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War propaganda, 'Realists' and neocons, and the denigration of the war sceptics

Comparing yourself with the messiah now. Hmm.

For starters, would take a closer look at the kind of accounts on social media and other sights that repeatedly explain how there's nothing nobody can do & how we must accept the situation. How any resistance, against an invading country, is futile.

How's that for you, Jesus?
Yes, I go about comparing myself to the Messiah in real life too. That's why I'm struggling to type while in a straitjacket.

Take a look at as many 'sights' on social media as you like. It won't change anything because it can't be changed. It will doubtless get worse. That's the nature of the beast.
Yes, I go about comparing myself to the Messiah in real life too. That's why I'm struggling to type while in a straitjacket.

Take a look at as many 'sights' on social media as you like. It won't change anything because it can't be changed. It will doubtless get worse. That's the nature of the beast.

You can be as self-deprecating and miserable as you like, but it appears your only position is to accept the invasion and everyone else is foolish to do anything else other than adopt the same stance.

Thread after thread of it.
You can be as self-deprecating and miserable as you like, but it appears your only position is to accept the invasion and everyone else is foolish to do anything else other than adopt the same stance.

Thread after thread of it.
Even if that was true, why is it a problem for you? As said before, it's only us on here. And I, for one, haven't said anything remotely like 'accept the invasion' (again, I have to smile at the implied idea that what us wankers on here say could possibly affect the outcome of this wholly unnecessary war.)

And it isn't 'thread after thread,' but just a few. With content that could easily have gone in the main thread if not for crybabies who can't tolerate an opposing viewpoint or a little bit of sarcasm.
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Even if that was true, why is it a problem for you? As said before, it's only us on here. And I, for one, haven't said anything remotely like 'accept the invasion' (again, I have to smile at the implied idea that what us wankers on here say on here could possibly affect the outcome of this wholly unnecessary war.)

And it isn't 'thread after thread,' but just a few. With content that could easily have gone in the main thread if not for crybabies who can't tolerate an opposing viewpoint or a little bit of sarcasm.

Your opposing viewpoint has a whiff about it, as does your smirking insistence that there's the nothing anyone can do or say.

The stream of defeatist, miserablist posts - what's your actual point? And less of the pretending to be sarcastic, please.
Your opposing viewpoint has a whiff about it, as does your smirking insistence that there's the nothing anyone can do or say.

The stream of defeatist, miserablist posts - what's your actual point? And less of the pretending to be sarcastic, please.
Can you show me where I've said nobody can do or say anything? There are plenty of people saying things, but what are they 'doing' exactly? What's more, what are they expected to do?

We are in a situation that we, the pleb mugs, have absolutely no control over, no matter what stance we puport to take. An escalation to nuclear would be the biggest joke played on us ever, but at least it would take most of our 'betters' down with us.

And defeatist regarding what exactly? My 'opposing viewpoint'? To be in opposition there have to be sides to take. Can you outline what theses sides are? Because, as far as I can tell, we're arguing on here about a foreign war (albeit in a way we haven't about the war in Yemen, or any of the numerous, and just as-or more-bloody and brutal wars that seem to be a constant feature of the African continent. For some reason.) 'We' are not at war, so what side is there to take (as if taking sides is not a complicated question anyway for people who, as many on here do, take the stance of fearless oppositionists to the current order.)
We are in a situation that we, the pleb mugs, have absolutely no control over, no matter what stance we puport to take. An escalation to nuclear would be the biggest joke played on us ever, but at least it would take most of our 'betters' down with us.

Oh well, there's always that.
Who has suggested 'giving' Russia Ukraine (as if this could somehow be done)?

I've been saying for weeks what I would prefer to happen. Unlike the war evangelists, I would like the slaughter to stop right now. The rest should be a matter of negotiation, preferably resulting in an independent but, to prevent further conflict, neutral Ukraine-and for Russia to be held to a commitment to no further aggression.

If the Russians shelled my house I doubt if I'd do anything as I'd likely be dead. But the main thret here is not Russian shelling of anybody's house but the escalation to a civilisation-ending conflagration.

Reckon the innocent Ukranians might beg to differ about how much of a threat having their houses shelled, or being raped and executed is
Reckon the innocent Ukranians might beg to differ about how much of a threat having their houses shelled, or being raped and executed is
I think you're missing the fact that I have, for what it's worth, been arguing on here for the slaughter to stop, preferably for good. It is the war evangelists, with their newfound enthusiasm for whatever neo-liberalism, in its dying phase, chooses to throw at us* who have advocated a fight to the finish, with all the continuing death it makes inevitable.

You, like me, don't know anything at all about what the innocent Ukrainians are thinking (cue a host of morons spouting things like 'What, you think they actually like being shelled!!? etc etc.)

Do you honestly think that opinions are uniform in even in war zones? Or that rape and arbitrary execution is unique to this war?

*In this case, a contrived war of independence.
I think you're missing the fact that I have, for what it's worth, been arguing on here for the slaughter to stop, preferably for good. It is the war evangelists, with their newfound enthusiasm for whatever neo-liberalism, in its dying phase, chooses to throw at us* who have advocated a fight to the finish, with all the continuing death it makes inevitable.

You, like me, don't know anything at all about what the innocent Ukrainians are thinking (cue a host of morons spouting things like 'What, you think they actually like being shelled!!? etc etc.)

Do you honestly think that opinions are uniform in even in war zones? Or that rape and arbitrary execution is unique to this war?

*In this case, a contrived war of independence.
I thought I'd finished here but this is outrageous: "a contrived war of independence"
An independent country is invaded. It resists. What is contrived but its invasion?
You have been accused of sympathy for the Russian invasion before but nothing betrays your sympathy as much as this.
I think you're missing the fact that I have, for what it's worth, been arguing on here for the slaughter to stop, preferably for good. It is the war evangelists, with their newfound enthusiasm for whatever neo-liberalism, in its dying phase, chooses to throw at us* who have advocated a fight to the finish, with all the continuing death it makes inevitable.

You, like me, don't know anything at all about what the innocent Ukrainians are thinking (cue a host of morons spouting things like 'What, you think they actually like being shelled!!? etc etc.)

Do you honestly think that opinions are uniform in even in war zones? Or that rape and arbitrary execution is unique to this war?

*In this case, a contrived war of independence.

Fucking hell.

It's on the new/social media what the ordinary victims of war are saying. Or are they crisis actors?
I thought I'd finished here but this is outrageous: "a contrived war of independence"
An independent country is invaded. It resists. What is contrived but its invasion?
You have been accused of sympathy for the Russian invasion before but nothing betrays your sympathy as much as this.
It is contrived because the western powers pushed Ukraine into an unnecessary situation. If it had agreed not to join NATO, and therefore not represent a threat to Russia (remember that what counts is whether the Russian elite considers it a threat, not whether it actually is a threat) then it is unlikely that the invasion would have happened. However, the west pushed for their proxy politicians to gain power in Ukraine-remember that the likes of McCain addressed the crowds in Maidan, and consider how it would have been received if a prominent Russian politician had addressed crowds in Mexico City, urging them to join a Russian-led military alliance.)

What followed after the events of 2008 (when it was first mooted that Georgia and Ukraine might join NATO), and then the 2014 Maidan coup, which was, in legal terms, anti-constitutional whatever the rights or wrongs of it, was inevitable.

Some people on here seem to have difficulty in distiguishing between what they see as good and right and what actually happens, which is almost always the opposite of what they'd prefer. You'd think, as grow adults, they would have learned by now.
It is contrived because the western powers pushed Ukraine into an unnecessary situation. If it had agreed not to join NATO, and therefore not represent a threat to Russia (remember that what counts is whether the Russian elite considers it a threat, not whether it actually is a threat) then it is unlikely that the invasion would have happened. However, the west pushed for their proxy politicians to gain power in Ukraine-remember that the likes of McCain addressed the crowds in Maidan, and consider how it would have been received if a prominent Russian politician had addressed crowds in Mexico City, urging them to join a Russian-led military alliance.)

What followed after the events of 2008 (when it was first mooted that Georgia and Ukraine might join NATO), and then the 2014 Maidan coup, which was, in legal terms, anti-constitutional whatever the rights or wrongs of it, was inevitable.

Some people on here seem to have difficulty in distiguishing between what they see as good and right and what actually happens, which is almost always the opposite of what they'd prefer. You'd think, as grow adults, they would have learned by now.

As "grow" adults, it's obvious to see that you believe that the fault lies with anyone else but Russia.
Fucking hell.

It's on the new/social media what the ordinary victims of war are saying. Or are they crisis actors?
Say it in a shrill voice, why don't you? I haven't said people are not dying. In fact, and as I've said, in contrast to the war evangelists, I want to slaughter to stop now.
As "grow" adults, it's obvious to see that you believe that the fault lies with anyone else but Russia.
I'm going to bed now. Fed up with having to deal with people who think there actually is right and wrong and good and evil in this cesspit of a world.

Sweet dreams motherfuckers.
Bet your man Putin feels the same way.
It's a bit childish to paint anybody who doesn't simple-mindedly echo the voice of our own ruling class as some kind of Putin fan. It happerns no matter what people actually say, and is a result of the hysteria currently at large.
There you go again.

Hysterical, simple-minded sheeple. Why O why can't they see things like you do?
Isn't it the other way round? Say something that goes against the line of the online war enthusiasts (which merely echoes that of our own ruling classes), and you get a gaggle of indignant parrots on your tail, accusing you of war crimes.
Isn't it the other way round? Say something that goes against the line of the online war enthusiasts (which merely echoes that of our own ruling classes), and you get a gaggle of indignant parrots on your tail, accusing you of war crimes.

"war enthusiasts", "idignant parrots"

How on earth did you get back here with the exact same condescending miserable shite after being permabanned (at least) twice? :rolleyes:
It is contrived because the western powers pushed Ukraine into an unnecessary situation. If it had agreed not to join NATO, and therefore not represent a threat to Russia (remember that what counts is whether the Russian elite considers it a threat, not whether it actually is a threat) then it is unlikely that the invasion would have happened. However, the west pushed for their proxy politicians to gain power in Ukraine-remember that the likes of McCain addressed the crowds in Maidan, and consider how it would have been received if a prominent Russian politician had addressed crowds in Mexico City, urging them to join a Russian-led military alliance.)

What followed after the events of 2008 (when it was first mooted that Georgia and Ukraine might join NATO), and then the 2014 Maidan coup, which was, in legal terms, anti-constitutional whatever the rights or wrongs of it, was inevitable.

Some people on here seem to have difficulty in distiguishing between what they see as good and right and what actually happens, which is almost always the opposite of what they'd prefer. You'd think, as grow adults, they would have learned by now.
Please remind us how the western powers pushed Ukraine into this situation. I thought they didn't want Ukraine to join NATO but maybe it was different once upon a time.
"war enthusiasts", "idignant parrots"

How on earth did you get back here with the exact same condescending miserable shite after being permabanned (at least) twice? :rolleyes:
Can't you have another enforced holiday? Or have you anything to say other than trying to wind up others so as to get them banned?

I agree that I'm a terrible cunt, and ought to strive to be as morally upstanding as the rest of you, but can't we stick to the subject instead of writing about each other? It's slightly tiresome.
It is contrived because the western powers pushed Ukraine into an unnecessary situation. If it had agreed not to join NATO, and therefore not represent a threat to Russia (remember that what counts is whether the Russian elite considers it a threat, not whether it actually is a threat) then it is unlikely that the invasion would have happened. However, the west pushed for their proxy politicians to gain power in Ukraine-remember that the likes of McCain addressed the crowds in Maidan, and consider how it would have been received if a prominent Russian politician had addressed crowds in Mexico City, urging them to join a Russian-led military alliance.)

What followed after the events of 2008 (when it was first mooted that Georgia and Ukraine might join NATO), and then the 2014 Maidan coup, which was, in legal terms, anti-constitutional whatever the rights or wrongs of it, was inevitable.

Some people on here seem to have difficulty in distiguishing between what they see as good and right and what actually happens, which is almost always the opposite of what they'd prefer. You'd think, as grow adults, they would have learned by now.
Your post is internally inconsistent as you start by saying NATO pushed Ukraine then start talking about it didn't really matter what Ukraine did because what mattered was how the Russian elite viewed it. Maybe you should get your story straight
Please remind us how the western powers pushed Ukraine into this situation. I thought they didn't want Ukraine to join NATO but maybe it was different once upon a time.
It's obvious and you know it anyway. They were wound up to accept that their future lay with NATO and the EU, and given the impression that Russia wouldn't react (note to cretins-this is not an endorsement of the invasion, let alone military atrocities). And then they were wound up to endorse the neo-liberal gang who seized power unconstitutionally in 2014. Senator McCain addressing the crowds in Maidan was akin to an ex-presidential candidate from Russia addressing anti-US crowds in Mexco City in an effort to get MexIco into a rival military alliance right on the US border. Which, of course, would provoke a reaction from Washington DC.
It's obvious and you know it anyway. They were wound up to accept that their future lay with NATO and the EU, and given the impression that Russia wouldn't react (note to cretins-this is not an endorsement of the invasion, let alone military atrocities). And then they were wound up to endorse the neo-liberal gang who seized power unconstitutionally in 2014. Senator McCain addressing the crowds in Maidan was akin to an ex-presidential candidate from Russia addressing anti-US crowds in Mexco City in an effort to get Mexco into a rival military alliance right on the US border. Which, of course, would provoke a reaction from Washington DC.
Russian presidential candidates would struggle to be known by anyone in Mexico. And have done poorly - other than Putin and Medvedev - in russian elections
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