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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

They didn't have any difficulty broadcasting for a couple of hours from 11am till 1.15-ish, including with an overhead helicopter camera and Ben Brown on the ground. 1.15-ish also coincidentally seems to be when the police increased the kettling and whacking people.

Ben Brown was just in the middle of doing a live piece to camera when the police baton charged without warning, and the BBC cut off the picture and haven't showed what happened. He said afterwards that he doesn't understand why they suddenly charged and beat the people who were sitting down in the road.

Maybe I could withold my council tax which goes to pay for policing in protest at treatment of obviously peaceful demonstrators? They don't deserve overtime for willful injury of my fellow citizens.
Guardian 4.30pm

Here, at least, it really does seem like pumped police looking for a fight. Protesters trying to sit down on road getting pounded.
Sounds like some incredibly shitty policing today, I hope the fuckers go home to discover the Met invested their pension funds with Bernie Madoff.
I do like this picture

Guardian 4.42pm

I've just seen a girl unconscious being carried away, her whole face drenched in blood. This obv whipping up real anger
funny cos whenever i picture you two and ajdowner... i always imagine the of course i was terribly drunk at the time spit fleck lips and ranting insanity...

rapier-like wit again... would be quicker to write it on a Post-it and stick it to the back of a tortoise.:)
Guardian 4.42pm

I've just seen a girl unconscious being carried away, her whole face drenched in blood. This obv whipping up real anger

Who will police the police if not the BBC cameramen who are present at the scene. Next time BBC, don't bother cutting your camera feed. Just keep rolling. The British public don't need to be protected from the knowledge of idiotic police tactics. A 14 year old can work out that the consequences of penning people in then pushing at them is going to cause some in the crowd to be crushed.
Just watching the news and the workers in one of the bank buildings they showed was holding a sign up to the window:

"While you're here protesting we're busy repossessing your house"

Had to laugh :D
Only if you want to appear on TV, potentially put lives at risk, damage the reputation of your fellow protesters. Won't actually do much to the Credit Crunch, RBS profits...

...agreed, but you can't deny it makes a statement of radical dissent.

good stuff.... [and yet you were unable to address the question, probably because you're a dumb fuck]

How can the vllage [you needed an i there] idiot get online so easily these days? ...its [apostrophe needed here] them [you mean those] community carers. Bleeding heart liberals;)

Thick twat
rapier-like wit again... would be quicker to write it on a Post-it and stick it to the back of a tortoise.:)
intresting choice of metaphore... you identify with a creature known for pulling it's head into it's shell to hide from the realities of the world...
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