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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Oh so true. A couple of us have been on the recieving end of it all day.
tbf though you really haven't got much of a clue what you're talking about as you've demonstrated on this thread.

post up snide posts, get snide responses... don't then go acting all hurt coz the internetz has been mean to you:rolleyes:
Heh, unite oppressed right-wingers of Urban! You have nothing to lost but... well, you don't really have anything to lose at all. Say that us protesters whine a lot but look at ya.

Well, they have the same to lose as everyone else, but I dunno, perhaps they think they might be spared if they're vocal enough.
Rest assured we singled you out entirely at random. I'd hate for you to take the ire heaped upon you as an indication that your posts have been full of pointless shit-stirring and that all your opinions can fuck off and die.

Sir...Opinion please fuck off and die. Sir yes sir.

Spooky you are the one. You make me laugh and it all worthwhile. :D
Them knuckle scrapers... you mean the masked up heroes smashing windows then ? Certainly put some money in the boarding up company today...well done. They certainly made a proud point . Glass smashes.

You're floundering bloke, unless you're going to go back and edit your earlier posts today when you were saying 'couple of smashed windows, big deal. Police 8/10, protestors 8/10'

Why you getting so worked up now eh? Worried about the reaction to how the OB have treated the bunnies and their kids?
You're floundering bloke, unless you're going to go back and edit your earlier posts today when you were saying 'couple of smashed windows, big deal. Police 8/10, protestors 8/10'

Why you getting so worked up now eh? Worried about the reaction to how the OB have treated the bunnies and their kids?

He's switched to Bad Cop :(

fucking sexy
Well, they have the same to lose as everyone else, but I dunno, perhaps they think they might be spared if they're vocal enough.

Whine whine whine. We all ahve opinions and its' just that a load of undiluted crap from you lot needs a bit of watering down otherwise you will take yourselves seriously.

So please give us a break. We can't help it . Its' the capitalist imperialistic state driven robot in me. Please help and punch me on the head.

Bing Bong. England won the football...and the G20 is over soon.
You were all kind of reasonable during the day, but you seem to have changed your tune now the OB are really in the frame re what they've done in Bishopsgate. Straight on the defensive.

I noticed that. The Police probably accidentally beat up someone with influence.

Either that or he's found another phone bill from his boy.
pot bellied pig is and always has been a twat on these boards.. i am sure he was one way before he donned a uniform
Whine whine whine. We all ahve opinions and its' just that a load of undiluted crap from you lot needs a bit of watering down otherwise you will take yourselves seriously.

So please give us a break. We can't help it . Its' the capitalist imperialistic state driven robot in me. Please help and punch me on the head.

Bing Bong. England won the football...and the G20 is over soon.

It's your job mate, you've got a bit of an excuse for posting this stuff. It's the motivations of people who should surely know they're just as fucked over as everyone else, and don't have any organisational loyalty going on, that I wonder about.

just saw the BBC news at ten report. Classic BBC bullshit. utter bollocks.
yeah, I saw that... they've been doing their editing to make the footage fit the official story line again I see.

still, fuck it, there's so much anger in the country at the moment that I reckon scenes of protesters smashing a few windows and standing up to the police will probably gain more support than they lose... at least among those who were likely ever to support the protests.
Sir...Opinion please fuck off and die. Sir yes sir.

Can you not read? I distinctly said I'd hate for you to get that impression.

And even supposing I was being sarcastic, I would merely have been pointing out that your opinions could fuck off and die if they so choose. I know if I was your opinions I'd be unable to live with myself and would most likely choose the coward's way out rather than inflict myself upon the world any longer than was necessary. If I was being sarcastic, which of course I wasn't. Your views are marvellous, really they are. I can't tell you how refreshing we all find the point of view of a hateful authoritarian gobshite.
I've had it on all day and it was OK from 11 am till about 1.30 but then it has been sporadic IMO. Both the reporters at the scene have been very fair, but the people back in the studio seem to be trying to rewrite what they are saying to make it fit into the standard script for these events.

So for example while Ben Brown has described how thw crowd has been overwhealmingly good-natured and how the police have baton charged people randomly and wound everyone up with arbitrary restrictions on free movement, the talking-head anchor back in the studio turned this into "a wave of violent anarchists stormed the RBS and so riot police had to be moved into the area" (paraphrasing).

A wave of people storming RBS? How many people went inside? 5? 10? For about a minute or two? Hard to say exactly because despite the BBC camera and lots of other media being on location, there seems to be a mysterious media 'void' around this supposed 'invasion'. Hmmm.
Just seen the 10 o'clock news and surpise, surprise...

...seems like they have now dug out various bits of footage from the missing bit (2pm till 7pm) and edited them togeher to make the whole afternoon look like a bunch of violent people attacking the police.

Makes you wonder why they didn't show this live? Maybe because showing it live would both leave it open for people to decide whether it was the police being twats and pushin people around that was producing scenes of people being batoned, and it would also include the live commentary of the reporters on the ground, incredulous about why the police were behaving like football hooligans, charging into crowds and creating rucks.

Instead the BBC have got a bunch of snippets showing 'trouble' and created a completely different "story" that fits exactl with their pre-arranged script.

Fucking pathetic.
Them knuckle scrapers... you mean the masked up heroes smashing windows then ? Certainly put some money in the boarding up company today...well done. They certainly made a proud point . Glass smashes.

It really is mindless.Carrying on like twats completely undermines the reasons they turned up in the first place.Violent disorder and criminal damage isn't going to draw attention to their demo....in fact I don't think I heard it once mentioned on the news coverage why they were there to start

Yet,as you say,some seem to be hailing them as heroes.

It's like the BNP incident the other week(although it was much less reported),again, they resorted to violence and made thmselves look like fucking knuckle scrapers

but ya know,wahey we've been all violent and got our names in the paper:rolleyes:
just saw the BBC news at ten report. Classic BBC bullshit. utter bollocks.

Yeah, why do the journos put up with it? Decent balanced reporting all through the day, then entirely misrepresented later. Mind you, the journos might not want to put up with it for long either, what with the restrictions on them photographing and that now.
Can you not read? I distinctly said I'd hate for you to get that impression.

And even supposing I was being sarcastic, I would merely have been pointing out that your opinions could fuck off and die if they so choose. I know if I was your opinions I'd be unable to live with myself and would most likely choose the coward's way out rather than inflict myself upon the world any longer than was necessary. If I was being sarcastic, which of course I wasn't. Your views are marvellous, really they are. I can't tell you how refreshing we all find the point of view of a hateful authoritarian gobshite.

Whose we then are you pural now ?
Them knuckle scrapers... you mean the masked up heroes smashing windows then ? Certainly put some money in the boarding up company today...well done. They certainly made a proud point . Glass smashes.

yoiu are excrement
I watched the filth today, not a "protestor" - one whgo has worked in the City for 25 fucking years, have been blown up by the fuckin IRA twice - thank you "intellegence????????????? fuckin services" but I have yet to see anything so vile an so base as what the "City Police" - utter shitbags -did today
Bizarely enough I know several Freeman of the City who seem to think the same
So fuck off you drippage from a pigs cock
Go shag yer mum like you usually do

PS I will be piursuing these comnplaints, including the threays made to me be a PC who would not give me a name but had E416 on his shoulder - I suppose I should be grateful ity was still showing

Just one other point, if these people were so dangerous and the fitlh so corageous, why did they they feel no heed for really heavy protections concidering J Smith, Cab Member, needs an anti stab vest to buy a kebab near her house?

In conclusion - Fuck off porky
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