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US War veterans against the Iraqi War


Well-Known Member
Any one see the programme last night??? i thought it was very good and a side we don`t often get to see of the U.S. military veterans...
This quote from a U.S. marine was very ponient;;;
" I was in Iraq when Katrina happenend and i watched U.S. citizens being washed ashore in new Orleans". "War is oppression;we could be setting up hospitals right here. America is war-addicted. America is neglecting its poor"
Micheal Blake ( another marine who served in Iraq for 12 months) said " The American media doesn`t cover the war and they don`t care. The American people aren`t seeing the real war-what`s really happening".
He then went on to detail his own killing of a young Iraqi boy after an attack on his unit by insurgents.. "And then i ran over a little kid and killed him". That often after these type of attacks the soldiers shoot at every thing within there sights and to aviod any incriminating nquestions often carry shovels with them which they leave at the site of any killings they commit inorder to suggest that the dead where planting I.E.D.`s..
It reminds me that America sent it's youth into a situation that they were not prepared for and that most will be suffer mental anguish for the rest of their lives due to the horrors that they both saw and did.

:mad: at the US for doing this to their own youth.
cemertyone said:
Any one see the programme last night??? i thought it was very good and a side we don`t often get to see of the U.S. military veterans...
This quote from a U.S. marine was very ponient;;;
" I was in Iraq when Katrina happenend and i watched U.S. citizens being washed ashore in new Orleans". "War is oppression;we could be setting up hospitals right here. America is war-addicted. America is neglecting its poor"
Micheal Blake ( another marine who served in Iraq for 12 months) said " The American media doesn`t cover the war and they don`t care. The American people aren`t seeing the real war-what`s really happening".
He then went on to detail his own killing of a young Iraqi boy after an attack on his unit by insurgents.. "And then i ran over a little kid and killed him". That often after these type of attacks the soldiers shoot at every thing within there sights and to aviod any incriminating nquestions often carry shovels with them which they leave at the site of any killings they commit inorder to suggest that the dead where planting I.E.D.`s..
So did this hysterical fantasy of yours have a name and a producer?
rogue yam said:
So did this hysterical fantasy of yours have a name and a producer?

Which part are you having a problem with?

The fact that they were worried about the tragedy of Katrina and felt frustrated that they were so far away?

The part where the returning soldier recounts some of the horrors of war?

The part where they see the world a little differently after returning home from the horrors of war?

Or is it just that someone said something bad about America?
rogue yam said:
So did this hysterical fantasy of yours have a name and a producer?

Standard programmed response, I see.

If you want to know so bad, why not check out the BBC website and find out for yourself.

Then you can e-mail the link to your right-wing "buddies" and you can all jack yourselves off into a frenzy of self-righteous chickenhawking indignation.
Quite honestly, I would like to see this turned into some sort of organised political movement that can mount a serious challenge to the Dem-Repub axis. The goals of the antiwar and anti-poverty movements are similar if not the same.
snadge said:
Oh, BBC. I heard your own sailors in Iraq were so disgusted by the bias and dishonesty of BBC News that they refused to watch it and demanded (and received) access to alternative sources.

The crew of the HMS Ark Royal, Britain's flagship naval vessel, demanded that the BBC be turned off on the ship because of what they saw as a clear anti-Coalition or "pro-Iraq" bias. One BBC correspondent had been embedded on the ship, but the crew said they had no complaints of his reporting specifically. The sailors on board the ship claimed that the BBC gave more credit to Iraqi reports than information coming from British or Allied sources, often questioning and refusing to believe reports coming from Coalition sources while reporting Iraqi claims of civilian casualties without independent verification. The ship's news feed was replaced with Sky News. Ironically, it later emerged from a study conducted by Professor Justin Lewis of the School of Journalism at Cardiff University that the BBC was the most pro-war of British networks, a finding confirmed in a separate study by the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
nino_savatte said:
Quite honestly, I would like to see this turned into some sort of organised political movement that can mount a serious challenge to the Dem-Repub axis. The goals of the antiwar and anti-poverty movements are similar if not the same.
We already have this. World Can't Wait (i.e. Revolutionary Communist Party), International ANSWER (i.e. Workers World Party), etc. Anybody who rejects capitalism here in the US has plenty of options. Most Americans just aren't that stupid. Sorry.
rogue yam said:
Oh, BBC. I heard your own sailors in Iraq were so disgusted by the bias and dishonesty of BBC News that they refused to watch it and demanded (and received) access to alternative sources.


well I can't believe how idiotic you actually are

from the snippet you quoted

Ironically, it later emerged from a study conducted by Professor Justin Lewis of the School of Journalism at Cardiff University that the BBC was the most pro-war of British networks, a finding confirmed in a separate study by the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

If you're going to put up "facts" to bolster your argument, it's best to make sure that they go along with your POV, not against.

The BBC is renowned the world over for it's news service.
rogue yam said:
Oh, BBC. I heard your own sailors in Iraq were so disgusted by the bias and dishonesty of BBC News that they refused to watch it and demanded (and received) access to alternative sources.


I forget, the BBC's coverage didn't match the flag-waving jingoism of Fox 'News'. :rolleyes:

Wikipedia, huh? :rolleyes:
rogue yam said:
We already have this. World Can't Wait (i.e. Revolutionary Communist Party), International ANSWER (i.e. Workers World Party), etc. Anybody who rejects capitalism here in the US has plenty of options. Most Americans just aren't that stupid. Sorry.

Who is "rejecting" capitalism? Or are you one of those who has trouble understanding the basic fact that there is more than one form of capitalism? What is practised in the west (particularly the US) is a form of capitalism that relies waste and death for its survival. As for the alphabet soup that you've just mentioned in your post, it sayds a great deal more about your idea of 'democracy' than you would dare to admit.

It appear that you are the one who is stupid. :D
snadge said:
If you're going to put up "facts" to bolster your argument, it's best to make sure that they go along with your POV, not against.

The BBC is renowned the world over for it's news service.
It does bolster my argument. The BBC was unacceptably disgraceful, and the others were worse. You're a retard. And by exactly whom is the BBC renowned?
rogue yam said:
Oh, BBC. I heard your own sailors in Iraq were so disgusted by the bias and dishonesty of BBC News that they refused to watch it and demanded (and received) access to alternative sources.


If you read your own source there, it says they (the BBC) were the most pro-war.

RY - sometimes you make some good points, and I'm willing to listen to someone even with such different views to mine. But your constant determination to make every frigging argument black and white 'leftist v rightest' has a really negative impact on discussion on these boards. Which may be your mission, I don't know.
rogue yam said:
It does bolster my argument. The BBC was unacceptably disgraceful, and the others were worse. You're a retard.

Wow, someone else who is a "retard". :rolleyes: I put it to you that the BBC pisses all over your beloved Fox with it's lack of proper coverage (opinion presented as news in other words).
nino_savatte said:
As for the alphabet soup that you've just mentioned in your post, it sayds a great deal more about your idea of 'democracy' than you would dare to admit.
As usual you make no sense.
rogue yam said:
As usual you make no sense.

That's only because you lack the intellectual capacity to actually make sense of anything other than neo con dogma.

If it ain't black and white, you just don't make the effort - do you?
Ae589 said:
If you read your own source there, it says they (the BBC) were the most pro-war.
Most pro-war of the British media studied. That says nothing about whether what they broadcast was leftist crap. Try using logic next time.
rogue yam said:
Most pro-war of the British media studied. That says nothing about whether what they broadcast was leftist crap. Try using logic next time.

Nonsense, you understand nothing of the nature of the media, news gathering and, most importantly, reportage. You've made that quite clear in your diatribe against the BBC.
rogue yam said:
Most pro-war of the British media studied. That says nothing about whether what they broadcast was leftist crap. Try using logic next time.

Why should anyone else when you don't?
rogue yam said:
It does bolster my argument. The BBC was unacceptably disgraceful, and the others were worse. You're a retard. And by exactly whom is the BBC renowned?

The BBC were not "unacceptably disgraceful", they reported "facts", both pro war and anti war, If you prefer news services to jingo up to politicos and report sanitised news that has been passed by politicos, tune in to sky news.

I prefer to get my information from a transparent medium, not one that has a pro or an anti slant, then I can make my own decisions.

BTW the BBC is renowned the world over, it is the most reconisable news service worldwide.
Logically, if yammie supports the war and has no disability preventing it, he should join the US military and show his support in person.

But he has not done so, nor has he explained why he has not joined up.
rogue yam said:
Most pro-war of the British media studied. That says nothing about whether what they broadcast was leftist crap. Try using logic next time.

I am.

Your logic:
BBC most pro-war channel = all british tv leftist crap.

My logic:
BBC most pro-war channel = BBC not anti-war channel.

I'm disappointed that you didn't read he rest of my post, and have just decided to try and offend. I guess you are trying to disrupt discussion.
rogue yam said:
Most pro-war of the British media studied. That says nothing about whether what they broadcast was leftist crap. Try using logic next time.
actually it wasnt just the British media according to this Pilger article:
The second-worst case of denying access to anti-war voices was ABC in the United States, which allowed them a mere 7 per cent of its overall coverage. The worst case was the BBC, which gave just 2 per cent of its coverage to opposition views – views that represented those of the majority of the British people. A separate study by Cardiff University came to the same conclusion. The BBC, it said, had "displayed the most pro-war agenda of any [British] broadcaster."
Bernie Gunther said:
Logically, if yammie supports the war and has no disability preventing it, he should join the US military and show his support in person.

But he has not done so, nor has he explained why he has not joined up.

I don't think they allow retards in the US military, they might dribble over all the expensive hardware.
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