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US election 2012

Republicans just can't stop fucking up with their talk about sex. The latest zinger comes from Senate candidate Tom Smith.

Smith, who is trying to unseat Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, made the remarks after appearing at the monthly Pennsylvania Press Club luncheon.

Smith waded into the territory when asked how he would tell a daughter or granddaughter to keep a child of rape against her will.

The Republican said: "I lived something similar to that with my own family, and she chose life, and I commend her for that. ... Don't get me wrong, it wasn't rape."

Asked to describe what, in that situation, was similar to having a baby from rape, he said: "Having a baby out of wedlock."

When asked whether that was similar to rape, Smith said: " No, no, no, but well put yourself in a father's position. Yes, I mean it is similar."

Pressed again later whether he was saying that having a baby while unmarried is analogous to having a baby from rape, Smith said: "I never said that, I didn't even come close to that," and clarified: "Do I condone rape? Absolutely not . . . But I am prolife period. A life is a life, and it needs to be protected."

You really have to wonder if some of these folks understand the concept of consent. Its almost as if they don't credit a woman with the capacity to make moral/personal choices about who to have sex with or not. I know some of them don't think women have the ability to make political choices based on anything better than the physical attributes of a candidate because I've heard radio hosts say exactly that. That, or they're just terminally stupid.
Just caught a bio segment on CNN about the Romney.

His early years at university he supported the Vietnam war due to his father being part of the war cabinet. He did not go to Vietnam.

Then after he finished University he spent two years preaching about the Morman faith in France, being rejected with his message 'only made me try harder to get the message across'.

The guy is a hard headed, short sighted, easily led individual, the worst type of president.
Yeh, the fact that he's not brown gets him at least a 20 point advantage that has to be overcome by Obama. Then there's the money. Romney has raised more money than Obama for three months running and we arn't even counting the PAC money yet.

I saw a plaster likeness of Kim Kardashian's butt on TMZ today. TMZ really like to focus on the Kardashians. I wonder if Levin and Robert Kardashian used to lock horns back when Levin was still a lawyer.
Just caught a bio segment on CNN about the Romney.

His early years at university he supported the Vietnam war due to his father being part of the war cabinet. He did not go to Vietnam.

Then after he finished University he spent two years preaching about the Morman faith in France, being rejected with his message 'only made me try harder to get the message across'.

The guy is a hard headed, short sighted, easily led individual, the worst type of president.

That's all a bit of a non-sequitur.

And it's 'Mormon'.
Just caught a bio segment on CNN about the Romney.

His early years at university he supported the Vietnam war due to his father being part of the war cabinet. He did not go to Vietnam.

Then after he finished University he spent two years preaching about the Morman faith in France, being rejected with his message 'only made me try harder to get the message across'.

The guy is a hard headed, short sighted, easily led individual, the worst type of president.
He's a chicken hawk. Gung ho for war as long as someone else does the fighting. Also has 5 military age sons, none of whom joined the military.

He's similar to GW Bush in that way. Also like Bush he has no foreign policy core beliefs (or any core beliefs really) except rabid nationalism and aggressiveness. His foreign policy advisers are neocons, most of whom worked for Bush. He's dangerous because he'll do whatever they tell him to.
Tbf at least ryan goes off into the wilderness wearing a high vis vest.
What could possibly go wrong :)?
This is wild - if it had been happening in stalin's russia, mubarack's egypt etc... etc.... etc... -

These miners were told they had to attend Romney rally. They were told they wouldn't be paid and had to make up the time with weekend work and if they didn't attend, a roll call would be taken ....... Listen to the interviewer.
At the time Fox Nation ran the headline “Ohio Miners Turn on Obama,” showing a photo of miners trooping into a Romney rally. Readers dubbed the article “Inspiring" .... Isn't it just

Miners’ mandatory attendance at Romney rally cost them a day’s pay:
He's a chicken hawk. Gung ho for war as long as someone else does the fighting. Also has 5 military age sons, none of whom joined the military.

He's similar to GW Bush in that way. Also like Bush he has no foreign policy core beliefs (or any core beliefs really) except rabid nationalism and aggressiveness. His foreign policy advisers are neocons, most of whom worked for Bush. He's dangerous because he'll do whatever they tell him to.

It is somewhat mad that McCain was - by far - the best Republican Presidential candidate of the past forty years.
Republicans like Trueman,Ike and Bush sr in hindsight look positivity sane and reasonably normal compared to the numbnuts and lunatics currently inhabiting the GOP
The Real Romney

The whole article is amusing but the best bit for me is:

....Some people say he retreated into himself during these years. He had a pet rock, which ran away from home because it was starved of affection. He bought a mood ring, but it remained permanently transparent. His ability to turn wine into water detracted from his popularity at parties.....
Guess Ann Romney was a big hit at the convention. I couldn't stand to watch. She's the ultimate snooty rich bitch. Surprised she didn't bring her dressage horse up on stage.

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