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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

The upshot of the ruling and the police's application of their "kettle" formula is that people thinking about embarking on demonstrations in the future may have to decide whether they want to be effectively locked up for eight hours without food or water and, when leaving, to be photographed and identified."

So the last veneer of democracy & free society has gone :(
BBC said:
Police said the man, thought to be in his 40s, died on Wednesday evening after bottles were thrown at him and he collapsed.

Eh? Now it was him getting bottled and not the police? And it was this bottling that caused him to collapse? Fuck me the coppers don't even have sufficient sense to remember what lie they're telling from one moment to the next :mad:

It's not even plausible ffs, why would protestors be bottling some random bloke? And since when have plastic bottles killed anyone?

Shame on the BBC for not even bothering to check one statement against the last one before trotting it out as gospel truth :mad:
Eh? Now it was him getting bottled and not the police? And it was this bottling that caused him to collapse? Fuck me the coppers don't even have sufficient sense to remember what lie they're telling from one moment to the next :mad:

It's not even plausible ffs, why would protestors be bottling some random bloke? And sense when have plastic bottles killed anyone?

Shame on the BBC for not even bothering to check one statement against the last one before trotting it out as gospel truth :mad:
You got the link? That's just shoddy.
Eh? Now it was him getting bottled and not the police? And it was this bottling that caused him to collapse? Fuck me the coppers don't even have sufficient sense to remember what lie they're telling from one moment to the next :mad:

It's not even plausible ffs, why would protestors be bottling some random bloke? And sense when have plastic bottles killed anyone?

Shame on the BBC for not even bothering to check one statement against the last one before trotting it out as gospel truth :mad:

Yep, here's the link http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7978105.stm

Good grief.
From Jenny Jones / Darren Johnson (greens)

Thanks for your email - I'm replying on behalf of myself and my colleague Darren Johnson AM.

I'm very upset at the police's action yesterday and have challenged the Met to justify their actions. I have also demanded an Authority review of both days' policing which I hope will happen this month.

Best wishes

Another email to the Beeb:

cesare said:
"Police said the man, thought to be in his 40s, died on Wednesday evening after bottles were thrown at him and he collapsed."

How very odd. First the police say that they were the ones having bottles thrown at them. Now you say that they are saying the man had bottles thrown at him. And all the eye witness accounts seem to contradict both positions. Perhaps you'd like to reconsider your version of events here?
The dead man has been named as Ian Tomlinson, 47, a City resident who was on his way home from work at a newsagent's.
Complaint sent to BBC:

Regarding your online coverage of the G20 protests in London, I'd like to point out that early this morning your website carried a police statement to the effect that a man had died after collapsing at one of the demonstrations and that police medics attempting to help him were pelted with missiles. At the time of writing, however, your website refers to a police statement to the effect that the man himself was being pelted with bottles by protestors, and that this was what caused his collapse.

I would recommend that rather than presenting police statements as gospel truth, your editors make some attempt to check that these statements at the very least do not contradict each other. Perhaps some accounts from sources other than the police would be worth including in your coverage as well, especially considering the fact that the actions of the police may have contributed to someone's death. The police have already been shown to be more than capable of lying to the public about the death of an innocent person.

The facts about this man's death are evidently far from clear, and yet the report on your website would seem to suggest otherwise; as well as implying that demonstrators were, for reasons unknown, attacking one of their number with bottles. This is a serious (not to mention rather implausible) allegation and I think you should have more than vague and contradictory statements to go on before making it.

Written in my best BBC English so they think I'm a respectable member of society and not the soap-dodging layabout in the photo on my mum's dresser.
Had he been "kettled", do we know?

The police certainly wouldn't have been checking that all the people inside their cordons were there to cause trouble that's for sure. If 'I need to pick up my kids' isn't a good enough reason to be let out of a kettle then I doubt 'I'm just trying to get home from work' would cut the mustard.

Nevertheless, I sense the papers having a field day with this new information. Plently will see it as a chance to blame the poor bloke's death on protestors rather than the police who had imprisoned him for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
From that Beeb link

Senior officers said one police officer was in hospital, receiving treatment after suffering a blow to the head. Seven protesters were also taken to hospital.

I may be mad but I'm sure ive seen pics of more that 7 peeps with blood pouring from their heads?
Anyone kept a count?
The police certainly wouldn't have been checking that all the people inside their cordons were there to cause trouble that's for sure. If 'I need to pick up my kids' isn't a good enough reason to be let out of a kettle then I doubt 'I'm just trying to get home from work' would cut the mustard.

Nevertheless, I sense the papers having a field day with this new information. Plently will see it as a chance to blame the poor bloke's death on protestors rather than the police who had imprisoned him for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Well, indeed.
The police certainly wouldn't have been checking that all the people inside their cordons were there to cause trouble that's for sure. If 'I need to pick up my kids' isn't a good enough reason to be let out of a kettle then I doubt 'I'm just trying to get home from work' would cut the mustard.

Nevertheless, I sense the papers having a field day with this new information. Plently will see it as a chance to blame the poor bloke's death on protestors rather than the police who had imprisoned him for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I saw some women trying to get past the cops around one who were saying they needed to get back to work but weren't allowed out - depends what time the guy finished at - by seven they had double cordons with around 100 years between with the odd cop wandering the space, there really was no way a single person could have got thru
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