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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Whose we then are you pural now ?


Makes me happy i can not tell you the joy:
Yeah, why do the journos put up with it? Decent balanced reporting all through the day, then entirely misrepresented later. Mind you, the journos might not want to put up with it for long either, what with the restrictions on them photographing and that now.
I've been very impressed by the BBC coverage throughout the day, particularly the segment after 8 where the reporter was clearly perplexed as to why the police were moving in on the climate camp threateningly.

News at Ten seemed to have a completely different story to that which had unfolded on BBC News 24 though ... :hmm:
Whose we then are you pural now ?

I'm your opinions now remember? I made myself plural for the purposes of a hypothetical scenario, and now if you'll excuse me I'm off to put a revolver in each of my various mouths and pull the various triggers.
Every time I see that fucking bank getting its windows smashed it fills my heart with joy. :)

Kudos to all those who attended the protest today, whatever you do did there. Wish I could have joined you.

And a big fuck you to all the cops, bankers and tory vermin (including all the shitheads getting their knackers in twist about a few windows being smashed but don't seem nearly so concerned about the millions of people losing their jobs and homes out there because of neoliberal barbarism and greed).
If this is true then they really have overstepped the mark. They have no right to delete the images.

But they are known to have done that in the past. They do what the fuck they like. Because they love the people so much and want us to continue paying taxes to the banks. It's so nice.
Oh dear that's dreadful innit.

I get the sense that you all feel a bit deflated and sad.

Round 2 tomorrow then. See if you can do better than a few smashed windows.
You are missing the important 'score':

The police need to see if they can do better than:

1. stopping people from exercising their rights to free speech, free movement and their freedom to peacefully demonstrate.

2. going round hitting and kicking people for no good reason.

If the police actually gave a shit about the law, and the value of democracy and freedom then they should feel deflated and sad that they have singularly failed to behave in a decent manner.

Not only have they managed to fuck up today, they have probably managed to alienate a very large number of people who might have in the past been willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, and in doing so have just made their own jobs and lives that much harder and more unpleasant.

Do you really think it is a lever tactic to increase the numbers of people who think the Met are a bunch of cunts and now maybe think they deserve anything unpleasant that comes their way? If you do then you will reap what you sow, and drag everyone else down with you.
bbc complaints line for the fact that their news item on BBC ten o'clock news was biased 03700 100 222
It really is mindless.Carrying on like twats completely undermines the reasons they turned up in the first place.Violent disorder and criminal damage isn't going to draw attention to their demo....in fact I don't think I heard it once mentioned on the news coverage why they were there to start

Yet,as you say,some seem to be hailing them as heroes.

It's like the BNP incident the other week(although it was much less reported),again, they resorted to violence and made thmselves look like fucking knuckle scrapers

but ya know,wahey we've been all violent and got our names in the paper:rolleyes:
problem is that the arguement that peaceful a-b marches was more effective than more confrontational protests lost a fuck load of credibility after the government went ahead and completely ignored the UK's biggest ever peaceful protest march prior to the Iraq war.

When 2 million people protest peacefully against the government launching an illegal war with a justification based entirely on lies, and also tramples on any notion of democracy by enacting policies that they'd explicity stated they would not do in their election manifestos... well don't be surprised when people decide that they may as well see if they pay any more attention if people kick off a bit.
The police are also making everyone delete all pictures and videos on their cameras under terror laws.


They're fucking terrified. You've only got to look at Pig's reaction once it became clear what the riot OB had done with the bunnies to see how it plays out. I hope the bunnies texted out every photo and video clip to everyone in their address books, and I hope that every recipient has done the same.
Every time I see that fucking bank getting its windows smashed it fills my heart with joy. :)

Kudos to all those who attended the protest today, whatever you do did there. Wish I could have joined you.

And a big fuck you to all the cops, bankers and tory vermin (including all the shitheads getting their knackers in twist about a few windows being smashed but don't seem nearly so concerned about the millions of people losing their jobs and homes out there because of neoliberal barbarism and greed).

Yeah maaaaaaaan.....my heart fills with joy??......:D I really love this shit.

Kudos to the protesters there for the right reasons...sorry others such as the hero detailed above ruin it for you.... as for those morons up for a bit of wanton violence really hope you got filled in:D
"harrassment, alarm, distress" - the police are terrorists. As if we didnt know.

Yes of course we are...we have forgotten the bankers and the capitalists and the industrial polluters ....now its' all the fault of the police.

Happens every time. You can't see further than your noses, Sad. No wonder protest in this way never works.

Got to go and plug myself into the socket.
editor said:
I've just heard through a mate's twitter that the police are searching protesters leaving the Climate Camp and making them delete images off their cameras under 'terrorist legislation.' If this is true then they really have over-stepped the mark,

Very poor show if true. If memory serves laws are enforced by the courts, not the police. Even if having pictures of police on your phone or camera is a crime, surely the police should arrest the transgressors and present the relevant evidence to the CPS who will then determine whether there is cause to prosecute. If the matter goes to court and the individuals in question are found guilty, then they can be served with a court order to destroy the photographs. By effectively destroying the evidence, the police are only hampering their own ability to conduct a criminal investigation into this most heinous of crimes.

Failing that they're just doing what they know full well they can get away with to reduce the already infinitesimal chances of them getting in trouble for their behaviour.
I must praise the protesters for managing to turn the whole country against themselves. Meanwhile, the G20 will not take one bit of notice of the protesters, and will soon be over.

Apparently the newspapers will be running pictures of the violent protesters, and CCTV operators are working over time. One CCTV operator has just told me, that CCTV can follow most protesters to the moment they put their key in their door, masks or no masks.
Some are going to end up doing long, long, jail time.

The thing is, I was at first impressed by the peaceful well meaning protesters, despite not agreeing with them. The point they were trying to get across has now been lost, and the only winners are the bankers and the system.
What anti-terror law means people can't take pictures? Anyone know?

Am trying to find out.

Yet, according to the Association of Chief Police Officers, the law is straightforward. "Police officers may not prevent someone from taking a photograph in public unless they suspect criminal or terrorist intent. Their powers are strictly regulated by law and once an image has been recorded, the police have no power to delete or confiscate it without a court order. This applies equally to members of the media seeking to record images, who do not need a permit to photograph or film in public places," a spokeswoman said.

No. They can't do that. They need a court order. Someone text the climate camp and tell them.
the recent anti-terror law makes it illegal to gather evidence that could be used by terrorists to identify members of the armed forces or police. It slipped through when everyone was discusiing the 28 day detention without trial stuff. i will dig out a link.
They're fucking terrified. You've only got to look at Pig's reaction once it became clear what the riot OB had done with the bunnies to see how it plays out. I hope the bunnies texted out every photo and video clip to everyone in their address books, and I hope that every recipient has done the same.

The miracle of phones with built-in Flickr uploading functions from the galleries :D

"Oh no you've taken my phone, how will the world ever see anything now - you've outsmarted me now, copper!"
the recent anti-terror law makes it illegal to gather evidence that could be used by terrorists to identify members of the armed forces or police. It slipped through when everyone was discusiing the 28 day detention without trial stuff. i will dig out a link.
Yes, I know that. But it does not give powers to the police to force photographers to delete their images 'on site'.
Hmm..why post on this thread. I suppose because I can. Call me a robot but I'm a free agent compared to you.

And of course because everyone should be able to put forward an opinion even if it is different.

You don't like it though do you ? It offends you that someone can invade your cosy world and say things like -

You are not the people. Some of you have a point and peaceful protest may be a way of putting it forward.

Some of you ( and it may be a minority ) are worthless criminal scum and the British public are awre of it from the images on the television today.

You can froth all you want but you know it. That's what upsets you.

I've been very impressed by the BBC coverage throughout the day, particularly the segment after 8 where the reporter was clearly perplexed as to why the police were moving in on the climate camp threateningly.

News at Ten seemed to have a completely different story to that which had unfolded on BBC News 24 though ... :hmm:

That's exactly it. All my posts today have been quite consistent re my views of the coverage - what the fuck are they playing at now?
You deluded fuckstick.
deluded eh?

well, it does depend how the media play it as always, but to give a related example, I've yet to hear anyone having a major problem with fred the twat's windows getting smashed. Can't see many having particular problems with a few RBS windows.
Watching the edited highlights on the BBC News 24 - Honestly I think there's a better edit possible for the Bank of England protest. Don't let the police get off so lightly - they've mishandled the situation and they've hit people who made no threat to them or fellow protestors.

e2a: the police statement was dreadful
make no mistake, this was/is premeditated violence. people should be prepared for this. not complacent or comfortable. these are nasty fuckers and you need to get a nasty mind to respond tbh.
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