?
There's a large flock of greylag and canada geese on the lake now. There's about 100 now. The black swans have left, and the ducks are seldom here now.

Here we find we get a lot of ducks overwintering I think just a bit further inland than they tend to hang around when the weather is better - so during winter our stretch of The Lea is chocka with teal, mallards, gadwalls and tufted ducks, but only a small number stay here for breeding season.
A gaggle of Geese at the canal cafe earlier, they did a formation take-off circle and massed landing which was cool. I noticed some solitary magpies which always makes me happy, then when driving later, the luckiest squirrel ran across the road in front of me and made it across which pleased me. So nothing exotic just run of the mill.
Obvs we all know a hedgie out in the day might be (a) in a spot of bother or (b) a mum with little ones, who needs to feed up.

Pretty sure this is (b).

Heard her rustling through the dead leaves, put some food down. Looked very healthy, was moving with no issues (and fast, when the kids next door got too loud) and ate a load.

Always feels like a privilege to be that close ❤️

Not been outside so only what I could see through the window, rabbits, geese, and wood pigeons.

I've not heard, or seen, the woodpecker for a week or two.
Been putting the garden camera trap out again ...

Apart from the usual avian suspects ... over the past couple of nights [14 - 17th July 2024], the latest catch has been :-
hedgepig, red fox and yet another "farm/feral" cat [ginger this time]

a selection of the most recent images can be found here

older images are in albums, here

[e2a = the goats were escapees from a neighbouring farm ... just opened up some extra images]
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