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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Watching the police muster this week and the press talk up shit has made me really angry. The right to protest is all but stripped from you guys now. it's a fucking disgrace and a very dangerous situation.
because they don't agree with what you say:rolleyes:

So slagging off the protesters, refering to them as soap dodgers, cheering any violence against them, denying that they're there for anything other than violence, calling them failures when they're not violent enough, openly displaying that you know nothing about what they're protesting about etc etc is disagreeing with what I say? What're you talking about you silly little person?
Fuck you Pot-Bellied
Your talk is shite to my ears
Why post on this thread?


From now on all of my posts shall be in Haiku forum. Except for this bit, obviously.

Hmm..why post on this thread. I suppose because I can. Call me a robot but I'm a free agent compared to you.

And of course because everyone should be able to put forward an opinion even if it is different.

You don't like it though do you ? It offends you that someone can invade your cosy world and say things like -

You are not the people. Some of you have a point and peaceful protest may be a way of putting it forward.

Some of you ( and it may be a minority ) are worthless criminal scum and the British public are awre of it from the images on the television today.

You can froth all you want but you know it. That's what upsets you.
This is against the law, surely?

As if observing the law matters to the state and their goonsquads.
laws are for the untermenchen. It's all part of the loving tyranny. If protests like todays dont snowball we had all better get used to it.
Some of you ( and it may be a minority ) are worthless criminal scum and the British public are awre of it from the images on the television today

Some members of the police do indeed read these boards. Are you one of the quaint people who form their opinions from establishment news broadcasts?

Please give me an address I can send a spanking new Bridge Brochure to.
Hmm..why post on this thread. I suppose because I can. Call me a robot but I'm a free agent compared to you.

And of course because everyone should be able to put forward an opinion even if it is different.

You don't like it though do you ? It offends you that someone can invade your cosy world and say things like -

You are not the people. Some of you have a point and peaceful protest may be a way of putting it forward.

Some of you ( and it may be a minority ) are worthless criminal scum and the British public are awre of it from the images on the television today.

You can froth all you want but you know it. That's what upsets you.

You were all kind of reasonable during the day, but you seem to have changed your tune now the OB are really in the frame re what they've done in Bishopsgate. Straight on the defensive.
Hmm..why post on this thread. I suppose because I can. Call me a robot but I'm a free agent compared to you.

And of course because everyone should be able to put forward an opinion even if it is different.

You don't like it though do you ? It offends you that someone can invade your cosy world and say things like -

You are not the people. Some of you have a point and peaceful *policing* may be a way of putting it forward.

Some of you ( and it may be a minority ) are worthless criminal scum and the British public are awre of it from the images on the television today.

You can froth all you want but you know it. That's what upsets you.
cool... that's one of those magic posts that works* as well in reverse as it does the way the poster meant it

*ok very nearly works in reverse
Hmm..why post on this thread. I suppose because I can. Call me a robot but I'm a free agent compared to you.

And of course because everyone should be able to put forward an opinion even if it is different.

You don't like it though do you ? It offends you that someone can invade your cosy world and say things like -

You are not the people. Some of you have a point and peaceful protest may be a way of putting it forward.

Some of you ( and it may be a minority ) are worthless criminal scum and the British public are awre of it from the images on the television today.

You can froth all you want but you know it. That's what upsets you.

A: You're incredibly patronising and smug.
B: I've said very little on this thread about what I believe or wanted from this protest, yet you seem to assume that you know my exact views, presumably because it's far easier to throw a blanket judgement across the 'soap dodgers' than actually read anything about it.
C: You don't seem to have much of an opinion yourself beyond 'I'm a copper and you're not, so you're wrong'.

And finally...

D: I'm not going to get dragged into this with someone who so clearly just wants to revel in their own arrogance and ignorance. Not all cops are cunts but you evidently are.
Hmm..why post on this thread. I suppose because I can. Call me a robot but I'm a free agent compared to you.

And of course because everyone should be able to put forward an opinion even if it is different. <snip>

Well, as far as I'm concerned, keep posting by all means. It's interesting to hear your perspective on stuff like this.
And of course because everyone should be able to put forward an opinion even if it is different.

Your chums over in London would beg to differ it seems. This thread is in fact littered with accounts of people peacefully expressing their views being treated like criminals.

Nice try though, for 0.00000002 of a second there I actually felt like you had the moral high ground.
because they don't agree with what you say:rolleyes:

Must not disagree/ Repeat after me . Must not disagree.

And I thought the right to protest was everyone's social duty. I protest against the gaggle of brainwashed posters who cannot see any other side apart from their own. Blinkered.
Hmm..why post on this thread. I suppose because I can. Call me a robot but I'm a free agent compared to you.

And of course because everyone should be able to put forward an opinion even if it is different.

You don't like it though do you ? It offends you that someone can invade your cosy world and say things like -

You are not the people. Some of you have a point and peaceful protest may be a way of putting it forward.

Some of you ( and it may be a minority ) are worthless criminal scum and the British public are awre of it from the images on the television today.

You can froth all you want but you know it. That's what upsets you.

And some of you forget that you're one of the people, given special powers and sworn to protect the people and uphold the law. Some of you take your orders from swindling white collar criminals, bent politicians. Some of you harbour and protect racists and misogynists, bullies and crooks. Some of you intend to harm the people and think yourselves above the law. And some of you forget you're one of the people too.
Oh dear, some of the toy town middle class revolutionaries who smashed the windows at the RBS. Did not hide their faces to well, and think that by masking up for a while will hide their identities. Maybe not aware that CCTV can follow any individual around all day.
Lets see now, violent disorder max 10years, arson max life:D

As per usual the only working class accents heard were from the police.
I really don't know how the police controlled themselves, being pushed around by a bunch of wankers, who could not fight their way out of a paper bag.

Gives me a warm feeling thinking how middle class warriors, will be shiting their knickers wondering over the next few weeks and months when they are going to be nicked.
Nah, Pig was fairly balanced earlier if you look at his posts. He seems well fucking rattled now though :D
Good photos e1939484 ...


like this one .. :D

Hilarious that so many of you like this picture.

The man behind the mask is a well known British Libertarian.
Your chums over in London would beg to differ it seems. This thread is in fact littered with accounts of people peacefully expressing their views being treated like criminals.

Nice try though, for 0.00000002 of a second there I actually felt like you had the moral high ground.

Ah you want the high moral ground now...was that what it was all about. Confused- as a lot of people there today hadn't got a clue what they were there for.

Now we can tell them to take the high ground. It's always harder to attack up hill.
Oh dear, some of the toy town middle class revolutionaries who smashed the windows at the RBS. Did not hide their faces to well, and think that by masking up for a while will hide their identities. Maybe not aware that CCTV can follow any individual around all day.
Lets see now, violent disorder max 10years, arson max life:D

Nah, police agents provacateur tend to be immune from jail time.

Funny they should pick the one window with camera-toting coppers behind it eh? Of all the bank windows in all of London? They must be gutted...
Must not disagree/ Repeat after me . Must not disagree.

And I thought the right to protest was everyone's social duty. I protest against the gaggle of brainwashed posters who cannot see any other side apart from their own. Blinkered.

Have the govt. fucked with police pensions yet, PBP?
Must not disagree/ Repeat after me . Must not disagree.

And I thought the right to protest was everyone's social duty. I protest against the gaggle of brainwashed posters who cannot see any other side apart from their own. Blinkered.

Ye course people have the right to protest.They don't,however,have the right to act like troglodytes!!!

More fool them though eh the news hasn't been about the demonstration it's been about the behaviour of the knuckle scrapers that turned up for it
And some of you forget that you're one of the people, given special powers and sworn to protect the people and uphold the law. Some of you take your orders from swindling white collar criminals, bent politicians. Some of you harbour and protect racists and misogynists, bullies and crooks. Some of you intend to harm the people and think yourselves above the law. And some of you forget you're one of the people too.

Do you get this crap out of a booklet ? Fucking hell mate you need help.
Never liked the filth, still dont
Those brain dead cuntbags who told me to move on today when asked why they were trapping these people for hours - in their controlled Judge Dread aint I big way - simply comfirmed what I already know
Pig man, pm me lets meet for a chat
Heh, unite oppressed right-wingers of Urban! You have nothing to lost but... well, you don't really have anything to lose at all. Say that us protesters whine a lot but look at ya.
Oh so true. A couple of us have been on the recieving end of it all day.

Rest assured we singled you out entirely at random. I'd hate for you to take the ire heaped upon you as an indication that your posts have been full of pointless shit-stirring and that all your opinions can fuck off and die.
Ye course people have the right to protest.They don't,however,have the right to act like troglodytes!!!

More fool them though eh the news hasn't been about the demonstration it's been about the behaviour of the knuckle scrapers that turned up for it

Them knuckle scrapers... you mean the masked up heroes smashing windows then ? Certainly put some money in the boarding up company today...well done. They certainly made a proud point . Glass smashes.
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