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Vaping - Your Positive Experiences and General Annoyances

The ones that smell like refreshers really piss me off. I used them off and on for a few years, then gave up analogue da gs and just vaped for two years then over a year and a half ago quit cold turkey. Now I look down on vapers disapprovingly the same way I look at smokers.

And it's not a vapour and it's definitely not watet it's an aerosol formed of heated glycerols. Lovely.
No nicotine gives me terrible rabbit brain. I can’t concentrate, everything feels sketchy as fuck, irritable, foggy brain. That goes on for more than 24 hours for me, but I’ve never got past 3 days before I caved.

I’ve got a week off for half term soon and only one boy. I’m seriously thinking about giving it a crack.
The great thing about vape is that you can gently lower the dose. Like weltweit, I started high (18mg), and fairly rapidly found that the headshocks got bigger, so cut back to 9, then to 6. Currently moving from 3 to 1.5. I seem to need the "prop" it gives me, but am shortly going to embark on a massive life change which I might also harness into a good reason to drop the vape.

But one of the nicer things about vaping is knowing that I'm not under the pressure to stop I felt myself under when I was smoking - I can gently wave it off over time. And not stinking. Or coughing.
I've had the same unit for two years, Innokkin cool fire 4, very reliable. Just need to remember to replace coils, quite good at that now. Planning on quitting soon. I'm on average 50 puffs a day so hopefully it won't be too hard. I do hate being addicted to nicotine. Started smoking when I was 14. First serious attempt to stop at 30, way before vaping existed. Successful for 9 months. Since then I have become a social smoker, with occasional binges.

I am now 47, I do exercise almost every day and at least short term, vaping affects my aerobic capacity shit loads less than smoking. I want to stop for good though.

I mix unflavoured nicotine with coffee flavouring, so it barely smells, don't like strong smelling vapours!
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I’ve been vaping for just over a year now and fuck me isn’t it more expensive than it ought to be? From mods that fail within a month, coils that last ten minutes yet at least they’re not counterfeit, maintenance programmes and back-up battery plans that’d shame any hospital...
Experiences, good or bad.
I almost feel like fucking it off at times; just seems a money making scam for corrupt cunts.
What says you?

It is a ball-ache. A daily reminder of just how elegant the cigarette & match are as a nicotine & smoke delivery system.

I've been vaping on & off for four or five years. Done grisly basic eGo set ups & 200 watt doofers with home-fiddled coils. I've now settled on an Aspire K4 - it's the Cleito tank on a simple battery stick. Coils cost £3-4, last a week or so with 10-15ml use a day. I get cheap high vg juice from here (though I also get pricier stuff as a treat). Ends up a couple of quid a day once you've spent £40 on the kit. It's the best set up I've used - reliable so far, not fussy, just one button, & absolutely no leaks. I switched from Smok for the same reasons you're stating - fed up with the coils. Couple of posters above have recommended Totally Wicked - I started with them, they're local, & had nothing but problems. (also, TW donated £25k to UKIP, as discussed here)
I've been using one of these...
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for 2 years (well it's an earlier version, the Arc 3). No problems.

Coils last me 2 weeks.

I've been using an earlier version of this (TW Arc 4) for about three years and like it to the extent that I gave up fags two and a half years ago, and don't miss them.

However...I'm really pissed off that I'm onto my third one in about two years as the screw threads on the battery unit give out.
my primary annoyance with vaping was the gear. the amount of complicated shit it always seemed to involve - maintenance, failure, newfangled replacement, getting used to a different liquid when you can't get yours. and mainly running out of battery at key times or having to carry a spare. was a million miles away for the simple routine of pouch/skins/lighter and you can't keep them behind your ear.

it was the faff that finally did for me. i now have lighter bags and emptier pockets :thumbs:
Just because nicotine is a drab, repetitive, pointless, dopamine-itch-scratch-repeat, drug, doesn't mean it's not a recreational drug.

Do you think people take nicotine lozenges for ‘recreational purposes’, or as an aid to combat addiction to smoking?
Do you think people take nicotine lozenges for ‘recreational purposes’, or as an aid to combat addiction to smoking?

I used gum and lozenges at work for a long time because I couldn't (chain) smoke or vape there. And I didn't see it as part of quitting.
Tbh it's a vile industry, selling you fuck knows what chemicals in unsafe incinerators, much like smoking tbh only AFAIK it's different cunts getting rich off people breathing in things they shouldn't and its full effects will only be known in a few years. Unlike smoking which has been known for ages.

You echo Mrs Sas's view on this. (Mine too, unregulated fluids, containing... who knows?)
You know that vape liquids can be tested for composition, right? So it's not as if nobody knows what they contain. And what they do contain are ingredients that have been safely used for decades, including for human consumption (so we do know the effects already). Also if incineration is happening then you'd know about it, it makes it taste like shit and only happens with faulty equipment anyway.

I admire your faith. There is no restriction on the sale of liquids, and there are many people bulk purchasing from China and splitting down for resale.

Unless you take the liquid to a lab and have it analysed, you do not know what is in it.

Frankly, vaping is about as safe as buying pills in a club, in neither case do you know for sure what you are getting.
Tell me how lovely it is being free of nicotine. I need some inspiration mate. I’m sick of being addicted to stuff. I know it’s only nicotine but the last time I didn’t have any addiction at all I was 14 :facepalm: I’d love to be free, and I’m on the cusp. Push me over :D

I smoked for fifty years, and stopped in 17 days. A lung cancer diagnosis has that effect. No patches, just one of these wee inhalator beasties, the kind you put the cartridges in, for the last four days.

I don't miss them, don't miss the nicotine. Do it! Take that final step and stop. :)
I admire your faith. There is no restriction on the sale of liquids, and there are many people bulk purchasing from China and splitting down for resale.

Unless you take the liquid to a lab and have it analysed, you do not know what is in it.

Frankly, vaping is about as safe as buying pills in a club, in neither case do you know for sure what you are getting.

Taking your analogy a bit further, based on the research that has been done on the potential harm of vaping, then if vaping is like buying a pill in a club, then smoking is like finding a bag of smack on the floor and banging it up with a dirty needle. ;)
Go to a doctor, get diagnosed with PVD, arteoreosclerosis (it comes with many names), get told you have only one unblocked artery (out of three) in your leg and the only (temporary) fix runs a risk of a 10% chance of amputation - amputation of YOUR leg, not something you are watching on the TV - and, well, pushed over yet?

I gave up that day. After 30 years of 20 a day.

Good for you. There are idiots who still smoke after a diagnosis like that.
I’ve been vaping for just over a year now and fuck me isn’t it more expensive than it ought to be? From mods that fail within a month, coils that last ten minutes yet at least they’re not counterfeit, maintenance programmes and back-up battery plans that’d shame any hospital...
Experiences, good or bad.
I almost feel like fucking it off at times; just seems a money making scam for corrupt cunts.
What says you?
What are you buying? I've had my mod at least 2 years. I replace the coil once a month, and buy 60ml bottles of liquid for are 2 for £22.50 including nic shots to go in them and last me 6-8 weeks. I probably spend 1/3 to 1/4 the amount of money I did when I properly smoked.
What are you buying? I've had my mod at least 2 years. I replace the coil once a month, and buy 60ml bottles of liquid for are 2 for £22.50 including nic shots to go in them and last me 6-8 weeks. I probably spend 1/3 to 1/4 the amount of money I did when I properly smoked.


The mod is a Snowwolf something something. The batteries load into the bottom and the downward pressure has led to the bottom coming away slightly which means I need to exert pressure on it in order for it to work. Which is exactly the same issue that happened with my last mod of a different brand. :facepalm:

The tank is great - it’s the Horizon Tech Falcon. They do these mesh coils that are great. The trouble is there’s counterfeits about that don’t last as long and make you cough like buggery. So I’ll need to get yet another tank where a) the coils last more than a couple of days and b) I’m not going to get ripped off with counterfeits.
Taking your analogy a bit further, based on the research that has been done on the potential harm of vaping, then if vaping is like buying a pill in a club, then smoking is like finding a bag of smack on the floor and banging it up with a dirty needle. ;)

I wouldn't disagree with that. The demise may not be quite as quick as the 'bag of smack and dirty needle' but is just as certain.
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