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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Just back from he City. Not much violence from protestors. Lots of cops smacking demonstrators around.
Police just charged he protestors they'd penned in? These same protestors they are not allowing to leave? What's their game?

And the RBS was smashed only by one person with all cameras pointed on him? Does sound staged, yes.
Police just charged he protestors they'd penned in? These same protestors they are not allowing to leave? What's their game?

And the RBS was smashed only by one person with all cameras pointed on him? Does sound staged, yes.

Just like 9/11 was staged. I thought conspiraloons weren't allowed here?? ;):D

blimey, so even Leon Brittan attended
Police just charged he protestors they'd penned in? These same protestors they are not allowing to leave? What's their game?

And the RBS was smashed only by one person with all cameras pointed on him? Does sound staged, yes.

The one you see on the telly (and the one that will be in the papers I imagine) is throwing a bit of metal through a window that's already been broken. I don't imagine he's any sort of plant, he's probably just showing off. On the BBC they keep playing it, and one time there was a slightly longer shot - he's grinning, and he holds the metal up for a bit to make sure everyone's getting the shot, then he throws it. It's clearly well after the actual event.
The one you see on the telly (and the one that will be in the papers I imagine) is throwing a bit of metal through a window that's already been broken. I don't imagine he's any sort of plant, he's probably just showing off. On the BBC they keep playing it, and one time there was a slightly longer shot - he's grinning, and he holds the metal up for a bit to make sure everyone's getting the shot, then he throws it. It's clearly well after the actual event.

ROFL. So a restaged window 'smash' to give the press some good shots. !!!
I'm finding that wrly amusing.
Except when things started getting rough the live coverage seemed to cut off and be replaced by endlessly repeated recorded 'highlights' from earlier on. :confused:

I haven't watched all of it, doesn't surprise me though. Not least cos they were right there in the thick of it and might have had difficulty broadcasting.
He is not being ironic. I heard on the radio that there was a small group of be-suited people waving pro-capitalist banners. They are either very brave or just relying on being misunderstood by the anti-capitalists. I presume that the protester with that particular banner doesn't work for any of the institutions that are being propped up with my tax money.
Lets hope the RBS nutters were too.

You made too many assumptions there. I'm talking about all violence directed at people, regardless of origin - from police and/ or protestor - important to catch it on camera (film preferable, as context can be otained better from film).
My only human-related concern re. RBS window smash is that no-one gets hurt from glass sherds.
Police just charged he protestors they'd penned in? These same protestors they are not allowing to leave? What's their game?

And the RBS was smashed only by one person with all cameras pointed on him? Does sound staged, yes.
stage managed anger to justify the £7million+ policing costs for a demo that had been, to all intents and purposes, reasonably peaceful and good humoured up until they got heavy handed.

the stupid twat who did the window didn't have a mask or face cover so it will be interesting to see if he's nabbed.

eta: from an impartial source - 1610 BBC reporter Ben Brown on Threadneedle Street says: Just after four o'clock, riot police charged the demonstrators. We don't know why, but there were some violent scenes.
He is not being ironic. I heard on the radio that there was a small group of be-suited people waving pro-capitalist banners. They are either very brave or just relying on being misunderstood by the anti-capitalists. I presume that the protester with that particular banner doesn't work for any of the institutions that are being propped up with my tax money.

The libertarian right oppose the bail outs because they "distort" the free market.

Capitalism - nice in theory, just a shame it doesn't work in practice.
I haven't watched all of it, doesn't surprise me though. Not least cos they were right there in the thick of it and might have had difficulty broadcasting.
They didn't have any difficulty broadcasting for a couple of hours from 11am till 1.15-ish, including with an overhead helicopter camera and Ben Brown on the ground. 1.15-ish also coincidentally seems to be when the police increased the kettling and whacking people.

Ben Brown was just in the middle of doing a live piece to camera when the police baton charged without warning, and the BBC cut off the picture and haven't showed what happened. He said afterwards that he doesn't understand why they suddenly charged and beat the people who were sitting down in the road.
stage managed anger to justify the £7million+ policing costs for a demo that had been, to all intents and purposes, reasonably peaceful and good humoured up until they got heavy handed.
I agree with you about this.

Got any ideas? Last time this happened (police penning in protestors) , it went to court and court ruled on the side of the protestors. Now we see the police using same tactic again, in full knowledge of the outcome (they get to be brutal at a sitting-target they won't allow to leave). Actually, that's not policing.
The libertarian right oppose the bail outs because they "distort" the free market.

Capitalism - nice in theory, just a shame it doesn't work in practice.

The current policy mirrors what happened in japan in the early 90s.
Youre right Capitalism is a failed ideology
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