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US election 2012

It's Ryan....
I think it's a bad choice. His budget proposes huge cuts to social programs the middle & below class depends upon. He'll whip up the base but they've got to get the swing voters & this guy doesn't connect with them. And, nobody's heard of this guy except political nerds. Good news for Obama.

Ryan is a long time Representative of Wisconsin, the State that pioneered Workfare which saw people literally disappear from society, he is a barbarian and for all his faults, Obama is miles better

'Graduating from Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville in 1988, Ryan was voted the "Biggest Brown-Noser" by his classmates'

oh and this says it all , typical tory..
We have the best government money can buy. ;)
This article covers a lot more than Romney's election campaign, however this part is relevant to this thread:

...In 2011, Adelson forges an alliance with Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Adelson and his wifecontribute $10 million to Gingrich’s Winning Our Future political action committee. Adelson’s cash enables Gingrich’s campaign to run ads vilifying rival Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital. When Gingrich drops out of the GOP primary race, Adelson begins negotiations with Romney. In June, “a well-placed source in the Adelson camp with direct knowledge of the casino billionaire’s thinking” hints to Forbes‘ Steve Bertoni that Adelson might even be willing to make “limitless” donations to Romney’s campaign in order to prevent Barack Obama’s re-election....
Hannan seems to think the election is in the bag for Romney. All because he picked some neoliberal headbanger as his running mate. he also manages to have a pop at the Attlee government by pretty much repeating the same shite that he told Fox News.

Let me share a British retrospective with American readers. By 1945, we had emptied our Exchequer and exhausted our credit. Sadly, that was the moment that the Attlee government picked to launch a ruinously expensive programme of state expansion. The result was that we went in three decades from being the world’s foremost power to being in such a wretched condition that we sought salvation in Europe.

All that expensive education and he's still as thick as pigshit.
Doc Stanley has this piece.

Ryan hails from a middle-class, Catholic family in Wisconsin. At high school he won both “prom king” and the title “Biggest Brown Noser,” and his father was worried that he would grow up to be a “ski bum.” But Ryan seems to have undergone a conversion to public service and conservatism in his twenties (via Ayn Rand), and he was elected from Wisconsin’s first district in 1998. In his private life this wealthy 42-year old says he enjoys hunting animals with a bow and arrow.

Ayn Rand, eh? Just what America needs right now...

The veep choice hitherto has been between a “game changer” or a “boring white guy.” Romney went for the “boring white guy,” but he also chose a recognisably conservative guy who is popular with the Tea Party – one part Bob Dole and one part Sarah Palin. Therefore, Ryan satisfies two constituencies at once. For independents, he’s a good looking, safe pair of hands with congressional experience. For Tea Party activists, he’s a clever man who looks like he could deliver on their agenda. Paul Ryan was a good pick.

Say goodbye to your chance of getting into the WH, Willard.:D
And in other news there was an outbreak of projectile-vomiting as the dirty digger imparted these pearls of wisdom:

Rupert Murdoch joined conservatives in hailing Mitt Romney's vice-presidential pick Paul Ryan on Sunday as Barack Obama's campaign team cranked up its attacks, branding the Congressman as an extremist, right-wing ideologue.

Murdoch described Ryan, the most right-wing of the candidates on Romney's vice-presidential shortlist, as "almost perfect".


and as per my other post:

Paul Ryan heading to Vegas on Tuesday, will be at Sheldon Adelson's Venetian resort, per Nevada source

to pick up a big fat cheque perhaps?
Yep, Ryan is a Randist headbanger who also likes a bit of Friedman and Hayek - the two economic theorists who possibly did more to destroy lives and ruin economies the world over. I bet his take on Pinochet is one of "He did what he had to do. He saved Chile and presided over their miracle".
You can hear him speaking to The Atlas Society here.

Here's an extract from the transcription

(3: 21) It’s so important that we go back to our roots to look at Ayn Rand’s vision, her writings, to see what our girding, under-grounding [sic] principles are. I always go back to, you know, Francisco d’Anconia’s speech (at Bill Taggart’s wedding) on money when I think about monetary policy. And then I go to the 64-page John Galt speech, you know, on the radio at the end, and go back to a lot of other things that she did, to try and make sure that I can check my premises so that I know that what I’m believing and doing and advancing are square with the key principles of individualism…

Jeez it would be completely laughable were it not for the fact that specimens such as this aspire to get their hands directly on the levers of power.
Jeez it would be completely laughable were it not for the fact that specimens such as this aspire to get their hands directly on the levers of power.

Speaking of things completely laughable:

Mitt Romney said:
"His career ambition was not to go to Washington. That is not what he wanted to do, but he became concerned about what was happening in the country and wanted to get America back on track and so he put aside the plans he had for his career and said I'm going to go and serve, and he's done that and he's put the country and policies to get America right again ahead of ambition"

Wikipedia said:
Ryan was educated at Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio, where he often visited the office of professor Richard Hart to discuss the ideas of economists such as Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, and the writings of Ayn Rand. Hart was a libertarian who introduced Ryan to the National Review, a conservative fortnightly. He also studied at the Washington Semester program at American University, where he played pick-up basketball games with NBC journalist David Gregory. He worked summers as a salesman for Oscar Mayer, even driving the Wienermobile once. During his junior year at Miami University, Ryan worked as an intern in the D.C. offices of Senator Bob Kasten of Wisconsin,a job he landed with Hart's recommendation. While a student, Ryan also did volunteer work for the congressional campaign of John Boehner. He was a member of the Delta Tau Delta social fraternity. Ryan was awarded his B.A. in 1992 with a double major in economics and political science.

Betty Ryan reportedly urged her son to accept a congressional position as a staff economist attached to Kasten's office, which he did after graduating in 1992. In his early years working on Capitol Hill, Ryan supplemented his income by working as a waiter, as a fitness trainer and at various other side jobs.
After Kasten was defeated by Democrat Russ Feingold in 1992, Ryan became a speechwriter for Empower America, a conservative advocacy group founded by Jeane Kirkpatrick and William Bennett. Ryan later worked as a speechwriter for Jack Kemp, the Republican vice presidential candidate in the 1996 United States presidential election, and later worked for U.S. Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas. In 1997 Ryan returned to Wisconsin and worked for his family's business, the Ryan Incorporated Central construction company, as a marketing consultant for a year.

Ryan was first elected to the House in 1998
Ryan is a long time Representative of Wisconsin, the State that pioneered Workfare which saw people literally disappear from society, he is a barbarian and for all his faults, Obama is miles better

'Graduating from Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville in 1988, Ryan was voted the "Biggest Brown-Noser" by his classmates'

oh and this says it all , typical tory..

Also got probably the most punchable smuggest face in the entire world.
When Ryan's not hatching plans to snatch the bread from the mouths of the destitute he likes to unwind by shooting animals.
i wonder what they mean by 'anarchist'? i read recently that the us military has a growing problem with white supremacist activity

Almost certainly not what it really means. Most of the people who write these things have no clue what the words "communism", "socialism", or "anarchist", etc. means. What I find interesting is that there's almost no mention of this in US news. You'd think a plot to kill the president would get some press.
i wonder what they mean by 'anarchist'? i read recently that the us military has a growing problem with white supremacist activity

total guess here, but maybe it's a way of saying "libertarian" without upsetting republicans?
Almost certainly not what it really means. Most of the people who write these things have no clue what the words "communism", "socialism", or "anarchist", etc. means. What I find interesting is that there's almost no mention of this in US news. You'd think a plot to kill the president would get some press.

It'd bring up uncomfortable questions about the right to bear arms, probably. I mean, the idea is that you keep guns so you can prevent tyranny and get rid of the government if you deem it necessary. These guys seem to have deemed it necessary. Awkward.
Romney has a few weaknesses - the Christian Right being a major one - they don't see Romney as Christian. He has proved a bit clueless at Foreign policy - but that isn't necessarily a weakness for American voters - there is also his NHS style scheme when he was a Governor, which is Socialist in American eyes, plus his record as a business man when he outsourced jobs to foreigns - he has a lot to overcome -


He's white, though.
It'd bring up uncomfortable questions about the right to bear arms, probably. I mean, the idea is that you keep guns so you can prevent tyranny and get rid of the government if you deem it necessary. These guys seem to have deemed it necessary. Awkward.

At least we know that none of the Khardashians wore the same dress as someone else today. That would be really awkward.
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