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War of the Worlds - BBC


Albatross Admirer
Not sure why I'm watching this (inertia) but it's ok. Also Rupert Graves :thumbs:

Anyone else?

Couldn't see a thread
Good bits and bad bits.

Clearly the director has never seen anyone dig a hole in any meaningful way. "Yeah, just sort of scratch away at that random lump there. Will look amazing."
For years I have wanted a faithful television/filmed version of this book. Sadly yet again those responsible cannot stock to the book.
It is rbrlliant story as it is, we do not need to silly love triangle story to keep us interested.
Disappointing frankly
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I got so excited at the prospect of an adaptation which takes place in the period when it was written, but it was shown in Canada a few weeks ago and the reviews were terrible, indicating that this was made by people with little interest in the novel. Apparently it starts out mediocre and then gets worse. I believe this was supposed to be Christmas programming by the BBC, but they lost faith in it and have now dumped it in a November slot. There is another TV adaptation in the works, yet again set in contemporary times.
Despite not being faithful to the book I enjoyed it and will be watching again.

Yeah, I don't mind that they've inserted a love story, just wanted to see it set in the right period. Here's hoping they cover the major points, was a bit worried about the "preview" of her wandering around with a child though...
The BBC made a British version of Independence day as an audio book. It's available online somewhere.
I got so excited at the prospect of an adaptation which takes place in the period when it was written, but it was shown in Canada a few weeks ago and the reviews were terrible, indicating that this was made by people with little interest in the novel. Apparently it starts out mediocre and then gets worse. I believe this was supposed to be Christmas programming by the BBC, but they lost faith in it and have now dumped it in a November slot. There is another TV adaptation in the works, yet again set in contemporary times.

It was originally scheduled for November last year. The scenes in 'Woking' were filmed in Great Budworth near where I went to school. A former schoolfriend of mine was watching some of the filming as she was in the village that day, so was intrigued for that reason also. But I have to admit to being disappointed already. It is a fantastic story, without out the moralising 'love triangle' or the importance of the Admiralty in the story and the flash forwards of wandering through a Red Planet, an allusion to the 'Red weed' at a guess. There was already a love story between the Narrator and his wife, there was no need to change that, a change that makes it worse imho.
In short it has rather disappointed me and I am not hopeful of any improvement.
Just watched it. Don't see the need for the flash forwards. Just tell the story ffs

Looks great, Glad its set in the right time. But my memory of the plot is that they all came over a number of nights and all opened more or less together. It doesnt have that sense that it was a wave of attacks.

As has been said. Just Make the story as it is told

Will watch it all though
Almost every victorian novel by men has a distinct lack of major roles for women, so they have to beef them up, but it is a massive shame they can't do so more imaginatively.

Like everyone else, it looks worthy but dull. So may well find better things to do on future sundays.

Hopefully their adaptation of Black Narcissus, which is coming next in this timeslot, will be more like it. The film of that sticks fairly closely to the book (bar one significant change at the end) so it'll be hard to improve upon, but should still be fun.
The unnamed narrator of the novel is mostly a passive witness and isn’t much of a character at all. It makes sense to give him a personality and to add more characters for him to interact with. Even a love interest would be ok as long as it’s kept understated. She could have been someone he meets on his travels and who joins him and she even could have been a suffragette. Here it feels like that was more important than adapting the novel though. What I hate is the condescending idea that classic novels have to be made “relevant” for modern audiences in the mistaken belief that otherwise they can’t relate to the past. So they’ve shoehorned in modern social concerns which have nothing to do with the theme if the book. Apart from that, this lacks urgency and the effects suck.

This is like that awful Time Machine remake from 2002 where I thought they’d make a more faithful movie than the (fun but strictly kids stuff) 60s version and then they made a staggeringly awful film.
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I thought it was really good.
Dark, apocalyptic and exploring some interesting themes around imperialism (which is touched on within the book - the actions of the martians are directly compared with the actions of the europeans towards "lesser races") and some of the radical thinking of the time (which wells was very much interested in).
So having the hero - and his partner - as a "free thinking" radical sets the story up nicely for the Utopian ideas that emerge following the destruction of civilisation. And clear echoes of our sense of impending apocalypse. I like that they are not going so much for "authentic costume drama" - but a particular take on the politics, power structures and ideas of the time.
Its an adaptation - there is no rule saying that it has to stick to the original story - the trick is to pull out the best of the drama and thematic resonances of the source materiel.
Also - as with lord of the rings - their are some serious weaknesses in the original book - the narrator (as remarked on above) in the original is a passive observer - but also with a strong streak of unpleasant misanthropy - also some of the ideas and fears that wells was exploring have no real resonance today or are quite dodge (i.e. his support for eugenics, his disdainful and patronising view of the working class) . However - there is also much that is great about the original - and from what i saw, that's all still there.
dont know if i can make it to the end after episode 2 - bleakness and death and suffering with added bleakness. Like threads or the road. I mean, i know its supposed to be apocalyptic - but not sure i want it quite that realistic. Or boring.
Now they are completely re-writing it, completely changing storylines and the story itself. Maybe one day they will do a real version, faithful; to the book. I suppose we can but hope.
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i quite like the bits where it is alien invasion and great panic but i don't like the amount of jumping about in it from 'war' to 'post-war' and back again.

plus there's demelza out of poldark and her son seems to be the warleggans' little boy
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