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We WILL win the Eurovision this year - Engelbert Humperdinck will see to that

I understood it might be in a more jokey fashion, I still don't get why this stuff is ok. Anyways, sorry madz didnt intend to cause ill-feeling. Perhaps I am overly sensitive from my own situation, new boyf, and work.
Why is anything ok? She looks like a bloke.She might well be a fucking bloke for all I care. Deal with it. It's not a dig at you, it's not a dig at anyone. I am seriously fed up with stuff on here being censored due to people's over-sensitivity about their own issues.
Azerbaijan seems like a country invented by Sacha Baron Cohen. Apparently the co-host is the president's daughter while her property developer husband does the interval song.

The other host is a lawyer which will come handy for any contestant expressing disapproval towards the mighty President Aliyev.

One local rapper whose lyrics less than deferential to the great leader was dragged down to the cop shop to have his feet beaten to a pulp and told who wouldn't be walking on any demos in future.

Sad to hear the world's largest flag title in Baku has just been beaten after by an even bigger one in near by Kazakstan.

Great stage though which will come in handy when the President holds electoral rallies to hang onto his party's 95 per cent parliamentary majority.

A site here dedicated to the Azerbaijan's 'goddess' first lady-


With an overflowing amount of responsibilites to serve both her country and the global community, Azerbaijan's First Lady did not waste time to deal with a number of accusations an organisation called Amnesty International tried to spread through a number of media channels, even though she is said not to be pleased with the contents.
Why is anything ok? She looks like a bloke.She might well be a fucking bloke for all I care. Deal with it. It's not a dig at you, it's not a dig at anyone. I am seriously fed up with stuff on here being censored due to people's over-sensitivity about their own issues.

Commenting on women's looks is a Daily Mail thing. And a surprising thing to come from a feminist.
What is a bloke supposed to look like anyway? What is a woman supposed to look like? What does a woman have/not have that makes her look like a bloke?

Bit out of order to brush off steph because of personal issues as well. It was just a silly thing to say regardless.
What is a bloke supposed to look like anyway? What is a woman supposed to look like? What does a woman have/not have that makes her look like a bloke?

Bit out of order to brush off steph because of personal issues as well. It was just a silly thing to say regardless.

Fucks sake :(
Maybe I should kick off at all the paedo jokes on here..
I think you should tbh.

try out, "I did not intend to cause upset and did not attach any value judgement to my comment however I am sorry for offending."
Can we all group hug please.
I think you should tbh.

try out, "I did not intend to cause upset and did not attach any value judgement to my comment however I am sorry for offending."
Can we all group hug please.
Thing is I'm not sure I am sorry for offending right now.I really don't think it's my responsibility how that comment was taken. I've already said the first bit.
Although they hold the competition record for "nil points" entries (and I think there's a certain satisfaction to be got from that), they have also won it more recently and with the greatest (at least at the time) points total of any competition. Didn't hurt that there were a lot more countries voting than in previous years.

Of course, that all counts for nought - or 'nil', if you will - because we beat 'em this year. See you next year Norway, do your worst.

No seriously, please, do your worst, because we've fuck all chance without you to make us look good.
I liked the Norwegian entry.

And I've just looked it up to remind myself which one it was. Um, it's the one I've been singing this morning. :oops:
Traitor to the crown! :mad:

(I honestly can't remember the Norwegian entry, but as I can't really remember any of the ones I was hyperventilating over last night this is almost certainly a reflection on me rather than the quality of the song :oops:)
My favourite in 2011 was sweden. I didn't realise you can watch previous stuff on the eurovision website. :cool:
I wasn't particularly offended btw (I've developed a thicker skin than urban) or even expecting an apology. Where am I censoring either? I'm making a point about it.

That point being, this sort of stuff, whether said in jest or otherwise, is problematic, whether from a sexism angle (woman not somehow female enoughh - whatever the fuck yardstick thats intended to be measured by, she seemed female to me, or the cis-sexism angle (trans/intersex/queer people constantly told that their gender isn't as valid, and constantly subject to being outed - 'thats really a man/woman'.

And does it mean this stuff can't be challenged/discussed? We rightly challenge racist, homophobic and sexist opinion, does this not equally feed unto negative experiences and lives for those people it affects?
I wasn't particularly offended btw (I've developed a thicker skin than urban) or even expecting an apology. Where am I censoring either? I'm making a point about it.

That point being, this sort of stuff, whether said in jest or otherwise, is problematic, whether from a sexism angle (woman not somehow female enoughh - whatever the fuck yardstick thats intended to be measured by, she seemed female to me, or the cis-sexism angle (trans/intersex/queer people constantly told that their gender isn't as valid, and constantly subject to being outed - 'thats really a man/woman'.

And does it mean this stuff can't be challenged/discussed? We rightly challenge racist, homophobic and sexist opinion, does this not have any negative effect for those people it affects?
Everything is problematic if you analyse it to the nth degree. I didn't say anything out of order. If you choose to stick it under a microscope or drag it kicking and screaming into some context it wasn't meant in then it's up to you.She looked like a bloke, some men look like women. So fucking what?I resent the implication that I'm making some kind of bigoted comment when I'm not. Sure, challenge racism, homophobia and other prejudice where you see it but stop tilting at windmills.
I wasn't particularly offended btw (I've developed a thicker skin than urban) or even expecting an apology. Where am I censoring either? I'm making a point about it.

That point being, this sort of stuff, whether said in jest or otherwise, is problematic, whether from a sexism angle (woman not somehow female enoughh - whatever the fuck yardstick thats intended to be measured by, she seemed female to me, or the cis-sexism angle (trans/intersex/queer people constantly told that their gender isn't as valid, and constantly subject to being outed - 'thats really a man/woman'.

And does it mean this stuff can't be challenged/discussed? We rightly challenge racist, homophobic and sexist opinion, does this not equally feed unto negative experiences and lives for those people it affects?


hardly surprising that transphobia tends to provoke sensitive reactions in people. it's so fucking commonplace and has such devastating effects on people's lives

hardly surprising that transphobia tends to provoke sensitive reactions in people. it's so fucking commonplace and has such devastating effects on people's lives
So do lots of things but we still joke about them. All this fuss because I said a woman looked like a bloke. Fuck sake, catch onto yourselves :facepalm:
Apologise for what? Saying a woman looked like a bloke when she did? How about you just fuck off? :)

you're attacking my mate for getting offended at something you said, then when she apologises to you you don't let it go. why should i fuck off? im just saying.
you're attacking my mate for getting offended at something you said, then when she apologises to you you don't let it go. why should i fuck off? im just saying.
Awww. Haven't you got some self righteous posturing about cleaners to be getting on with? I respond to your post, you tell me to apologise, I say no and somehow it's me not letting it go :D You're a fucking classic.
you're attacking my mate for getting offended at something you said, then when she apologises to you you don't let it go. why should i fuck off? im just saying.

Madzone was the radical feminist the other month when her and some mates were hounding blagsta for being an OPPRESSOR. Different tune, of course, when the boot is on the other foot.
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