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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Interesting. This was something the BNP made a lot of capital out of a few years ago.

Cheers then. That really helps.

Fucking numpty.

Everything Mr Straw said is unfortunately true.

It needs to be confronted, no matter how uncomfortable, and it needs to be addressed.

Unless you consider vulnerable young women as acceptable collateral damage in a politically correct war.

This has been going on for years, the security services knew about it as early as the 1990s and it is accepted as part of life for working girls in cities such as Derby, Bradford, Leicester, Blackburn, they know to protect themselves as best they can and work with cops to minimise risks.

There ARE groups of Pakistani men who consider troubled white British teenage girls, and boys, as fair game for abuse, at pre-organised sex parties where alcohol and cocaine are pretty much forced upon the victims, some as young as 13.

Rather than shooting the messenger, no matter how obnoxious and how his track record has blood all over it, might it not be prudent to at least look at the evidence?

Street grooming is happening. It's bold of Mr Straw to go public with his comments in this way, but it's about time something was said.
Why should he? Do you care to qualify your criticism first? Eta . To Nina.

I lived in Bradford for 4 yrs. This stuff is real.
Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Muslim youth group the Ramadhan Foundation, said the abuse was fuelled by racism in parts of the Asian community.

"There is a perception that some of these young men do not see white girls as equal, as valuable, of high moral standing as they see their own daughters, and their own sisters, and I think that's wrong," he said.

"It's a form of racism that's abhorrent in a civilised society."

I'd say that sounds accurate.
I'd say that sounds accurate.

It's an endemic problem - the attitude is to hide away the Pakistani girls their own community at home with the housework, and go out and hunt for the "white pussy" in packs. Often it's young men awaiting their own arranged marriage taking part before they're tied down to a strictly enforced code of marital traditions.

They see any girl in a miniskirt as a prostitute, even one as young as 13.
This topic is racist and islamaphobic.

It is an issue of racism.

Unfortunately the racism stems from attitudes toward British white girls from Pakistani men.

The islamophobia is not really the issue, it's more of a tribal thing.

Child marriage customs such as "swara" that stem from the Hazara region of Pakistan bear out the facts, that in certain cases age is irrelevant if the will of the male/family/cleric has decided that there should be a marriage.

Also worth pointing out that the Saudi minimum age for marriage is 8 years old.

Different cultures, different attitudes. It's not a big deal for someone who comes from a culture that reinforces the notion that white UK girls are all sluts and that young girls are eligible for sex and marriage.
Fucking tool, well done for doing the BNP's job for them.

Fuck the BNP, and fuck any notion of keeping shit like this quiet for fear of being accused of racism.

It is the "don't ask don't tell" attitudes that foster precisely the type of environment that allows abuses like this to happen.
What about those other youths - who aren't of Pakistani origin - who drive around looking for girls to rape? There was a story a while ago about this.
Fuck the BNP, and fuck any notion of keeping shit like this quiet for fear of being accused of racism.

It is the "don't ask don't tell" attitudes that foster precisely the type of environment that allows abuses like this to happen.

Just with like with 'honour' killings.
Just with like with 'honour' killings.


It doesn't make comfortable reading, nor is it an easy thing to address, but to deny it is happening on a regular basis merely because it will provoke howls of glee from the racist BNP is not helping anyone, least of all the victims.
Trying to tar massive communities by the actions of very small groups is dodgy as fuck. Surely it can't be a slimey politician try to cash in on a few votes by stirring up the shit.

Have you read what he actually said in your link - and the back up he received from within some sections of the Muslim community - the C4 news was very clear on this last night and had muslim 'leaders' arguing the same as Mohammed Shafiq and Straw. (Regardless of whether straw's motivation is actually to shore up his own vote.)
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