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Vitamin D and coronavirus


Peckham Wry
I have started this thread as I can find no other specifically covering it, I wanted to add a vid of what I expected would be a substantial thread, I dont think I have the info, links etc sorted...it will be more chaotic than normal I'm afraid ( more chaotic??? surely not possible...)- Ed, Mods, please feel free to zap it is its merely duplication
There are no complete proper full scale clinical trials - one is finally under way, all funded by individuals or charities, by the UK Gpvt has declined to dip a hand in the money pocket - however, there are many observational studies which indicate a stong correlation between Vit D levels, Covid and death. Most of those who enter ICU (c 70%) are Vit D deficient with the majoity of the dead are also Vit D deficient. Sever illness and death is higher in BAME patients than in any other group, and, you guessed it, have the highest % of Vit D defficiency rates in the UK. These are only correlations, they do not PROVE a direct relationship, but they certainly tip the balance of suspicion and surely, given the level of sickness and death, worth doing a proper trial? The Govt finally given to people in care homes, 400 odd international units per day - good enought o prevent a 9 year old from developing rickets, not enough for Covid - Anthony Fauci the US Givy health Guru says he takes 6,000 units a day - in India they have get intra muscular doses of 60,000 as a one off to replenish low levels - they have reported no adverse effects. A small scale trail in Andulacia produced massively positive results where none of those treated with Vit D died, only one went to ICU but did not need intubation, whereas 2 of the 25 plus non Vit D patients died, just under half neede ICU level care. Adulacia now gives Calcifediol which is essentailly vit d afters its been switched on by the liver and the kidneys, ie it works instantly, swalloed as pills it takes many days before it enters the bloodstream in a usable form. Prior to this they were having around 70+ people dying per day, now :- There have been 94 deaths in Andalucia in last seven days. Coronavirus in Andalucia, News and Statistics | Andalucia.com ( So in Spain the data is available in a Foreign language, in the UK finding even the most basic information takes a while... :mad: :( )
Very important for all of us here in Northern Lattitudes, get Vit d down your necks!!
Though I disagree with pretty much everything he has ever said before, must say repect to David Davies MP for relentlessly chasing the idiots of the Bojo Clown Posse. I was origally going to post this:-

Other bits that may help...

Sorry bout the lack of organisation, just wanted to get it started - is there some massive thread already that have been my usual poor search skills......
Oh bugger, there was thread in health etc forum, but last entry was May 3rd, I have also posted this twice - please can someone with access to the correct button to kill one of em? Thank you and sorry folks...
Oh bugger, there was thread in health etc forum, but last entry was May 3rd, I have also posted this twice - please can someone with access to the correct button to kill one of em? Thank you and sorry folks...
when this sort of thing happens you should report your op and one of the mods will swoop to your assistance.
There is this one:

mind you interesting topic and does need discussing.
There is this one:

mind you interesting topic and does need discussing.
Haha, yes I know I'm a pratt, did warn it was gonna be chaotic, but I did not expect me to be SUCH a Useless pratt.....
Could perhaps convert one to "the benefits of vitamin D" and the other to "the dangers of overdosing vitamin D" and hope nobody notices :)
Could perhaps convert one to "the benefits of vitamin D" and the other to "the dangers of overdosing vitamin D" and hope nobody notices :)
So what are the overdose dangers then? How many pills would you have to swallow? They'd notice as most probs know its v hard to OD, you have to be very determined. An electronic missive wings its way to the King - hopefully soon Two become One....I know you are keyed up for more Pratt events from me, but dont you dare start posting Spice Girls cruelty at me!!!!
I've been prescribed Vitamin D for years (there's a link between a condition I have and Vitamin D deficiency). My maintenance dose is 1500mg/400IU twice a day.
I've been taking regular doses of Vit D and zinc every night since the start of this pandemic. I've no idea if it's doing any good but from all the research I've seen (a) there's a chance it might make some positive differencve and (b) it's not going to hurt.
Here in DK, they are recommending that everyone takes it. Accordingly, I am eating 20üg daily, which is supposedly 400% of daily RNI. And the kid has supplements too, but she gets strawberry flavoured gummies
They claim disease finds a foothold in those with low vitimin D. It also helps with winter depression, cos believe, the winters are well depressing here. This one more than usual. Also recommended is to get outside and move about a bit particularly when the sun is shining.
So what are the overdose dangers then? How many pills would you have to swallow? They'd notice as most probs know its v hard to OD, you have to be very determined. An electronic missive wings its way to the King - hopefully soon Two become One....I know you are keyed up for more Pratt events from me, but dont you dare start posting Spice Girls cruelty at me!!!!

I've seen several figures for maximum dangerous dose, starting from 4,000 IU I think as extreme high but just about safe temporarily. The capsules I got were 5,000 IU and I took them for several months. I've cut down on them now though after reading stuff on here.

I've also seen recommended dose (400 IU?) is twice the rda. Also that vitamin K is good to take at the same time to help absorb it (although someone again on here said that was information from the vitamin k manufacturer) or that milk is good from geminisnake as I recall because vitamin D is fat soluble. (Also dosage should really now be given in micrograms mcg rather than IU but I forget what that is :) )

Dangers of too much were posted up here a couple of days ago - including things like kidney damage and leaching calcium from bones. Eta although that's very high doses for extended period of time.

Sorry - someone will doubtless come along with the correct figures but those three areas seem like the important things.
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Im bored. I have about 180 tabs.

What are the side effects?

*joke post. I just googled it. Taking 60,000 international units (IU) a day of vitamin D for several months has been shown to cause toxicity. This level is many times higher than the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for most adults of 600 IU of vitamin D a day.
I was getting "hydroxychloroquine" vibes off of Davis (I only watched the first minute of it)
That said, I'm half-heartedly upping my game .. one of the reasons I put in 16 weeks' work in the summer before retiring was to get a suntan cycling there and back - ditto gardening .. I seem to be necking 5,000 IU of D3, along with 1mg of B12 added to a fizzy multi vit every 2 to 3 days at the moment.
I've been prescribed Vitamin D for years (there's a link between a condition I have and Vitamin D deficiency). My maintenance dose is 1500mg/400IU twice a day.

Are you sure? 1.5g is a lot a lot - perhaps it's 1500 micrograms (mcg or µg)? Even then, that's 60,000 IU, so perhaps not? I'd be interested to hear if it is though as I think that would usually be considered in the toxic zone (your particular case might be special of course so always listen to your doctor and not a random on the internet!). Could it be 1500ng? although that's only 60 IU (1.5mcg) and not very much really.
Are you sure? 1.5g is a lot a lot - perhaps it's 1500 micrograms (mcg or µg)? Even then, that's 60,000 IU, so perhaps not? I'd be interested to hear if it is though as I think that would usually be considered in the toxic zone (your particular case might be special of course so always listen to your doctor and not a random on the internet!). Could it be 1500ng? although that's only 60 IU (1.5mcg) and not very much really.
It's this Buy Adcal-D3 Dissolve 1500mg/400 I.U Effervescent Tablets 56 s' | medino

And 1500mg = 400 IU so 3000mg = 800 IU a day.

ETA According to that random medicine buying website, that seems like a standard dose..? :hmm: (I was on a megadose for a short while as my levels were non-existent but been on this dose for maybe 10 years or something.)
My tablet 25mcg/ 1000iu - I generally take 2 a day during winter 1 a day in summer, this dose recommended (but not prescribed) by a consultant at the Freeman hospital, after a short period of taking a very high dose following complete deficiency (and being really quite ill) a few years ago. The RDA is 5mcg or 200iu.

The consultant I saw was doing research into muscle-skeletal pain and vitamin D. One of the main bits of research into vit D and coronavirus was conducted at the same hospital.
I take one vit D tablet a day. No idea what the dosage is but the container says One a Day so I'm assuming it's the right amount

Probably 200iu as crossthebreeze said. The doses I've seen recommended post coronavirus are higher than that - at least 400 iu/day. And as people have said it can be good to start off with higher doses at first if you're likely to be vit De deficient which many people are particularly in UK.
My sister got very ill from taking too much of it - pain, skin rashes, all sorts of issues. Be careful and just take the RDA unless a doctor prescibes you more if you have a deficiency/insufficiency
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