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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat



Yep, right on. Big old smiley face indeed. I'd like to you some of you tolerate this bollocks all day long at work.
They've had a chance to make their point, now it's time to go home. The police have the power to disperse them, if they won't go peacefully then the police need to use stronger tactics to enforce the law, get them out of the way, and allow people in to clean up the mess so the city can return to normal tomorrow.

It's time for the workers to reclaim the streets, and the protesters to go away.

Which part of PENNING don't you understand.

wouldn't it be brilliant if Editor temp banned ajdown for being an incoherent, police-violence-inciting (and annoying) tosser
That'll because lines of black-clad riot police were limbering up at the entrance in a wildly inappropriate fashion.

The street is full of kids in little tents playing songs, having picnics, reading books and chatting. It was unbelievably fluffy there.

That's pretty much the impression that I was getting from the Beeb coverage, both the fluffy bunny stuff and the sudden change of tactics from the OB in the last ½ hour or so.
My take on that tactic is that it's to wear down morale rather than fire things up. It certainly sounds legally sketchy though. Hasn't this been challenged in court before? Anyone have more info?
How would you feel if you'd be herded into a tight space with no access to water or food and with no toilet and washing facilitates, and were surrounded by rude, macho cops who simply ignored your polite requests to leave the area?

I can't speak for you but it sure made me angry. Really fucking angry. I am breaking no laws. I am being entirely peaceful. So why am I being held in what is effectively an open-air prison?
They've been wanting to leave for hours. Not everyone knows the back doubles round there, people have come from pretty far afield. There are injured people there that can't get medical attention, and the police won't let them leave. Have you not seen the live aerial/high shots?

No I haven't seen the pictures because I have no interest in what the people are complaining about.

If people didn't come prepared, that's not my fault. Common sense tells you that you should bring your own food and water, and some basic first aid supplies. Why didn't the march organisers make sure there was sufficient cover amongst the stewards?
They've had a chance to make their point, now it's time to go home.
What law says that? Has a martial law curfew been declared or something? "You are free to protest up until 7pm but then your freedom to protest disappears"? "Protest is legal during daylight hours only"?
No I haven't seen the pictures because I have no interest in what the people are complaining about.

If people didn't come prepared, that's not my fault. Common sense tells you that you should bring your own food and water, and some basic first aid supplies. Why didn't the march organisers make sure there was sufficient cover amongst the stewards?

How can you comment unless you've even taken a cursory look at the coverage?

Why would people come prepared to be trapped by the OB for hours?

Stewards? You what?
Typical anarchist, can't handle a debate with someone who holds a dissenting view.

lol, you don't know anarchists, those hair-splitting bastards will argue with you till night is day. Unless you are an ignorant. oh, wait...
How would you feel if you'd be herded into a tight space with no access to water or food and with no toilet and washing facilitates, and were surrounded by rude, macho cops who simply ignore your polite requests to leave the area?

I can't speak for you but it sure made me angry. Really fucking angry. I am breaking no laws. I am being entirely peaceful. So why am I being held in what is effectively an open-air prison?

Oh sure. I'd be livid too. But I think they bank on "I'm starving/thirsty/need a piss/etc" being the main the most immediate thing on people's minds when they get out. That was my mental state last time I was held (that was a cell, not a pen-in). Pissed off but needing to recharge.
Typical anarchist, can't handle a debate with someone who holds a dissenting view.
If you can't even be bothered to find out what today's protest is about then you're clearly not interested in arguing the issues: you're only here to troll.

Last warning.
gordy just had to fetch the wife out as there was a couple arriving :D:rolleyes:
they should have the names of the countries flashing up as they come in
Because some of the many thousands of people can't be trusted not to cuase trouble. That's not the fault of the police.

Sounds like old school "detention". You know, where if one of the class has done something, everyone has stay behind.

Another funny man. :)
...If people didn't come prepared, that's not my fault...
Seeing as the biggest problem seems to have been illegal restrictions of movement and unprovoked violence by armed and armoured thugs in uniform, then how do you think people should "come prepared"? The logical consequence of what you are saying leads to a very ugly place...

...maybe that's the kind of country you want to live in? Which would make you a nasty fascist piece of shit.
lol, you don't know anarchists, those hair-splitting bastards will argue with you till night is day. Unless you are an ignorant. oh, wait...

He wouldn't be able to recognise an anarchist unless they were kitted out a la black bloc :D It reminds me a bit of some equal opps training I was doing when some overweight, sweaty, white, middleaged men started giving it large about gypsies. So I asked them how they'd know. Another guy, that they'd worked with for years, said "well, actually, my family are Romany going back generations". They nearly went into apoplexy :D:D:D
They've had a chance to make their point, now it's time to go home. The police have the power to disperse them, if they won't go peacefully then the police need to use stronger tactics to enforce the law, get them out of the way, and allow people in to clean up the mess so the city can return to normal tomorrow.

People surrounded by lines of coppers can't go home. That's the point :rolleyes:
Looks to me, and around 15 or so media outlets, that the cops have been properly shown up to be the fuckwitted thugs stirring up trouble.

One good thing any self respecting anarchist should bear in mind, is that the face of protest has changed, no longer do the socialists or the wombles monopolise this kind of thing, it belongs to the Tarquins and the Fenellas as much as anyone now... which of course makes the dog-on-a-string stereotype bullshit as outdated as the Spice Girls.

Looking forward to watching many hours of Youtube with cops deliberately provoking trouble. The tables have surely turned for good now, and the best thing is it still remains an autonomous event, not even the ubiquitous Socialist Worker can hope to claim credit.

Good work all round.

Lets see some photos/video of this Speakers Corner catapult fit up, I need to use it for something. ;)
Guardian Twitter

77pm police block both ends bishopsgate no provocation demo xwill end in tears
by john_vidal v

John vidal, our envro corspndt saw it all happen. He said there was no provocation and the mood was carvalesque - until the walls of rio ...
by paul__lewis at 4/1/2009 6:31:28 PM01 April 2009 19:31:28
This is climate camp. Fluffy middle class ecos. They are stuck inside - a la bank of england earlier - and police won"t let them move
by paul__lewis at 4/1/2009 6:30:08 PM01 April 2009 19:30:08
Here we go again. So, lines of riot police have now blocked off climate camp on bishopsgate. Kettle number two.
by paul__lewis at 4/1/2009 6:27:48 PM01 April 2009 19:27:48
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