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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Button said there was more than one ring of police when he walked from L/St towards Bank last night. He had to cut down one of the little lanes to get towards London Bridge, I guess this would have been 5.45ish. He'll probably be able to describe it better later. Sounds pretty much what hipipol is describing.

Edit: He didn't get to London Bridge until 6.45, took him ages
Senior officers said one police officer was in hospital, receiving treatment after suffering a blow to the head. Seven protesters were also taken to hospital.

I may be mad but I'm sure ive seen pics of more that 7 peeps with blood pouring from their heads?
Anyone kept a count?

Many of those with their heads bashed in by coppers would have been trapped inside cordons. There is at least one statement from a bloke who was injured by police and not permitted to leave the kettle to seek medical attention.

And yes, I'm pretty sure I've seen photos of more than seven protestors with bleeding heads, and presumably not everyone who was injured has had their photo posted on the internet.
To get more info on the fatality just Google, there's a lot of articles out there already. (Slightly disturbingly, many articles include pictures of the deceased in his last moments, seems there were enough photographers of one sort or another for there to be plenty of them.)

RIP - and pity the poor family who are now going to have their loved one used as a symbol of all that's wrong with demonstrations/police/bankers/capitalism/lefties/anarchists (delete as applicable)....
Early on there were so many camera men - even toady at 1 outside the BoE the Paps and cops pretty much filled every available space
He was found in St Michaels alley?
Thats up by the Jampot - past change alley - well away in fact from almost all of the "action"
In Queen Victoria Street there were missiles thrown (yesterday the BBC website said "launched" FFS) after the kettling and pushing had been started by the police. They included beer cans - one person told me they were full but I didn't see any full ones. Most of the missiles were empty plastic water bottles and apple cores.

I cannot speak for what occurred elsewhere, but at QVS and Queen Street, there is no doubt that the police started the situation. I was not in the demo, but watching from my office. I even work with the police sometimes, so I have no axe to grind.

Whilst I doubt that those who learn about this through the main stream media will change their minds, a lot of city office workers have been enlightened to police behaviour. I was in a coffee bar this morning where everyone was talking about the bad behaviour of the police. That included suits, the barrista and some building labourers.

So, I think that there is hope that the cover up will be stopped. I shall be writing to my MP and London Assembly member asking for an enquiry. It probably won't do any good, but every (NV) means must be used to get this out in the open.

From what i saw at the jct of QESt and QSt, I'd agree with this. There were builders/shop workers/city workers/even tourists who were quite shocked at what they saw. At first they thought it was all a bit of a laugh, as the police turned up in their hundreds, but as the riot squads started pushing people around, they fell very quiet and looked quite shocked.

NB: the branch of HSBC there was not touched for the 1/2 hr or so before the police turned up in force, but in hindsight the police tactics of pushing people north up QSt. and blocking the jct with QESt. seemed to be aimed at 'protecting' the bank. Nice :rolleyes:

It has been reported that the Protester was seen between the Protesters and the Police Dog Handlers. Anyway from where I was I saw the Dog get taken inside the cordons area... not outside. As it also been said that the Police had to push there way into the melee to get to the "injured" protester at that time. There was no melee in scale outside the cordons as there were inside. The event described could be after he was moved from the cordon area.... all these rumours seem highly suspect...
From 200 miles away, thanks Urban!

Thanks for all the information and links folks, I've been catching up on this thread for the last three or four hours :( :hmm:

I'm in Swansea otherwise I'd have been there yesterday.
It has been reported that the Protester was seen between the Protesters and the Police Dog Handlers. Anyway from where I was I saw the Dog get taken inside the cordons area... not outside. As it also been said that the Police had to push there way into the melee to get to the "injured" protester at that time. There was no melee in scale outside the cordons as there were inside. The event described could be after he was moved from the cordon area.... all these rumours seem highly suspect...

Why would you carry an injured man from St Michaels Alley down Cornhill, towards the Royal exchange where its all fucking kicking off???

Thats mad and makes no sense at all
He was found in St Michaels alley?
Thats up by the Jampot - past change alley - well away in fact from almost all of the "action"

Yebbut, protesters and riot police started moving down to London Bridge, which they reached by 8pm ish. He could have got caught up in that.


By about 8pm, running battles between riot police and demonstrators were taking place across London Bridge. Bottles, sticks and bricks were thrown.
This is some of what the Guardian says, I don't know what it means in terms of exact nearness to action but it doesn't sould like he was in a cordon...

Pictures seen by the Guardian, and corroborated by witnesses, suggest that Mr Tomlinson initially fell to the ground by a window of 11 Royal Exchange, outside the Mont Blanc shop, in front of five riot officers.

A subsequent picture shows him being lifted off the floor by a protester.

Seconds later, he is seen walking past a line of police dogs. He is believed to have collapsed again close to the junction of Birchin Lane, near a Starbucks and Office Angels.

Jackson said Mr Tomlison was then surrounded by police officers who were pelted with at least one missile.

"There were a couple of people throwing bottles in that general direction," he said. "But they were told to stop doing that by the crowd. In fact, some people in the crowd threatened to kill them if they did anything to disrupt the treatment."

Full article here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/apr/02/g20-summit-protester-death
He was found in St Michaels alley?
Thats up by the Jampot - past change alley - well away in fact from almost all of the "action"

This was outside of the cordon but there were scuffles in that area with riot cops chasing people through Change Alley
Eh? Now it was him getting bottled and not the police? And it was this bottling that caused him to collapse? Fuck me the coppers don't even have sufficient sense to remember what lie they're telling from one moment to the next :mad:

the words you quote seem to have disappeared now.
gosh, that's the first time I've emailed in to the BBC too. I think it was probably me that did it. In fact, I'm sure of it.
I've never seen anything like that video from the Climate Camp. That is totally shameful.

The police were just agitating surely? What was the goal of that charge?

I can't believe they did that. I feel really naive that I didn't think they'd do that to peaceful protesters.

Been speaking to friends who were camped out at the South End and that wasnt the half of it - the real violence kicked in after night fall as they moved in to clear the camp. Much blood spilled. Havent seen anything on film yet, doesnt sound like anyone left in the camp at night fall was filming...
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