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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Also, one of the guys on talkphotograhy who has just come back from the protest was talking about cops whacking press photographers, smashing cameras etc. Apparently one of them was on the news complaining of a broken elbow.
The police have proved themselves to be systematic liars over past climate camps, de menezez and a host of other shit.

The press lie constantly anyway and are irresponsible and unprofessional to accept police testimony as valid.

The politicians and bankers are an even bigger clusterfuck.

All this is plain to see for anyone who has eyes and a brain. Anyone who buys into a media narrative which denigrates the protesters is a muppet who probably deserves to live in a tyranny and pay all their taxes to the fucking banks. It doesnt mean they have the right to drag the rest of us down.
anyway, are there any updates on what's going on?

Hope everyone's safe and out of the way of those scum thugs.
20:50 Police have cleared London Bridge

20:42 - Climate Camp: There is now a sit down protest in front of the police vans and lines blocking traffic on Wormwood St being held in solidarity with the climate campers currently trapped by police. Still a party atmosphere with lots of music within the climate camp kettle

20:37 - Climate Camp: Reports that the police now intend to keep campers for two hours and then allow them to leave in groups of twenty

20:36 - Bank: People are being let out of the kettle at Bank one by one, no more stop and searches.

20:23 London Bridge taken by protestors

20:20 - Climate Camp: On the South side of the camp, two people have shimmied their way up a wall along and over the police line and dropped down into the camp, to great cheers from the kettled in crowd.

20:15 - Bank: - People at Bank of England are only being allowed to leave the kettle after being stopped and searched and having their picture taken.

19:53 - Bank: At Bank of England, about 500 people were surrounded by riot police for over an hour. Many demonstrators tried to negotiate with the police to leave the kettle. Some small fires were lit inside the kettle.

19:43 - Climate camp: Between 10 and 30 arrests at climate camp as people attempt to non-violently prevent the police from destroying sections of the camp. Bikes thrown around, tents smashed up, several injuries reported.
IanPJ: RT @tristamsparks north of #climatecamp on bishopsgate. it's completely hemmed in by police. they're prepared for th long haul #g20
Also, one of the guys on talkphotograhy who has just come back from the protest was talking about cops whacking press photographers, smashing cameras etc. Apparently one of them was on the news complaining of a broken elbow.

That's going to make them popular. Could be some "candid" photos coming out on Flickr then.
Yep, that's true. Cos I've had it on in the background all day, I've been quite impressed with the quality of the on the scene stuff. But when I've listened to highlights or whatever I've got annoyed.

Perhaps some emails of complaint are in order.
Leading barrister jeannie mackie trapped inside the camp, I'm told, but police keeping her -and everyone else-penned in. #imcg20 is the twwiter tag for indymedia if your there:
19:20 - Bank: Ongoing scuffles between protestors and riot police. Two arrests of street theatre performers for impersonating police officers.

disgraceful behaviour confusing the public like that! :mad:

(nb artistic impression - not actual photograph)
Oh dear that's dreadful innit.

I get the sense that you all feel a bit deflated and sad.

Round 2 tomorrow then. See if you can do better than a few smashed windows.
The police have proved themselves to be systematic liars over past climate camps, de menezez and a host of other shit.

The press lie constantly anyway and are irresponsible and unprofessional to accept police testimony as valid.

The politicians and bankers are an even bigger clusterfuck.

All this is plain to see for anyone who has eyes and a brain. Anyone who buys into a media narrative which denigrates the protesters is a muppet who probably deserves to live in a tyranny and pay all their taxes to the fucking banks. It doesnt mean they have the right to drag the rest of us down.

All of which is perfectly valid... maybe I'm just overexcited but to me this will go down as the day both cops and meedja twats lost, the people won, for the first time evah!

It was officially The Day of the Twitters!

The handheld technology alone meant for the first time thw news were hoovering facts from those better informed who don't work in news...

I could ramble on for fucjing hours but I'm knackered, best of luck to all still Penned In, lets peruse the Euro Social Human Rights in the morning... :)
19:20 - Bank: Ongoing scuffles between protestors and riot police. Two arrests of street theatre performers for impersonating police officers.

Wonder if that was the Electro-Coppers with the wheelchair? I liked them.
20:15 - Bank: - People at Bank of England are only being allowed to leave the kettle after being stopped and searched and having their picture taken.
This is against the law, surely?
Oh dear that's dreadful innit.

I get the sense that you all feel a bit deflated and sad.

Round 2 tomorrow then. See if you can do better than a few smashed windows.

Fuck you Pot-Bellied
Your talk is shite to my ears
Why post on this thread?


From now on all of my posts shall be in Haiku forum. Except for this bit, obviously.
The handheld technology alone meant for the first time thw news were hoovering facts from those better informed who don't work in news...

Brought to you by venture capitalists. And no doubt many tweets were also sent from iphones.....
Just caught the end of a Beeb thing there, not sure if I got it in context? Police backed off hassling the fluffy bunnies but have formed a ring around them and getting worked up about people outside the cordon expressing concern for the bunnies?

Did anyone else catch it, not sure if I got the right end of the stick.
I'm sorry, but if you think that the papers will be full of anti police stuff tomorow, then you're going to be dissapointed. They've got a couple of great shots of people throwing stuff through conviniently unguarded windows. They've got shots of heavy handed police stuff that can easily be spun into anti protester shots. Call me pesamistic (or paranoid, I'm not fussy), but they're going to have a field dayd yes, but at the peoples expense.

There were coppers inside the building but not outside am I right?

What's that about then? Hardly acting to prevent property damage there were they? More like waiting for the inevitable bit of window smashing then nicking those responsible so they've got something to brag about and lots of pictures of things 'getting out of hand' to justify the subsequent kickings-off. Doubt the papers will see it like that though :( :mad: :hmm: :rolleyes:
21:27 - the riot police have marched through the sit-down protest without attacking and reinforced the cop cordon on the north side of the climate camp. There are now 3 lines of cops there.

21:19 - on the north side of the climate camp, outside the kettle, 100 riot police are lining up and looking as if they will attack/evict the peaceful demonstrators.

21:03 - Climate Camp: Snatch arrest squads in operation on South side of Camp
looks from bbc live feed that a fair few people have headed down to the climate camp and are now on the opposite side of police lines to the camp, so the kettle is now surrounded, with police riot vans no nose to tail to protect the side of police lines away from the camp that's starting to look a bit besieged by folk wanting to get into the camp.

police presumably won't get the idea that lots of people who were at the bank protests and have been kettled there all day will also have mates at the climate camp protest, and may well even be planning to stay overnight with the climate campers... serious potential for the police to panic and lash out as they hate being surrounded IME, hopefully sense will prevail though and the police will allow the protesters to join up peacefully.
hopefully rhe police keep up the violence and segregation to those who deserve it. i fear it will spill into the peaceful dudes more.....i reckon the trouble causers will mix it up tomorrow, its what 'tactically' makes sense

Be grateful we dont live in a country with less than favourable treatment of 'protests' such as these. the (Chinese, Russians etc etc) would beat the crap out of these soap dodgers
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