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'Vigilantes against Swine Flu Vaccine' hit Birmingham hospitals!

Don't put words in my mouth. I have said no such thing.

But you have said...

I think contamination, either accidental or deliberate, with vaccines provides a far more plausible explanation for these species-jumping mutations.

So I ask you again. On what do you base your belief that it's a 'more plausible explanation'?
But you have said...

So I ask you again. On what do you base your belief that it's a 'more plausible explanation'?
Because it suits him. He's said time and time again that he only trusts evidence that backs up his theories and anything that contradicts it must either be fraudulent or flawed.

That's not putting words in your mouth btw Jazzz, that's paraphrasing. I've a new tag for you btw: "Intellectually corrupt" does that fit in the char limit?
I think contamination, either accidental or deliberate, with vaccines provides a far more plausible explanation for these species-jumping mutations.
You're certainly becoming increasingly guilty of contaminating these boards with endless reruns of the same, evidence-free claims which you steadfastly refuse to back up when challenged.

You had a very long time to press your case on swine-flu matters here, but your refusal to engage anyone in the discussion proved you had nothing to back it up but lunatic websites, dodgy sources, context-free quotes and your own increasingly worrying belief in bonkers conspiracies.

Please don't go thinking you can jump from thread to thread adding the same shit because it's simply not going to happen.
You are. You haven't said what you base your opinion on.

okay, let me spell it out.

suppose I have a needle. I declare it is my concoction to cure whatever. I tell you that I have produced it with sickly material from all kinds of animals grown on their festering body parts which I have cultured in my jazzz laboratory.

I inject thousands of people with it.

Now in this hypothetical situation, suppose that a new illness appeared, a species-jump.

would it be fair to be suspicious of my injection, or would it be quite impossible that I could create a new illness that way?
okay, let me spell it out.

suppose I have a needle. I declare it is my concoction to cure whatever. I tell you that I have produced it with sickly material from all kinds of animals grown on their festering body parts which I have cultured in my crazy laboratory.

I inject thousands of people with it.

Now in this hypothetical situation, suppose that a new illness appeared, a species-jump.

would it be fair to be suspicious of my injection, or would it be quite impossible that I could create a new illness that way?
You still haven't answered.
There is a good living to be made by creating wacky conspiracy theories, people go to pay to see Icke speak for instance.
Well... what do you think the consequences of having vaccines contaminated with foreign animal viruses might be, at any stage in the process?

Oh no. I'm not going to start playing that game.

This is your theory so you justify it.

No I'll ask for the third time... On what grounds do you "...think contamination, either accidental or deliberate, with vaccines provides a far more plausible explanation for these species-jumping mutations"?
okay, let me spell it out.

suppose I have a needle. I declare it is my concoction to cure whatever. I tell you that I have produced it with sickly material from all kinds of animals grown on their festering body parts which I have cultured in my jazzz laboratory.

I inject thousands of people with it.

Now in this hypothetical situation, suppose that a new illness appeared, a species-jump.

would it be fair to be suspicious of my injection, or would it be quite impossible that I could create a new illness that way?

Q.E.D :facepalm:
your refusal to engage anyone in the discussion

I'm responding to a question from elbows, which other posters have taken an interest in. I've been responding to them too. Do you want them to stop asking me questions?
I'm responding to a question from elbows, which other posters have taken an interest in. I've been responding to them too. Do you want them to stop asking me questions?

I mean, I'd really be quite happy with that.
You've been avoiding giving an answer.
It's incredible how much utter shite is on the internet in relation to this issue

Perhaps the worst I have seen is this stinker (link broken)

http://www.mihaistoian. net/category/latest-news/new-vaccinations-or-weapons-of-mass-destruction

The website is owned by a Mr Mihai Stoian, a criminal associate of a really nasty piece of work and together they run a cult exploiting people in really terrible ways.

They are so out there that even David Iyke refused an invitation to work with then.

Anyway they currently "look after" several thousand deluded yoga students all securely held in cramped, insanitary conditions on starvation rations, worked to the point of exhaustion.

Many people are already sick with STDs and some with illnesses related to malnutrition.

The place is a public health disaster waiting to happen and they tell their students that swine flu vaccines will kill them.

I despair :facepalm: :(
The bonkers, Icke inspired thread Jazzz started about pork-sniffles vaccine being a WMD is in the bin if you're in a masochistic mood LLB.

I'm responding to a question from elbows, which other posters have taken an interest in. I've been responding to them too. Do you want them to stop asking me questions?
I've lost count of the amount of times you've refused to answer awkward questions directly related to your bonkers claims, either by just ignoring the question completely or by endlessly changing the subject.

Anyone would think you're only here to abuse these boards to promote your bonkers ideals and plug related nutjob websites.
I don't know. However, I am glad we have established the content of the claim, which is what the facepalming was all over. The veracity of it is another, separate, question.

But no one has agreed with your assertion towards the content of the claim.

The video is from a group that has produced posters claiming “Swine flu is not the biggest danger. It’s the vaccine.”

They have added a audio clip stating “The ONLY way a human being can get bird flu or swine flu is by being injected with it.”

The implied message taking those two statements together is clear.
I said "harmful", not "dangerous".
And it's "harmful" because it lulls people into thinking that loonspud bullshit somehow has the same validity as information gained through the application of the scientific method.
Truth is, though, that anyone can sit around and theorise in the way so many of jazzz's sources do, but if their theories don't stand up to examination via the scientific method then they're usually loonspud bullshit that can be harmful, and not (in the case of infections especially) just to people who believe this stuff.

Jazz has a trunkful of lunatic ideas: nothing new there.

There's been a rule around here forever about not making changes to posters' names in an attempt to goad or ridicule them.
I said "harmful", not "dangerous".
And it's "harmful" because it lulls people into thinking that loonspud bullshit somehow has the same validity as information gained through the application of the scientific method.
Truth is, though, that anyone can sit around and theorise in the way so many of jazzz's sources do, but if their theories don't stand up to examination via the scientific method then they're usually loonspud bullshit that can be harmful, and not (in the case of infections especially) just to people who believe this stuff.

I have similar feelings about historical revisionism and dodgy new-think. :p

Ever notice how the sneezing guy looks a whole lot like...



I've always thought he looks more like


Funny coz I always have this image of Dr Cox whenever I read one of these conspiracy f:facepalm:il threads

I think contamination, either accidental or deliberate, with vaccines provides a far more plausible explanation for these species-jumping mutations.

Except that given the nature of mutation (and bearing in mind that a virus generation is so short that mutations through hundreds of thousands of generations can take place in a relatively short amount of human time) contamination is not a necessary concomitant to mutation. Viruses manage to jump species quite easily without any outside assistance, especially (but not exclusively) between mammalian species.
Well... what do you think the consequences of having vaccines contaminated with foreign animal viruses might be, at any stage in the process?

Surely you mean the possible consequences? Assuming that such consequences MUST exist without first checking would be the work of a fool.

We know, in one case, the consequences of accidentally using monkey kidney tissue infected with Simian virus type 40 to culture poliovirus vaccines: After several large studies in the US and Europe we know that although SV40 virus has been found in cancer tumours (the nature of vrii means that many are), that infection with SV40 through polio vaccination does not lead to an increase in risk of cancer (despite what certain "alternative scientists" have claimed but never been able to back up except rhetorically.).
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