I miss my first cat, she was great. She was 5 when I was born, and died when I was 16 at a stonkingly old 21 years. My parents have a pic of her looking into my cradle when I came back from the hospital with a sort of "WTF is that?!" look on her face. She was the gentlest cat ever and liked stopping other cats from coming and trying to eat the birds (she'd lie down and doze in the garden, and the birds would do bird things all around her), but she didn't train me as well as my current cat has and only understood her name, "food", "out" and "bed" properly - although she handled silly voices alot better.
"Get orf moi land or I'll set Tiddles on you!"
There's a DJ Vadim concert going on about 50 yards away and I'm getting every second of it