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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

i went along. thought all my bates were at the BOE building to blagged it through the police line and spent the next three hours cordoned in, not allowed out, hungry and bored out of my mind. what a load of wank.

hope there's loads of wreckage and the old bill get a right pasting. :mad:
I agree with you about this.

Got any ideas? Last time this happened (police penning in protestors) , it went to court and court ruled on the side of the protestors. Now we see the police using same tactic again, in full knowledge of the outcome (they get to be brutal at a sitting-target they won't allow to leave). Actually, that's not policing.

No one was really penned in - it was possible to get in and out and around, but several main points were blocked (with horses and dogs on one road). If you really wanted out you could get out.

-i found it to be a bit of a bizzare day - very quiet - almost a silent vigil at times. Almost no chanting, no speakers (impromptu or otherwise), very little music etc. To be honest I think it was good that it was riot-free today. Choose your battles and all that. DIdnt feel like the time or the place. Still, this is but the beginning of this financial meltdown... a long road ahead. Im sure many more actions lie ahead.

The Climate Camp was, and is, a great success - very peaceful and pleasant atmosphere - and succesfully got their tents down and set up. Will be interesting to see if they last the night as they plan to. I expect a late night eviction by force to take place.

*still a small chance of little groups pulling off some stunts here and there i guess...
oh yea, and whilst we were standing at the police lines some steroided up little wank stain of a copper just came up and pushed this woman straight over who was part of the brass band who had been pleasantly bantering away with the cops not a minute before. totally 100% unprovoked and out of the blue. Little wanker pushed her then dived off to the left hand side of the police cordon. she gave herself a right crack on the tarmac and i think even the other cops were a bit startled at what the cunt had done. hope someone got that on camera or at least his number.
No one was really penned in - it was possible to get in and out and around, but several main points were blocked (with horses and dogs on one road). If you really wanted out you could get out.

-i found it to be a bit of a bizzare day - very quiet - almost a silent vigil at times. Almost no chanting, no speakers (impromptu or otherwise), very little music etc. To be honest I think it was good that it was riot-free today. Choose your battles and all that. DIdnt feel like the time or the place. Still, this is but the beginning of this financial meltdown... a long road ahead. Im sure many more actions lie ahead.

The Climate Camp was, and is, a great success - very peaceful and pleasant atmosphere - and succesfully got their tents down and set up. Will be interesting to see if they last the night as they plan to. I expect a late night eviction by force to take place.

*still a small chance of little groups pulling off some stunts here and there i guess...

Get down if your in London on twitter by mobile update #imcg20 #g20 well done to all those at rbs and other actions, one is shure it will turn more ugly as the night moves on, we shall be around all night in our mobile office, wish there was a more comfey chair mind you:

David Coulthard? :hmm:
Police officer tells protester he will have to urinate in the street as exits blocked. #imcg20 seems so?

People are going to have to start taking giant water pistols with them for use as portable toilets. Of course, they'd have to be emptied from time to time ...

To be honest I think it was good that it was riot-free today. Choose your battles and all that. DIdnt feel like the time or the place. Still, this is but the beginning of this financial meltdown... a long road ahead. Im sure many more actions lie ahead.
I think this is why it was good that it has gone off peacefuly (so far) - it did expose the police as heavy handed.
I was thinking that. I'd be a bit dubious about smashing a window with dozens of cameras pointed at me, and without my face covered.
A smashed window is hardly "radical". More go-with flow, smash something because we can, etc...

You're making a lot of assumptions here, and likewise I probably am too. So that said, neither of us know for sure what motivated the individual, or individuals, to smash the windows. However, in the event that they were smashed because of the outrageous salaries paid to bankers, when vast numbers of people are being made unemployed and losing their homes on a daily basis, would you then, in theory, consider the behaviour to be one of radical dissent?
Watching the edited highlights on the BBC News 24 - Honestly I think there's a better edit possible for the Bank of England protest. Don't let the police get off so lightly - they've mishandled the situation and they've hit people who made no threat to them or fellow protestors.

e2a: the police statement was dreadful
:cool: he could string three word together and had a point of why he was there. Not like another protester interviewed who couldn't ancer the question Why are you here today

I saw the piece with the guy who was interviewed earlier in the day, and I agree, he didn't come across at all well, but when you're put on the spot like that in a charged situation, I can imagine it's really difficult to formulate a coherent argument.
I was thinking that. I'd be a bit dubious about smashing a window with dozens of cameras pointed at me, and without my face covered.
Maybe by the same kind of person who is proud of getting an ASBO before any of their mates and will add that photo to the family album to show to their kids? After all what's the typical sentence for criminal damage to a window these days?
I have to say at a glance there was far less violence than expected...so a few windows got broken. Big deal.

I thought all the people interviewed were shite and didn't even really know why they were there. Except the climate change bloke on Sky who spoke about carbon trading and was quite good.

The crowd are penned outside the Bank of England. That might change when they get pissed off later.

The event seems to be going well for both sides....Gordon Brown likes it. President Obama hasn't seen a protester all day and he shook the hand of the constable in front of No10 ...nice. I like him.

Scores as to now. Police 8/10. Demo 8/10. Reporters at scene 99%.
There is meant to be a press conference at the UEL at 6pm and an "evening rally" at 6.30 pm at the "Ice Berg" protest ouside Excel centre. I wonder how many people heading eastwards now for 'part 2' of the days protests? Or maybe people are going to stay o help defend the Climate Camp and head down to the g20 at Excel tomorrow?
Maybe by the same kind of person who is proud of getting an ASBO before any of their mates and will add that photo to the family album to show to their kids? After all what's the typical sentence for criminal damage to a window these days?

Possibly. Except you tend to get ASBO's for repeated anti-social behaviour, whereas this is a single act of political dissent. Which is maybe more worthy of being proud of.

He still should've covered his face though.
You're making a lot of assumptions here, and likewise I probably am too. So that said, neither of us know for sure what motivated the individual, or individuals, to smash the windows. However, in the event that they were smashed because of the outrageous salaries paid to bankers, when vast numbers of people are being made unemployed and losing their homes on a daily basis, would you then, in theory, consider the behaviour to be one of radical dissent?

Nope. I thought it a pathetic, simplistic action as if breaking a branch window would do anything other than allow the Media and Politicians to brand protesters as "dangerous".
Possibly. Except you tend to get ASBO's for repeated anti-social behaviour, whereas this is a single act of political dissent. Which is maybe more worthy of being proud of.

He still should've covered his face though.
If he was trying to show off why would he cover his face?

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